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Break shot English 8 Balls

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  • Break shot English 8 Balls

    2 questions regarding the break in 8 ball:

    1) Do any balls have to pass the middle of the table under World Rules or is it 4 blass hitting a cussion and do potted balls count for the figure?

    2)if black goes in off break is it a re rack or does the breaker lose the frame?

    (Quick edit) what is the rule regarding combo shots?

    Thanks in advance

    Last edited by Clarkey3262; 16 December 2009, 12:07 AM. Reason: Question added

  • #2
    1) Do any balls have to pass the middle of the table under World Rules or is it 4 blass hitting a cussion and do potted balls count for the figure?

    No, only 4 balls need to hit the cushion. Balls potted do count as the figure yes. So if 3 hit the cushion and 1 pots then its a legal break and you would have to nominate the next ball played.

    2)if black goes in off break is it a re rack or does the breaker lose the frame?

    If the black goes down then it is a simple re-rack.

    (Quick edit) what is the rule regarding combo shots?

    What do you mean by combo shots? Cannons? or glancing off a red lets say and onto another 2 pot both balls?
    sigpic <---New Website
    Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


    • #3
      In regards to the break i thought that if a ball goes in, off the break then that automatically makes the break legal regardless of how many balls hit the cushion


      • #4
        Originally Posted by totlxtc View Post
        (Quick edit) what is the rule regarding combo shots?

        What do you mean by combo shots? Cannons? or glancing off a red lets say and onto another 2 pot both balls?
        No, say player a is on reds and takes their turn, leaves 1 red over pocket, slightest touch would send it in, player b then goes to table and takes a shot, pockets a yellow but the red goes in not via being hit but due to table moving slightly (turst me, where I play this is a major problem), happened tonight and was told combo shot and perfectly legal under new torunement rules.

        -but the examples you gave,are they all legal, had a pedantic bugger against me tonight and used all kinds of tricks to try and win.

        Just to clarify, this is under New EPA rules (world rules).



        • #5
          That combo shot you've described sounds like a right farce. So if an opponent's ball is over a pocket you can deliberately ram the table with your hip on the way round to try and drop the problem ball ?
          If the table was solid you wouldn't get that problem as much. Is the table a supreme prince ?


          • #6
            all balls replaced and shot played again i had same situation at yarmouth:-



            • #7
              Right, i know what you mean. I had the same situation. I'll go into it.

              The away team were on black, we had 2 yellows left. They had played the black and it was literally hanging on the pocket. Our player then went to play and potted a yellow into the opposite corner pocket. As he walked around for his next shot the black dropped. Now he was no where near the table as he was walking round. The away team presumed they had won. This is incorrect. In a situation like this then the black is simply replaced back to the position to where it dropped. But! Had our player been taking a shot, or the balls were in motion and the black went down then this they would of won. So if your player was playing or balls were in motion, then its a foul. If the balls had stopped then the red ball should of been replaced.

              But frankly if the table was so bad and was wobbling you are within your rights to not even play. I turned up to a table once that if you played the cueball to the opposite corner pocket you could hit the middle of the bottom cushion....worst set table ever!
              sigpic <---New Website
              Dan Shelton Cues on Facebook


              • #8
                Originally Posted by Mr O View Post
                That combo shot you've described sounds like a right farce. So if an opponent's ball is over a pocket you can deliberately ram the table with your hip on the way round to try and drop the problem ball ?
                If the table was solid you wouldn't get that problem as much. Is the table a supreme prince ?
                Goodness knows, I don't often play pool, only the second time in about 6-7 months last night, just wanted clarification regarding these rules for future reference, especially the break, they guy who told us about the break rules (i.e 2 past the middle of the table) was adiment that it was world rules but I was sure it wasn't but he had his mate confirm his, now I know ta

                Has there been any cersion of rules that allow the combo shot I described, if there isn't it gives me free reign to tell people how stupid they are

                They table isn't that bad, just it does wobble a bit and is not perfectly straight, so maybe avoiding it should be the way to go in future.

