you're missing the point peeps! forget about potting, American pool (certainly 9-ball or 14:1 which I watch) is about position - the pockets are quite literally buckets so forget about potting ... think position ...
whenever I watch a 9-ball rack on youtube, I watch the break-off and then freeze frame and see if I can work out how to run out the rack (if I had the skill) ... sometimes it's easy but most of the time it's not ...
ace-man is totally wrong in saying that one silly mistake loses the match - it may well lose that rack (just as one silly mistake may lose a frame of snooker) but it doesn't lose the match ...
there's no point going into a "which is the most skilful game" argument because they are very different games, all I'm trying to point out is American pool is about position, not potting ... I did see Steve Davis run a very creditable 50 something in 14:1 though
oh, and for all the nay-sayers, I'm surprised you're only moaning about the pockets - American tables also have those little diamond thingies on the rail to make it even more easy-peasy
whenever I watch a 9-ball rack on youtube, I watch the break-off and then freeze frame and see if I can work out how to run out the rack (if I had the skill) ... sometimes it's easy but most of the time it's not ...
ace-man is totally wrong in saying that one silly mistake loses the match - it may well lose that rack (just as one silly mistake may lose a frame of snooker) but it doesn't lose the match ...
there's no point going into a "which is the most skilful game" argument because they are very different games, all I'm trying to point out is American pool is about position, not potting ... I did see Steve Davis run a very creditable 50 something in 14:1 though

oh, and for all the nay-sayers, I'm surprised you're only moaning about the pockets - American tables also have those little diamond thingies on the rail to make it even more easy-peasy
