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8Ball UK - Cue/Tips

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  • 8Ball UK - Cue/Tips

    Hey guys - I'm a bit of a complete noobie when it comes to cue + tip sizes etc. But I played with a cue the other night and it a had thin shift with a really small tip which I know was a Blue Diamond. However my current cue wouldn't fit such a small tip, anyway of sanding it down or would I have to buy a new cue? Any help would be great and i'm sorry for the really poor description

  • #2
    Any of the well known cuemakers could re-taper the shaft and re-ferrule/reduce your tip size for you. Try Mike Wooldridge, John Parris, Dave Coutts, Craftsman Cues etc..........the list is endless!


    • #3
      As mentioned above, you can get your current cue re-tapered and fitted with a smaller ferrule to accept smaller tip.

      Stu at Green Baize has done a few cues for me and done a great job but he is local to me so no need to send cue off. I'm sure there will be a local cue maker that might be able to assist.

      One word of caution is that if the cue is one that you like, you will find that once done there is no going back if you decide that it's not what you'd hoped for. Remember that a thin tip is good for cue ball control in 8 ball but it can also cause you to miss the longer pots if your cueing is not perfect as you can hit the cueball with accidental side.

      I personally have experimented with "cheaper" cues when I try something before making adjustments to my playing cue.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by sootyvrs View Post
        .... I personally have experimented with "cheaper" cues when I try something before making adjustments to my playing cue.
        That is great advice. Before i settled on my personal ideal specs i bought lots of cues of differing woods, balance points, lengths, weights, names etc to see what i liked. Obviously i went a bit too far here lol, but cues are arranged in price order from 99p on the left to £200 on the right !

        Last edited by jrc750; 9 October 2011, 10:54 AM. Reason: added more info and pic


        • #5
          i personaly reduced the diameter of my pool cue shaft ( used to be a 9mm tip/ferule and now it's 8mm ) using sand paper and a LOT of patience and taking a lot of care
          but as sootyvrs said , trying to experiment using cheap cues is a nice advice ( like cue craft all ash or all maple one piece cues 8mm tip for example for less than 30 pounds )


          • #6
            i agree with sootyvrs stu at green baize done took my tip down to 8mm £15 have a look on his site


            • #7
              the 9th from the left do you have a price, thanks


              • #8
                Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                That is great advice. Before i settled on my personal ideal specs i bought lots of cues of differing woods, balance points, lengths, weights, names etc to see what i liked. Obviously i went a bit too far here lol, but cues are arranged in price order from 99p on the left to £200 on the right !

                The chevons on the 3rd cue from the right looks really nice to me =D
                In progressing!!


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by jamie89oc View Post
                  the 9th from the left do you have a price, thanks
                  Sorry but all of these cues are long gone (except 2nd from right, and not for sale) The cue you mention was a Walter Lindrum club cue, cost around £40 on ebay, they still crop up quite often so keep an eye out

                  Originally Posted by Jasonteh6688 View Post
                  The chevons on the 3rd cue from the right looks really nice to me =D
                  I guess you meant 3rd from the left ??
                  That was £10 on ebay, it was a painted butt lol


                  • #10
                    opsss, ya i mean the 3rd one from the left =) . looks nice
                    In progressing!!

