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Steve Dakin 8ball coach.

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  • Steve Dakin 8ball coach.

    What are people's views on this? Do you think it's worth the price? Seems very pricey to me especially without knowing how effective it'll be.

  • #2
    There's quite a few videos of Steve on YouTube id suggest you watch them, might help you decide if you think it will be helpful to you or not, price wise I think its very expensive, just my opinion.


    • #3
      I've checked them out. They are helpful to a degree but not worth 200 pound. For that I'd expect game changing material which would improve my game vastly.


      • #4
        Steve is a top coach and a nice bloke, the problem I see with the videos is you can't ask questions and he can't correct any problems with your technique if there are any like he could with coaching 1 on 1 in person, for that reason id agree its not worth the price, in saying that, I do think you can learn a lot from his online coaching and the price reflects the cost of his outlay in studio time and equipment aswell as the actual coaching itself


        • #5
          I gather 1 on 1 coaching is even more expensive I guess I'll give his online coaching a miss. It's a lot of money to give up for something that might not work.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by Canny Tim View Post
            I gather 1 on 1 coaching is even more expensive I guess I'll give his online coaching a miss. It's a lot of money to give up for something that might not work.
            It is, it's £400 for 10, 1 on 1 lessons. Worth every penny as far as I'm concerned. Can't comment on the video lessons as I haven't had any. If you follow what he says and put plenty of practice in I should imagine they will work fine.
            Did you put my "1" up ?


            • #7
              Go on Players Pool and Snooker Club ( Newcastle - under - Lyme ) .Look under the " coaching " tag you will find a mobile telephone number and e-mail address for Jamie Croxton . If it is still valid you can find out how much coaching costs and therefore have a comparison , pricewise , with Steves package.I see you are in Staffordshire so it might be worth a trip , if you decide to go I might come up and see how you go on.A list of Jamies team mates and who he plays for should tell you that he has an idea about which end of the cue to use.A further thought might be to visit Players on a league night ( Wed ) to see how Trent Trophies ( see previous posts ) play and the standard involved.Hope this helps.


              • #8
                Thanks for your help

