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Pool players

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  • #16
    Looks like he's still around, no wonder i could'nt find no info on him calling him jelly bean lol.
    After 15 reds and 15 blacks i did this


    • #17
      darren appleton is the best without a world title at our game. nobody wanted to touch him for money before he moved over to big ball pool
      tha what!


      • #18
        Appleton is quality, hes just won another tournament in 2 different formats in last couple days. One pocket which he picked up $2500 for and 10 ball and picked up $5000 in that one.


        • #19
          Originally Posted by itx View Post
          Keith is an absolute legend of the pool circuit, especially from the older days, before world rules etc.

          Probably the best player around at that time & in my opinion the best player to of never been world champion.
          quality player, we've just had him doing an exhibition tonight, After just becoming Senior world champion last week . I showed him who the real champion is tho haha


          • #20
            Originally Posted by scottley View Post
            Ross Mcinnes? Another one i've seen live, and had a frame with, awesome!

            Sorry to hijack the thread, but does anyone remember Dave 'Jelly Bean' Holt? I remember going to an exhibition over 20 years ago and he was giving players a 10 shot, yes TEN shot head start for £10 a frame, i was around 11 or 12 years old and i jumped at the chance, i did it in around 3 shots, my aunty (who had backed me) then played him for the same £10 and he gave her a TWENTY shot head start, she went in off early on and he dished, is he still playing?
            Yeah slight mix up with your jelly baby and your butter bean. Prefer the later myself watch him in action
            "When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it." - Henry Ford

