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Your Pubs Rules

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  • Your Pubs Rules

    I have played Pool in many a pub each has different rules like some allow jumps some dont some use the rail rule some dont some use the handling of the white, bank the black etc etc

    what are your locals rules
    Goddess Of All Things Cue Sports And Winner Of The 2012 German Masters and World Open Fantasy Games and the overall 2011-12 Fantasy Game

  • #2
    Originally Posted by LittleMissAlexa View Post
    I have played Pool in many a pub each has different rules like some allow jumps some dont some use the rail rule some dont some use the handling of the white, bank the black etc etc

    what are your locals rules
    We play "World Rules" which I think is what you call here "the rail rule" where if nothing is potted a ball must hit the rail. We play in a local league and onto interleague competitions.
    Up the TSF! :snooker:


    • #3
      We play different rules on a wednesday to those on a thursday in the league and then on weekends in our place, its wednesday rules

      Neither of them are world rules yet the singles league is.

      When me and mates go away on weekend benders (not pool weekends, just general drinking weekends), its standard to ask what rules as each pub / place in the country seem to do something different.

      I think there has been so many different rules over the years, different places just do different rules.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by jaffa.johnson View Post
        We play different rules on a wednesday to those on a thursday in the league and then on weekends in our place, its wednesday rules

        Neither of them are world rules yet the singles league is.

        When me and mates go away on weekend benders (not pool weekends, just general drinking weekends), its standard to ask what rules as each pub / place in the country seem to do something different.

        I think there has been so many different rules over the years, different places just do different rules.
        There are different rules all over the UK, but mostly 2 commons sets...

        They are World Rules that has emerged since the formation of the EPA English Pool Association. They organise the Interleague, Team and Team of 3 competitions that have the finals held at The Vauxhall Holiday Park in Great Yarmouth. These rules are supposedly attacking, although there is a certain amount of tactics with you being able to pot your opponents ball with little or no penalty - there's no free table after a foul, just 2 shots and an experienced World Rules player can gain a significant advantage from deliberatly fouling... Never right in my opinion, but lots of teams and players seem to like these rules. As above, you can't play roll up snookers with first having hit a cushion.

        The other 'camp' if you like, is BAPTO -British Association of Pool Table Operators rules or now seem to be known as Blackball rules. Basically it's 2 shots and a free table after any foul. Some leagues allow the white to be 'ball in hand' and played from the 'D' or behind the baulk line as well (or from where the balls stop after the foul). I've played these rules for over 25 years and know our variation of them inside out. They can be tactical as if you cannot clear up, then covering a pocket and/or a good snooker is the way to eak out an advantage and coupled with the free table, plus the ball in hand rule, generally a clearance is possible after gaining 2 shots.

        They are still widely played throughout the UK.

        As you've said, it's courteous to ask the locals what their rules are when you're away from home. We do that and generally find a pub that doesn't play World Rules...


        • #5

          i play in the Hastings Tuesday Night Pool League and we use Old English Pool Association rules. Seems to be the fairest and most commonly used around the pub/club circuit.


          • #6
            The rules we play:
            If you don't pot no rail has to be touched.
            When a foul is committed you can pick the cue ball up and play it from anywhere behind the line at the top of the table.
            When you have two shots you may hit any ball on the table. You may also pot any ball on the table other than the black or the white. if you pot the opponents ball on the two shots, you still have two shots. If you pot the black it causes loss of frame and if you pot white it gives the opponent two shots.
            If you pot the black of the break it is a re-rack.

            The rest of the rules are just normal i.e fouls. :snooker:
            "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.


            • #7
              I found this a while back and it shows clearly the differences between various rules and "pub" rules
              Many of these varients take me back many years
              Up the TSF! :snooker:


              • #8
                We have World rules and Pub rules in our town. The Pub rules isn't affiliated with any outside association though. We've slowly found they are adapting more and more of our rules(for the better). One crazy rule they still have though is if it's a foul snooker and you nominate and apposition's ball then you MUST hit THAT ball nominated or its a foul. i WILL SOON TRAIN THEM......


