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Interleague Knockout Cup 2012

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  • #16
    My bad , brain fade catches us all out the older you get, I was looking at Interleague results NOT Interleague KO , still I stand by what I said ( amended ) , to reach the quarters and to take 6 frames from the eventual winners is an acheivement and you beat Trent Trophies " B." in the last sixteen and you did better than Wigan A ( 10-2 loss , semis ) and Sun Valley ( 10-5 loss , finals) so yes , you had a brilliant tournament ,in my opinion. You still havent answered my question though " how did you rate the experience, as a whole ? "
    Last edited by old school; 8 October 2012, 01:35 PM. Reason: addendum


    • #17
      Hi Old School. Our team has a few experienced ( best not say veterans ) players in the squad who have been to Yarmouth for quite a few years now.
      We decided that it was time to let our younger players take a bigger role in the team. This year we played our younger players and we did'nt do too bad. I think the weekend was a good experience and will make the team stronger in the future.

      p.s The price of the beer is still extortionate !!


      • #18
        No you are not looking at the wrong site.EPA site , cursor over " Tournaments " , brings up sub headings.Click on Interleague KO and you will get stats and results etc ( separate from Interleague results). Hope this helps.


        • #19
          Glad to hear that you are bringing some of the " young uns " through , for the experience and yes it will make you a stronger team in the future.As a young at heart player who will hit his half century next year , I take great delight in helping younger players ( and showing them there is still life left in the old dog ) but the hardest thing to teach is mental attitude and sheer bloodymindeness.Some younger players let a players reputation or standing get in the way of a good game and some think they are invincible , both bad traits , I wish younger players would relax more and enjoy themselves around the table instead of playing " life or death " pool.I may sound blase at times, probably because of the standard of " league pool " I play in , but then again after over 30 years of league pool you get to the " been there , seen that , done it " phase of your game.Relax and enjoy I say , well done again chappers , perhaps see you next year , if they have a seniors event ( LMAO ).


          • #20
            I've got a few years to go before the seniors Old School (9 years to go)
            I know quite a few players from your area and played against most in one thing or another. It really makes for a great competitive culture in the leagues and can only produce good players. I must agree that some players need to relax a little and not put themselves under pressure, done it myself and learnt the lesson the hard way
            Were lucky to have none playing captains and they keep the kids under control and the olduns take time to talk through mistakes made on and off the table.
            Hope to see you in the near future.


            • #21
              I had better get practising then , by the time you reach the Seniors , I will be nearly 60 , my eyesight isnt what it was you know...... lol.

