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World Rules - Have I missed anything...

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  • World Rules - Have I missed anything...

    Hi all, are there any world rules players on the forum. I'm learning it this season, and have put together a summary of how I have interpreted the rules. Ignoring the break off which I have sussed and the key change that at least 1 ball must hit a cushion after every shot, I've put together this summary regarding common fouls.

    Could someone check it please for any obvious mistakes. Or possible situations that I might have missed. Any advice on tactics would be useful as well! :snooker:
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  • #2
    Originally Posted by dantuck_7 View Post
    Hi all, are there any world rules players on the forum. I'm learning it this season, and have put together a summary of how I have interpreted the rules. Ignoring the break off which I have sussed and the key change that at least 1 ball must hit a cushion after every shot, I've put together this summary regarding common fouls.

    Could someone check it please for any obvious mistakes. Or possible situations that I might have missed. Any advice on tactics would be useful as well! :snooker:
    I play world rules pool in my league.

    People say that it's less tactical, but I don't really agree with that assessment. It's a different kind of tactical that's all. I don't really understand your diagrams but from what I gather, you've got it right.

    Here are some answers to common rule questions that I have to answer every single week when reffing. lol

    If you break and the cue ball leaves the table, it is two shots.

    If you break and both colours go down, you are whatever colour you nominate whether you pot it or not!

    There is no such thing as a push shot, it can't be proved in pool. Good ettiquete dictates you play it in such a way that your not playing a push shot, but there is no such thing really. If it's not touching ball, then you're fine to play any shot.

    As you say, any ball has to hit the cush after contact between the cue ball and object ball.

    You are "totally snookered" if you(or your opponent) play a legal shot and then can't see any edge of your next colour ball. If you call "Total!" and hit your ball, then on this occasion, no ball need hit the cush after contact between cue ball and object ball.

    If your oponent plays a foul shot and leaves you in such a position that you cannot see BOTH SIDES of any of your balls, then you are "Totaly Foul Snookered" and as such you have several options open to you. please see your rules! (Such as picking the white up or playing a free ball). Whats important to remember is:

    If you pick the white up, either for a re rack or in the above situation, then you still get two shots.

    These are some common misconceptions from my matchday experiences.

    Any more specifics I'll be more then happy to help with! To hard to write it all out here!
    Steve Davis Technical Articles =


    • #3
      i've been playing league pool for 8 years now using world rules. the biggest point of contention seems to be the foul snooker rule where, providing you cannot hit BOTH sides of ANY of your balls after your opponent fouls you can either nominate to play their ball or place the cueball behind the line.

      in terms of tactics, if you cant clear up make sure your opponant cant either. delibrate fouls are ok so use them when you can but bare in mind its two visits not two shots so its easier for your opponent to capitilise on a foul.

      i honestly believe ive become a better player since playing world rules and its actually more tactical if anything.
      Fantasy Game Overall Winner 09/10 - World Championship 2009 Fantasy Game Winner - Seasonlong Prediction Contest Overall Winner 09/10 - Seasonlong Prediction Contest Runner-Up 08/09 - UK Championship 2010 Prediction Contest Winner - Rileys @ Chorlton Pool Team Merit Winner 07/08, 09/10:snooker:


      • #4
        Ye 2 shots "carry" , so like you said , if you're going to play a deliberate foul make sure you don't leave your opponent a pot on his first shot if possible.

        The rule following the break is, if you pot a single colour/s you can then nominate that colour and stick to it. Or you can nominate the other colour but you MUST pot one of that colour to be on it. If you pot one of each you can nominate either and be on that colour. If nothing potted, no nomination required it's just the first colour you pot, and you can use one colour to pot the other.

        If I can be picky, no such term as "totally foul snookered" it's just "foul snooker" and is similar to the free ball rule in snooker.

        Other rules have been covered, worth mentioning that nothing needs to hit a cush if you pot a ball just to save confusion.

        The situations I hate in WR are when balls are covering the pockets, and a player is forced into playing deliberate fouls or playing into open spaces etc. Blackball rules are much better, simply because you always have a chance of clearing the table using combination shots. IMO pool should be played this way, and not tied up like in WR.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Giggity1984 View Post
          I play world rules pool in my league.

          There is no such thing as a push shot, it can't be proved in pool. Good ettiquete dictates you play it in such a way that your not playing a push shot, but there is no such thing really. If it's not touching ball, then you're fine to play any shot.
          I'm not sure I agree 100% with this.
          In principle this is right and hit it normally fine but I think you are on dodgy ground if you slowly obviously push both balls.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by Watford View Post
            I'm not sure I agree 100% with this.
            In principle this is right and hit it normally fine but I think you are on dodgy ground if you slowly obviously push both balls.
            I quite agree and don't advocate it, but, it's not provable, so you can legally play it. Had a massive argument about it with one ref in my league as I felt my opponent had played a push shot against me, but unfortunately the rules backed him up so I had to accept it. So, now, I play em if I have to and before I'm about to play it, I let the ref and my opponent know that I'm going to, so everyone's clear whats going on! lol.
            Steve Davis Technical Articles =


            • #7
              Originally Posted by Mr O View Post
              The situations I hate in WR are when balls are covering the pockets, and a player is forced into playing deliberate fouls or playing into open spaces etc. Blackball rules are much better, simply because you always have a chance of clearing the table using combination shots. IMO pool should be played this way, and not tied up like in WR.
              Not sure I agree with this either.
              I am a world rules fan; idiots used to be able to win games by rolling up to balls and making games go on for hours.
              I've only played world and old epa rules in comp and the world rules are a big improvement when you get it. More attacking and you need tactical knowledge to win out in tight situations (ball covering pockets deliberate fouls etc)
              I love all the deliberate fouls pushing balls onto balls etc. Some do struggle with it though.

