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Just practising with table layout

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  • Just practising with table layout

    Bear with me. Just practising tables...

    15Mr A
    15 (inc. hb)Mrs B, Mr C
    14Mrs D
    13Mr E
    12Mrs F
    11Mr G
    10Mrs H
    9Mr I
    8Mrs J
    7Mr K

    So why does it work for Curtis and not for me?

  • #2
    HTML code is disabled in some forum sections and not others. It seems to be off in the Prediction, Quiz and Lounge sections, why that is you'd have to ask Curtis.

    You can tell what features are enabled at the bottom of the page in the 'posting rules' box.


    • #3
      Ah right, I see!


      • #4
        It is set to use html now - I see the table rendered perfectly!


        • #5
          Blimey, that was quick. Thanks Curtis.

          Points Name
          15 Mr A
          15 (inc. hb)Mrs B, Mr C
          14 Mrs D
          13 Mr E
          12 Mrs F
          11 Mr G
          10 Mrs H
          9 Mr I
          8 Mrs J
          7 Mr K

          Hmm. That was my effort to make it a bit clearer behind the scenes. It didn't work


          • #6
            So can I put a return in one of the cells?

            15Mr A
            15 (inc. hb)Mrs B
            Mr C
            14Mrs D
            13Mr E
            12Mrs F
            11Mr G
            10Mrs H
            9Mr I
            8Mrs J
            7Mr K

            Oh goodie!


            • #7
              Robert, you need to put all of the html on one line - everytime you hit return - you still create a new line, even though you are in html. Kind of weird, but I guess there is a reason for it...


              • #8
                Keep in mind you can basically build a web page inside a post using html.

                Award RatingPointsName
                15Mr A
                15 (inc. hb)Mrs B
                Mr C
                14Mrs D
                13Mr E
                 12Mrs F
                 11Mr G
                 10Mrs H
                 9Mr I
                 8Mrs J
                 7Mr K


                • #9
                  I've just tried a bit of simple CSS and apparently that works too. I'd try some javascript but I can't remember any . I'm sure all this will come in handy at some point .

                  Presumably it's safe in that it's impossible to affect the area outside your own post.

                  The weird thing about the new lines is that when I first added them through quick edit and applied it, the lines were inside the table and it was all stretched out, which made sense. When I refreshed the page the line breaks had all shifted to the area above my table, which is odd. Perhaps the quick edit instant apply thing does things a bit differently.

                  Anyway, I'll remember to keep it to one line in future.


                  • #10
                    I just knew Statman would like that feature, having read the previous thread (Curtis giving out color titles)....
                    The time of smiley snooker tables is over, is it? The sky is the limit...

                    I would really also like to comment the management of this board (Curtis), I see new features popping up (and working) everyday

