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Apropos TV screens

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  • Apropos TV screens

    just a little survey!

    we need to replace our TV soon (although a good Sony, it is 14 years old and the colors are lately getting more and more pinkish - not a pretty sight)

    was wondering about a good replacement and of course if possible something nice and flat (now these are pretty). But, did flat screens already make enough progress to superceed the good old tube screens?
    And if so LCD or plasma?

    So here are the questions: What would you suggest?
    LCD, plasma or tube?
    any special brand/model?

    Thanks for any input

  • #2



    • #3
      why Semih? if I may ask..


      • #4
        for a similar amount of cash id say they are better than tubes, and theyre as good as plasmas, except they have less problems than plasmas


        • #5
          my brother is selling TVs and he always recommends LCD. just because of what Semih says.


          • #6

            That's mine Watching snooker on a 50 inch screen is great and it's hdtv ready too. For the money it's fantastic value
            "I tried to be patient, but it took too long"


            • #7
              nice looking!
              Guess that would be another category alltogether. Confusing all the options you have. Rear projection... now, is that flatish?


              • #8
                Originally Posted by snookersfun
                nice looking!
                Guess that would be another category alltogether. Confusing all the options you have. Rear projection... now, is that flatish?
                RP arent as good as LCD for the same cash, IMHO


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by snookersfun
                  just a little survey!

                  we need to replace our TV soon (although a good Sony, it is 14 years old and the colors are lately getting more and more pinkish - not a pretty sight)

                  was wondering about a good replacement and of course if possible something nice and flat (now these are pretty). But, did flat screens already make enough progress to superceed the good old tube screens?
                  And if so LCD or plasma?

                  So here are the questions: What would you suggest?
                  LCD, plasma or tube?
                  any special brand/model?

                  Thanks for any input
                  Plasma absorbs 3 to 4 times electricity than LCD. I suggest if you switch to a flatscreen it all depends on the signal you are receiving. If you have cable, flatscreens dont have a better picture than the old format. simply because the cable signal is not digital in Germany. If you have satellite, your signal is digital. As your LCD is digital as well, your picture will be very good quality. I bought myself a sony LCD before the summer and what i have experienced, it all depends what kind of cameras / dvd material is used to record for the program. For instance, Most movies look brilliant. But some series recorded 4 or 5 years ago look dreadful. The worldcup on BBC looked very bad, but on german and dutch television it looked very good. So, it also depends on the conditions different channels are aired in your country. The pot black today looked absolutely fabulous. Also wideband flatscreens are useless if broadcasting is still done in the 4:3 format. Conclusion:

                  - Check out the format your favourite channel is broadcasting (there are 4:3 flatscreens)
                  - What signal do you get, to receive television.
                  - Do you like to pay a high electricity bill? (no, i should go for LCD)


                  • #10
                    I suggest one of these:



                    • #11

                      Though, I doubt a snookertable will fit on it!


                      • #12
                        Thanks Paul and Hege ( very helpful)


                        • #13
                          oh, just saw it. location Israel. must be satellite. go for a lcd then!


                          • #14
                            it's actually cables for us, but digital decoder as well...
                            Anyway, I also had LCD in mind (probably Sony as well). Prices here are usually much higher than in Europe (we used to have a crazy amount of taxes on everything valuable), but the market is getting more competitive every year.


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by snookersfun
                              it's actually cables for us, but digital decoder as well...
                              Anyway, I also had LCD in mind (probably Sony as well). Prices here are usually much higher than in Europe (we used to have a crazy amount of taxes on everything valuable), but the market is getting more competitive every year.

                              imho, sony are an excellent make.

                              established, very good reputation etc etc....

                              they are not value for money, and you can get a quality LCD tv with similar of sometimes better features for 60% of the price of a sony.

                              years ago, like 15-20, id have said "buy sony" regardless, but not nowadays

                              tv's, imho, have a shelf life of not more than 7 years theses days. many of which arent the main tv for more than 5.

                              even if you took out a 5 year guarantee another make for similar can still be bought for 70-75% of the sony price, with the sony only having manufacturers warranty.

                              just my opinion.

                              ive got an LCD 32" LG tv as my main tv. when LG were "called" GOLDSTAR i wouldnt have bought it had it been £150, but i went for it as it had the same features as a sony, some better, and it was how i described above.

                              its that good that my projector screen and my projector are now back in the box.

                              im sure others will have totally different opinions, but hey hoh