              On the other hand I would play Blackball if we could just all agree to play the same rules. All the BAPTO, federation and World rules never helped the sport.
              Mostly seems to have been the Welsh and Scots who wouldn't play World rules. Blackball is a bit of a compromise.
              Sorry am I going off topic


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Giggity1984 View Post
                I quite agree and don't advocate it, but, it's not provable, so you can legally play it. Had a massive argument about it with one ref in my league as I felt my opponent had played a push shot against me, but unfortunately the rules backed him up so I had to accept it. So, now, I play em if I have to and before I'm about to play it, I let the ref and my opponent know that I'm going to, so everyone's clear whats going on! lol.
                Just lifted this from EPA site:
                O. Push Shots and Double Hits
                1. Definitions: Most shots commonly known as "Push Shots" in the game of "Snooker" are allowed in the game of Eight - Ball Pool. Generally, any shot played with speed will not be deemed to be a Push Shot regardless of the fact that the cue tip may have come into contact with the Cue Ball more than once.
                2. Exceptions that are Standard Fouls:-
                1. When, during the playing of a shot, the tip of the cue strikes the Cue Ball twice and the referee is able to actually see each contact.
                2. When, during the playing of a shot, a player plays the cue so slowly through the Cue Ball that the cue tip remains in contact with the Cue Ball so as to be visibly pushing it along.
                3. When the Cue Ball is played into a touching Object Ball. {See (S) Touching Balls}

                I have had big arguments with this too.
                I end up hitting down on them too hard most of the time
                Need looking at again this rule I think


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Watford View Post
                  I am a world rules fan; idiots used to be able to win games by rolling up to balls and making games go on for hours.
                  I fully agree with this. If you get "rolled up" on and snookered in World Rules, at least its fairly skilled. The old rules allowed people to win games they shouldn't have, simply by rolling to a ball.

                  With regard to pocket holding in World Rules, it's usually best to clear the held pocket by potting your opponents offending ball that is holding you there as early as possible. The longer your held, and the less balls on the table the worse it is for you! Simples.
                  Steve Davis Technical Articles =


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Watford View Post
                    so slowly through the Cue Ball
                    Hmmmm, yes I've seen that section before! lol

                    Like you say, play it hard and cue down on it, but in reality, it's the bit above that cause a fair few fallouts as it's not really provable! If the ref says it was fine, then there's nothing you can do!

                    Bet your bottom dollar that if it's a ref whose not impartial, he'll see it if you do it, but will plead ignorance when it's his player!
                    Steve Davis Technical Articles =


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Giggity1984 View Post
                      Bet your bottom dollar that if it's a ref whose not impartial, he'll see it if you do it, but will plead ignorance when it's his player!
                      I'm one of those daft ones who calls things like this against my own team and gets into massive arguments with them
                      Good job I'm captain.


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Giggity1984 View Post
                        If your oponent plays a foul shot and leaves you in such a position that you cannot see BOTH SIDES of any of your balls, then you are "Totaly Foul Snookered" and as such you have several options open to you. please see your rules! (Such as picking the white up or playing a free ball). Whats important to remember is:
                        Thanks for the replies.. I didn't know about the above rule, so that will help! My plan as I'm cluless with the tactics (only played about 10 frames so far) is just to pot anything thats on!

                        Originally Posted by Mr O View Post

                        The rule following the break is, if you pot a single colour/s you can then nominate that colour and stick to it. Or you can nominate the other colour but you MUST pot one of that colour to be on it. If you pot one of each you can nominate either and be on that colour. If nothing potted, no nomination required it's just the first colour you pot, and you can use one colour to pot the other.
                        We actually play a wierd mix of EPA and world-rules on one of our league nights, it's pretty much EPA but with the world rules break rules thrown in. Had it last week where one of our players broke off, got a red down, nominated reds, went for a snooker (back into EPA mode) but the white rolled off missing the red. I would have thought this would then have been an open table. But as is mentionned above if you nominate red after getting one you're then reds permenantly.

                        Bloody anyoning having 3 sets of rules on the go!


                        • #13
                          Ye I agree sounds like a proper farce if you don't mind me saying. There's no doubt that Blackball rules are the best. Forget the "rolling up behind balls" comments, you can't do that in BB rules either. They evolved from the Bapto/eukpf ruleset and were a massive improvement.
                          Thye rule that lets WR down is no combination shots. This gives rise to all the miserable copout DFs and stalemate situations.
                          However the WR organisation is much better, and there are far more comps etc and loads of good players


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Mr O View Post
                            This gives rise to all the miserable copout DFs and stalemate situations.
                            No such thing as a stalemate in WR as after three DF's in a row it's a re-rack.
                            Steve Davis Technical Articles =


                            • #15
                              No stalemates unless you count both player doing three fouls in a row then ref can suggest a re-rack.
                              I know the Blackball rules not sure about the potting your own ball and an opponents ball bit but I'd just like us all to play the same bloody rules. Loads of leagues still play old EPA it's mad.

                              Just going for them is fine at world rules if you are good enough.
                              I have two players on my team great potters (snooker players really) but they get lost sometimes. Taking on daft finishes when they could push the black onto their ball over the pocket etc.
                              If new to WR you need to understand (particularly for the end of frames when tight):
                              The foul snooker rule
                              When to push an opponents ball onto your ball over a pocket
                              When to pot an opponents ball blocking a pocket and when not to
                              Sorry this is going on a bit........
                              We should do more pool threads for specific problems that crop up.

                              Forget it; just get em dished up that what the good'ens do

