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This cue making lark ain't easy - my attempts

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  • #76
    Did you type the wrong length Rogi?
    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


    • #77
      Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
      Did you type the wrong length Rogi?
      No, but I thought they did lol


      • #78
        It's very nice ,I love the classic look. Was it for a young un, or a short arse lol.
        This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


        • #79
          Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
          It's very nice ,I love the classic look. Was it for a young un, or a short arse lol.
          I believe it's for their partner


          • #80
            That's realy nice mate a like that darker ash


            • #81
              Originally Posted by Removal man stevie View Post
              That's realy nice mate a like that darker ash
              Cheers bud, I like a more pronounced grain


              • #82
                Dus that mean darker to us non cue makers ? My cue is darker ash


                • #83
                  Hi RogiBear, Congratualtions on your work! You must be a natural judging by those pictures. Will you be making a maple soon???
                  Cheap and Cheerful! 😄


                  • #84
                    Originally Posted by inevermissblue View Post
                    Hi RogiBear, Congratualtions on your work! You must be a natural judging by those pictures. Will you be making a maple soon???
                    Cheers Bud, I would like to try maple at some point but I won't be making any more cues until after xmas


                    • #85
                      Well it has been a little while since I've updated the thread been busy with uni work so haven't had the time to do much.

                      This is the first of my numbered cues -001 and I've made it for myself hence the Amboyna (my favourite) and it's also my first 3/4 cue (split at 16"). Just bought a lovely oxblood leather cheddar classics case for it to live in.

                      I have to admit I can't take credit for all the work as Andy Travis helped me out with the jointing and Jim Evans turned an oversize butt blank for me as I'm still without a lathe. Everything else though was done by me, ie shaft, splice-work and finish.

                      The ebony splices are highlighted with thin red veneers, and the Amboyna with curly maple and red veneer. Also the shaft splices were made a little longer so my chin would rest on the smoother ebony 24"to top of splices.

                      Length: 57 3/4"
                      Tip: 9.5mm
                      Butt: 30mm
                      Balance point:17 3/4"

                      Pics below:
                      Last edited by RogiBear; 24 April 2014, 04:02 PM. Reason: forgot


                      • #86
                        Looks very good. Nice work a new part-time job looming perhaps?


                        • #87
                          Very nice Rogi. Never seen that hint of colour above the fingers before, it's nice.
                          This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                          • #88
                            Originally Posted by justf View Post
                            Looks very good. Nice work a new part-time job looming perhaps?
                            Don't know about that, just something I enjoy doing atm

                            Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                            Very nice Rogi. Never seen that hint of colour above the fingers before, it's nice.
                            I wanted something a little different, probably not to everyones taste but I like it


                            • #89
                              This cue making lark ain't easy - my attempts

                              Good work mate - That shaft looks like a cracker, just how I like them. How does it play?
                              On Cue Facebook Page
                              Stuart Graham Coaching Website - On a break until March 2015
                              Ton Praram Cues UK Price List


                              • #90
                                Originally Posted by Stupree View Post
                                Good work mate - That shaft looks like a cracker, just how I like them. How does it play?
                                Cheers, not sure yet, literally finished it today. I also won't know for a few weeks, our league hasn't finished yet (two matches to go) and we have a chance to win it so don't want to use a different cue yet. I also have my exams starting next week for four weeks so no time to practice. Gutted is an understatement

