A good mate of mine's lad (age 8) fancied giving pool a go, so me, him and the lad took a trip to Shandon Snooker and Pool Club in Edinburgh this morning. First time I've been there, but what a cracking club! Best tables I've played on in years, they obviously take very good care in there. I was massivley impressed by the setup.
Anyway, tried my best to give the lad the basics without being to complicated. He did pretty well and we kept it pretty fun with some games between the three of us, and managed to set him up on the black for a winning pot in the last game (which he got and was over the moon about
Just wondering if anyone has any tips on teahing youngsters? He's keen to go again and I'm sure he wants to properly take it up as a hobby a few sessions with an actual coach could be arranged, but in the meantime is there anything we should think about showing him first?
Anyway, tried my best to give the lad the basics without being to complicated. He did pretty well and we kept it pretty fun with some games between the three of us, and managed to set him up on the black for a winning pot in the last game (which he got and was over the moon about

Just wondering if anyone has any tips on teahing youngsters? He's keen to go again and I'm sure he wants to properly take it up as a hobby a few sessions with an actual coach could be arranged, but in the meantime is there anything we should think about showing him first?