I dont know if anybody on here knows of Australias cueball.tv website, but this thursday evening there will be a live streamed match between Australias Ben Nunan and another fellow named Hoc who was state runner up in american 8ball. Ben nunan came runner up in the oceania 6 red champion ship and will be going to thailand to represent australia, he also made top 8 in the oceania snooker championship.
Originally each player was gonna put up $5000 each but it got talked into $10,000 each, and now its become $12,000. so essentially its a $24,000 match. they're playing race to 31 on brandnew reclothed Brunswick tables in Sydney Australia. i think you need a subscription to view it, but you can subscribe for yearly membership for $10
one of the biggest money matches to go on down under for quite some time, or ever? should be interesting
cant wait to watch it!
Originally each player was gonna put up $5000 each but it got talked into $10,000 each, and now its become $12,000. so essentially its a $24,000 match. they're playing race to 31 on brandnew reclothed Brunswick tables in Sydney Australia. i think you need a subscription to view it, but you can subscribe for yearly membership for $10
one of the biggest money matches to go on down under for quite some time, or ever? should be interesting
