shall I keep him then?
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Book recommendations
Originally Posted by snookersfunshall I keep him then?Men play the game, women know the score
Originally Posted by ValderieLucky you Cessy - have you ever met Stephen. I've seen him at the last two Premier League semis but was too 'starstruck' to go and ask for his autograph!
Met him a few times, mostly at tournaments. He did do an exhibiton years ago at my local club, which gave me and other people a chance to have a little chat. Good to see the more chilled out Stephen, lot more relaxed and good sense of humour.Mon the Rocket
My fav is Michel Chabon. He`s simple but very funny and have a lot fantasy. and the Dane Piter Hog (who wrote “Smilla”, i don`t actually know how to spell) is very good. Cronin is my favourite among classics, it`s not like me, coz he`s very realistic, and i fond of more... fantastic or fairy books, i`d say.
I love Harry Potter! Was crying when Sirius was killed. And I consider killing characters just coz she doesn`t want anyone to write after her, as she said, is silly of JKR!
Originally Posted by snookersfunMitsuko says you can, but I didn't manage to do so recently. It has to look like [img ]http://....[/img ], that means one has to upload it from the web.Men play the game, women know the score
Originally Posted by SunflowerThank you for underestimating us. I like to be underrated. It is a good guise..
"I'll be back next year." --Jimmy White
Originally Posted by berolinaAre you reading these books for fun or do you work in in some job that involves Qigong, shaolin, acupressure and psychology?"I'll be back next year." --Jimmy White
While on vacation in Germany I picked up my first two german books in ages:
First ist 'Vollidiot' by Tommy Jaud (I quite liked it, more so, as the setting is Koeln, where I lived for a big part of my life)
Second is 'Zusammen ist man weniger allein' (Together one is less alone* not sure if it is available in English) by Anna Gavalda. Now this one I am really enjoying. It is translated from French.
Berolina, Sunflower, you should read this one!
A book called Digital Fortress by Dan Brown(Da Vinci Code) is a very good book about Cryptogrophy and the paranoia of some people, I loved it.1994 a good year
The Masters a great event
The Final a marvellous match
The Winner a snooker genius
Alan McManus The Winner
Stephen Hendry The Loser
1994 a good year....