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Blackball on Eurosport

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  • Blackball on Eurosport

    Hi all,

    Did anyone happen to record the Blackball tournament on Eurosport this weekend? If so, would they be kind enough to supply me a copy? I managed to miss every second of it!

    Many thanks

  • #2
    Interested as well, also bit off-topic when is the Mosconi Cup?


    • #3
      Originally Posted by visionaire View Post
      Hi all,

      Did anyone happen to record the Blackball tournament on Eurosport this weekend? If so, would they be kind enough to supply me a copy? I managed to miss every second of it!

      Many thanks
      Yes me too. I'm from South Africa and we had Sandile Madlala from South Africa in mens semi final. If anyone has it I would also somehow love to get a copy of it. Or someone could upload it to YouTube if possible. I would really appreciate it!


      • #4
        Found this link. The final I believe:


        • #5
          Originally Posted by ace man View Post
          Found this link. The final I believe:

          It is, however I'm looking for the Eurosport coverage


          • #6
            As a snooker player who goes out on a Thursday night to play local league pool with some out of date rules (and makes the point of downing more drinks than frames played!) just a few questions:

            1. Who is the guy that won? I like his play/style...
            2. Are these World Rules?
            3. It seems that it didn't matter if you potted an opponents ball as long as you potted one of your own? Is this correct?
            Highest Break
            Practice: 136 (2005)
            Match: 134 (2006)
            In 2011: 94
            Centuries made: 50+


            • #7

              1. Jayson Shaw. Pool player from Glasgow, think he's around 22. Mainly plays 9 ball as far as I know.

              2. Not sure.

              3. Yep.

              Thanks for the link ace man!


              • #8
                Originally Posted by thinsy View Post
                As a snooker player who goes out on a Thursday night to play local league pool with some out of date rules (and makes the point of downing more drinks than frames played!) just a few questions:

                1. Who is the guy that won? I like his play/style...
                2. Are these World Rules?
                3. It seems that it didn't matter if you potted an opponents ball as long as you potted one of your own? Is this correct?
                They are Blackball rules. Different to World Rules.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Saadiqah View Post
                  They are Blackball rules. Different to World Rules.
                  Not sure if I should ask what they are..... World Rules manage to confuse me!!!! lol
                  Highest Break
                  Practice: 136 (2005)
                  Match: 134 (2006)
                  In 2011: 94
                  Centuries made: 50+


                  • #10
                    Can anyone explain the main differences between Blackball and UK 8-ball pool?
           - latest news with Maximum Snooker


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by Gargon View Post
                      Can anyone explain the main differences between Blackball and UK 8-ball pool?
                      They're basically the same thing, just a different name.

                      8 ball pool in the UK is basically played using either World Rules or Blackball rules.......some leagues still play using BAPTO rules I believe, which are slightly different again.

                      A lot of WR and Blackball rules are exactly the same, so most people find it easy to cross over. However, there are some major are a few that spring to mind.

                      A legal break is defined differently in both. A foul in WR results in two shots carried, with no free Blackball you get a shot and a vist (ie one free shot and one visit - the first shot doesn't carry). In WR you can have something called a foul snooker, which can result in a free ball but in Blackball you have a free ball after any foul anyway. In WR there are no skill shots (ie potting an opponents ball and your ball in the same shot, providing you hit your own ball first) Blackball there are.

                      I'm not going to mention the deliberate foul rule because you CAN do this in Blackball as well. We had major discussions and arguments about this in my league, so we had to seek advice from the UK Blackball people - they said that it was a legal shot, resulting in a normal foul rather than a loss of frame foul. It all centres on the requirements to fulfil a legal shot, which negate the fact that otherwise a deliberate foul would be a loss of frame foul. It's now known as a 'tactical foul'........


                      • #12
                        Nobody with a recording of this?


                        • #13
                          Anyone have this years Mosconi Cup?


                          • #14
                            If anyone is interested in the final match of the Mosconi Cup:



                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by carmencita View Post
                              If anyone is interested in the final match of the Mosconi Cup:

                              Thanks for that.

                              The fast and the furious,
                              The slow and labourious,
                              All of us, glorious parts of the whole!

