Hey guys, i'm new to this forum and I NEED help on my break in UK 8 ball! I can't seem to get a consistent powerful break and still pot a ball. Can you give me any techniques you use? Stance? Grip? Bridge? Position of White etc....
Also as well as this i use a Peradon Earl Snooker Cue for both Pool and Snooker, the tip has got very worn down and I need to replace the tip, it comes with an elkmaster. Should i buy another Elkmaster? Or are there better tips? I have heard a lot about the Mike Woodridge Supertip? I've only ever had an Elkmaster tip so i'm not sure whether i like hard or soft tips but i understand my current tip is soft.
Thanks guys for any help you can give me.
Also as well as this i use a Peradon Earl Snooker Cue for both Pool and Snooker, the tip has got very worn down and I need to replace the tip, it comes with an elkmaster. Should i buy another Elkmaster? Or are there better tips? I have heard a lot about the Mike Woodridge Supertip? I've only ever had an Elkmaster tip so i'm not sure whether i like hard or soft tips but i understand my current tip is soft.
Thanks guys for any help you can give me.