                • #9
                  Pub rules is all fouls Two shouts(including break and Black) and includes foul snookers. World rules is a Givin,,,,,,


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by TheRowdyOne View Post
                    One crazy rule they still have though is if it's a foul snooker and you nominate and apposition's ball then you MUST hit THAT ball nominated or its a foul. i WILL SOON TRAIN THEM......
                    In the World Rules we play in the league and interleague, if you do have a foul snooker, and if you are going to hit an opponent's ball or the black, you must nominate the ball you are going to hit first. I don't think this is actually written in the rules but this is the interpretation the interleague and league have cast-down from above. And yes if you miss the nominated ball, it is a foul, but you can change your mind and nomination or cancel the nomination (i.e you are going to try for your own ball) BEFORE the shot is taken
                    Some players even think that you must also state you expect to happen after the nominated ball is hit, i.e. "that ball there will go into that pocket..." but that is has not been clarified yet.
                    Up the TSF! :snooker:


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
                      In the World Rules we play in the league and interleague, if you do have a foul snooker, and if you are going to hit an opponent's ball or the black, you must nominate the ball you are going to hit first. I don't think this is actually written in the rules but this is the interpretation the interleague and league have cast-down from above. And yes if you miss the nominated ball, it is a foul, but you can change your mind and nomination or cancel the nomination (i.e you are going to try for your own ball) BEFORE the shot is taken
                      Some players even think that you must also state you expect to happen after the nominated ball is hit, i.e. "that ball there will go into that pocket..." but that is has not been clarified yet.
                      That's not right at all, if they're playing that at interleague they need to do some revision.

                      It's explicitly stated you must nominate which ball is your 'free ball':

                      Standard fouls:
                      "After being awarded a Foul Snooker or Foul Jaw Snooker: - Playing an opponents ball or the Eight Ball without firstly nominating that ball. "

                      After a foul snooker is awarded:

                      "If the player chooses to play the Cue Ball from where it lies, the player may, if the player wishes, nominate the Eight Ball (but see (5) below) or any one of the opponent's Colour. The player can nominate a particular ball by verbal description of it or its position or by pointing at it. The Referee may ask for further information if any doubt exists as to which ball has been nominated. "

                      Refs guidence..

                      "Consider the following: A player is on yellows, and has been awarded a foul snooker. The player nominates a ball by pointing at a group of red and yellow balls. While the Referee is trying to figure out which ball was nominated the player gets down and plays a shot at that group of balls that results in the cue ball hitting a red ball on the first impact. In this situation the player should have waited for the Referee to confirm the nomination, by pointing to the nominated ball. The player has committed a standard foul."

                      Provided you hit any 'ball on' first (and make an otherwise legal shot), then you don't have to hit your nominated 'free ball' at all - it just becomes a ball on for your next shot (obv you can't pot the black tho) - you don't have to cancel a nominated ball at all.

                      "Once nominated, a ball is deemed to "become one" of the player's Colour for the first shot of the first visit. The player may then play any of the player's own Colour or the nominated ball. If any of the player's Colour and/or the nominated ball is potted, the player continues with the first visit".
                      Last edited by perpetualboredom; 2 June 2011, 05:05 PM.
                      Old cue collector --
                      Cue Sales:
                      (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                      • #12
                        Pertualboredom, thanks for the clarification. I have just checked my rule sheet and you are correct, it is explicitly stated.
                        What is your thoughts on some players I know who say you must also describe what your intention on the shot after the first contact.
                        I have had several heated discussions that, I believe, you do not have to, just the indication of the nominated ball is sufficient.
                        Up the TSF! :snooker:


                        • #13
                          No need for any explaination at all. As long as the ball is clearly identified i.e. just the one ball not a group you're good to go.
                          I just wait/prod the ref for an acknowledgement that he's heard the call. I'm quite anal about making sure the ref acknowledges any nomination, as far too many times an opposition team's ref has claimed to have not heard (aka cheated) and called a foul after.
                          Old cue collector --
                          Cue Sales:
                          (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                          • #14
                            Cheers for that.
                            Up the TSF! :snooker:


                            • #15
                              My mate is keen to shout 'pub rules' when he fouls the white due to too much beer! But generally we play World rules in our pub, local leauge and in local tournaments.