                If your opponent commits a foul, you next visit is 2 shots in most cases or is it 2 visits i.e you pot a ball with first shot, miss second, do you stay at the table for a 3rd shot or is that end of visit, was told that if you pot a ball on the first shot you lose your free ball which makes sod all sense to me.
                Last edited by Clarkey3262; 16 December 2009, 03:03 PM. Reason: Added question


                • #9
                  No rules ever existed to allow shoving the table to pot a ball.. if deliberate that's against the spirit of the game and loss of frame if I'm reffing!.

                  Combo shots, sound like the fabled blackball skillshot, maybe he was playing those rules.

                  Re the first visit doesnt carry nonsense.. last seen played in a local village called Wyke, or any place with drunken rugby players you wouldn't argue with... for some reason known as Scottish rules around here, although I've no idea if these scottish rules actually exist or its just a term for rules made up on the spot.
                  Last edited by perpetualboredom; 16 December 2009, 05:44 PM.
                  Old cue collector --
                  Cue Sales:
                  (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
                    No rules ever existed to allow shoving the table to pot a ball.. if deliberate that's against the spirit of the game and loss of frame if I'm reffing!.

                    Combo shots, sound like the fabled blackball skillshot, maybe he was playing those rules.

                    Re the first visit doesnt carry nonsense.. last seen played in a local village called Wyke, or any place with drunken rugby players you wouldn't argue with... for some reason known as Scottish rules around here, although I've no idea if these scottish rules actually exist or its just a term for rules made up on the spot.
                    So the rules I was told were tournement worls rules are basically made up.

                    My opponent fouls, I get 2 shots, pot ball with first shot and I still have 2 shots to go? If so excelent

                    As for shoving the table I didn't mean in the diliberate sense, we only noticed that it had dropped after the shot was complete.



                    • #11
                      yes its 2 shots carry after a foul except when thw white goes in-off on the break. If the white flies off the table it's 2 carry though.

                      Personally, I think 2 shots carry is too much punishment if you get an unlucky in-off etc. So easy to clear the table with 2 carry when the balls are pottable


                      • #12
                        Not for everyone lol. Glad i have all this sorted now, next time I play pool I will stick to my guns over the rules, unless we are not playing world rules




                        • #13
                          Combination Shots we're in the UK 8 Ball rules years ago Rule 4. J.

                          But the situation was different, it was for instance.. if you played your own ball (red) and potted it and within the same shot potted a yellow, that would be ok..

                          " A player may legally pocket one or more of their opponents object balls providing the cue ball strikes one of their own group first and providing that one or more of their own group are pocketed on the same shot."

                          However... this is NOT World Rules


                          • #14
                            hi there

                            just to let you know that i am fully qualified world rules referee Grade 'C'. if there are any queries you or anybody has regarding world rules please do not hesitate to contact me.

                            to answer some questions

                            Clarkey3262. to achieve a legal break, EITHER 4 different object balls (not including cue ball) have to strike cushions OR an object ball is potted. if not achieved then the balls are reracked and the opponent braks with two visits. if the cue ball is potted on a legal break, the opponent has one visit, ball in hand in baulk and "open Table".

                            if the balck ball is potted - rerack with the same player breaking.

                            combo shots that you are talking about sound like the skill shot in another set of pool rules


                            adrian criddle
                            Always looking to improve.


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Clarkey3262 View Post
                              No, say player a is on reds and takes their turn, leaves 1 red over pocket, slightest touch would send it in, player b then goes to table and takes a shot, pockets a yellow but the red goes in not via being hit but due to table moving slightly (turst me, where I play this is a major problem), happened tonight and was told combo shot and perfectly legal under new torunement rules.

                              -but the examples you gave,are they all legal, had a pedantic bugger against me tonight and used all kinds of tricks to try and win.

                              Just to clarify, this is under New EPA rules (world rules).


                              from this i would apply the rule balls falling without being hit.

                              the rules says that ANY ball falling without being hit will be replaced to their original position and the player in control with carry on without penalty.

                              however if the balls falls during a shot then all balls moved have to be replaced to their original position and the original player carries on no penalty.

                              hope this helps

                              Always looking to improve.

