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Mosconi Cup

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  • Mosconi Cup

    Any links on the net for the mosconi cup?? Cant afford sky
    Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!

  • #2
    You're not missing much, a bunch of blokes old enough to know better acting like beered up yobs in any town pub with a pool table on a saturday night, the audience following suit. One minute shot clock with extensions to pot a few balls on those little tables with bucket pockets as well!! They must be paying Michaela well to get involved, it is not watchable telly.


    • #3


      • #4
        Mosconi Cup

        Thanks mate
        Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!


        • #5
          Well how easy is that game !!


          • #6
            I'm a reasonable snooker player and have had a few ton's, and its amazing how hard 9 ball is to keep position. easy pots, yes but try to run out like the pro's do. harder than you might think.


            • #7
              I'm really finding it quite boring. It seems like a lot of the game is down to luck on the break. Van Boening played a shot on the 5 which hit the cushion at one of the diamonds they have up the rail and it still dropped. I've only played a few times so I'm not really qualified enough to say it is easy, I'm sure it isn't, but it's hard to watch and appreciate the skill involved when it seems you don't even need to hit the pocket to pot some balls.


              • #8
                Mosconi Cup

                Take a bow van den berg!!!
                Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!


                • #9
                  Well, the shot Nick Vandenberg just played (a jump shot using a perspex spider rest) was as skilful as anything you'll ever see on a snooker table. Yes, there's a fair bit of luck involved but generally *just as in snooker* it does tend to even itself out...

                  FWIW, I find that to enjoy watching 9-ball you really have to turn your snooker brain off, and watch it and enjoy it for what it is - an exciting and accessible billiard game that is very easy to start playing but extremely difficult to master....


                  • #10
                    Mosconi Cup

                    Good posting Tred
                    Rocket Ronnie Rules!!!


                    • #11
                      Yeah was a good shot that


                      • #12
                        Even more remarkable that today is the first time he's used that "jump rest"!!!


                        • #13
                          I must admit that the jump shot with that alien-looking rest was quite brilliant. The commentators don't do it justice for me. You see them calling excellent shot when in reality, it wasn't that difficult at all. It gives the impression that shots 9 ball players find difficult are easy in comparison to some shots you see in snooker, but by the players' little reaction to these so called 'excellent shots', I think it's just the commentators getting excited. I would love to see these guys in an exhibition, I'm sure they can perform some magic on the practice table.


                          • #14
                            Ok, that cut on the 1 by Melling was first class.


                            • #15
                              Mosconi Cup

                              Strickland there this year? He's not been picked for about 4 years now.

