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Blackball or world rules???

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  • #16
    Won't affect you at local level but if you play county your EPA card will be revoked.
    The EPA have gone into "war mode" on this one, this is an email i had from Alan Benton on the 19th

    Dear Player

    The EPA feels that they need to write to you directly to clarify and update you regarding the recent statement put on the EPA website.

    For 2013 the IPA Tour has decided to change their rules from World Rules to Blackball. That immediately puts the IPA Tour into direct competition with the UKPT of which EPA have a 50% share.

    Following on from this decision the IPA then decided to announce their tour dates clashing with 2 of our National Finals, 2 County weekends and a Senior Tour weekend. EPA dates are set more than 12 months in advance and they would have access to these via our website. The IPA has since amended some of its tour dates so that some clashes are avoided but not all.

    Finally, the IPA has announced that they will be running a World Championship for 2013. The WEPF, of which we are members, have run the World Championships for over 20 years. This would again be in direct competition to both the WEPF and the EPA.

    It is quite simple - you have a choice. Stay with the EPA and have all the benefits of everything that we do – Intercounty, Interleague, National Events, Tours, World and European Championships OR join the IPA Tour and give up your EPA membership. You cannot have both.

    EPA Executive Committee
    Hi everyone btw
    Manager - Allstars Sports Bar


    • #17
      I started playin pool playing world rules at university level, and it was ok, then i got introduced to league pool and it was BB. Now i qualified for my country B2s in BB rules. Personally i think world rules is daft becuase of the DF rule. completely ruins the game in my opinion. BB in more attacking and interesting to watch with the combo shots etc.

      But its a matter of what you as a players wants to do. Only you will decide buddy. Everyone will have there 50ps worth in what they think but at the end of the day its down to yourself. good luck in what ever you decide


      • #18
        blackball more exciting


        • #19
          Hi Neil,

          Just thought I would let the readers of this thread know that you made the right decision! Our A team beat last seasons winners West Berkshire in our opening match and I played a blinder to secure a 18-18 draw for the B's!

          Blackball all the way for me. A few of us are putting the pressure on our local league to change over to BB rules too. I actually loathe the DF rule! I think WR were supposed to get over the tippy tappy of old EPA rules and allow the more skillful player to shine though, rather than suffer at the hands of the tuck up merchants. However I have noticed they have grown wise and are now able to exploit the World rules to similar effect. It seems the only intention in some players minds is 'gotta stop him clearing up'....

          Blackball rules is much more attacking and should see better positional and potting ability win through more. I also like the fact that If I do have to tuck someone up they cant just fudge into my ball leaving me nothing to go at. Also, even if you cover my bag I can still play a skill shot If I had to choose on set of rules to play only and forever it would be Blackball.

          The only way I see it can be improved slightly is making it mandatory to call your skill shot. If you get your ball and dont pot his, thats ok. If you get both great. If you 'accidentally' knock his ball in - foul. In other words 'fluking' your opponents ball in is a foul. Its only a legal shot if you call it and announce exactly what your attempting to do.

