Hi Everyone!,
I want to ask you two questions about 2 things.
1. I was watching a video which was Understanding Modern Snooker by Jack Kernehm, and they showed a clip of a table being installed, the company that made the table was Karnehm and Hillman. Do you know what happened to them? I looked on the internet and I can't find anything.
2. Another question on the Understanding Modern Snooker video, when watching it, Jack showed how to choose a good cue and re-tipping etc, he said his cue was made by Michael Dunham B.A (Batchelor of Arts?), do you know what happend to him or his company (Michael Dunham)?
I hope you know the answers, as I am interested to know them and looking through various posts by people on the forum, there are some people who know a lot.
Please could you (or anyone as i've based this post on one person for some reason) post back and tell me any information that you have.
I look forward from hearing from you all!,
Thank You!
Ahh, Also, If you want to watch the whole video on the internet for free, through the power of the internet, go to www.youtube.com/user/princesagitarious, on this fantastic username (its not me) there are amazing videos of Snooker history.
Once again, Thank You everyone!
I want to ask you two questions about 2 things.
1. I was watching a video which was Understanding Modern Snooker by Jack Kernehm, and they showed a clip of a table being installed, the company that made the table was Karnehm and Hillman. Do you know what happened to them? I looked on the internet and I can't find anything.
2. Another question on the Understanding Modern Snooker video, when watching it, Jack showed how to choose a good cue and re-tipping etc, he said his cue was made by Michael Dunham B.A (Batchelor of Arts?), do you know what happend to him or his company (Michael Dunham)?
I hope you know the answers, as I am interested to know them and looking through various posts by people on the forum, there are some people who know a lot.
Please could you (or anyone as i've based this post on one person for some reason) post back and tell me any information that you have.
I look forward from hearing from you all!,
Thank You!
Ahh, Also, If you want to watch the whole video on the internet for free, through the power of the internet, go to www.youtube.com/user/princesagitarious, on this fantastic username (its not me) there are amazing videos of Snooker history.
Once again, Thank You everyone!
