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Brexit, in or out.

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  • I wish we had a social democracy like a lot of Scandinavian countries, the trouble is they are taxed at a much higher rate, which wouldn't bother me to much, but as has been said would you trust any of our MPs to spend the money wisely? We love bureaucracy in this country and I bet most would be wasted on that. This turmoil could be our chance to shake things up , but it will just fizzle away and it will be more of the same. I honestly think labour will split ,whatever happens the right wing have a free run at it for at least the next ten years. There is a chance the SNP could be the official opposition after the next election as Labour gets wiped from the map.
    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


    • Originally Posted by grimreaper View Post
      So it is just one big mess then
      Everything about politics is just one big corrupt mess
      It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



      • I've read that the PM cannot trigger A50 without an act of Parliament because only an act can over-ride another act, i.e. The European Communities Act 1972. He has prerogative powers but these cannot over-ride an act in the expert opinion of three judges. I think there will be a legal crowd funding to test this in the near future. Ok, so if they're right HoP just has to pass a new act. This would have to involve a three line whip because if left to conscience, the govt. would lose the vote I suspect given half its party is in favour or Remain. But even a three-line whip may not stop a rebellion by some Tory MPs who put country before party in their opinion.

        Anyway, if a law was passed and we Brexit, guess what, we may only negotiate the exit terms. The new trade terms may not be negotiated during the two year window because there is a rule that the EU does not negotiate trade deals with its own members. We can only negotiate the new trade terms as a 3rd country, according to the expert below. This means two sets of negotiations, one to exit and a second round to gain access etc. The in between period could last many years and we'd be WTO to the EU and vice-versa, i.e. 10% tariffs on everything. We import most of our food, imagine the cost on everyone, plus cars, etc, etc. Millions unemployed.

        It's frightening what might happen.
        Last edited by Big Splash!; 30 June 2016, 07:31 PM.


        • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
          We did have a referendum to enter the EU.

          I think it's only 50/50 that we'll leave. May is talking about 2017 to push the button, we also chair a euro convention next Summer so we'd need to get that out the way as well. After that, it could take about 7yrs, the time it took Canada to do their EU trade deal. We'd need an extension from all 27 nations beyond the 2yr time limit. May is against a GE before 2020 but her as PM would have no legitimacy as we all know in reality people elect a political govt. not MPs. Most Brits couldn't even name their MP. And if a GE is called, the LDs have a strong chance of sweeping up the pro-EU vote and it's in the mixer again. On top of that, Sturgeon and the Sco Parliament have to sign off leaving the EU at Holyrood and there's no chance of that happening. Same goes for NI, they ain't gonna give their blessin.
          Not exactly - we joined in 73 I think and then had a referendum on staying or not in 75.


          • Originally Posted by Wity.
            And if they put tariffs on our goods asap wtf is stopping us from doing likewise just as quick?

            It's brilliant what we can now achieve not in the least bit frightening.
            I am not trying to be nasty but you are responding without reading the point I was making. It matters not if we put tariffs on their goods, they would be pleased about it. The difference is in what we import and export, What we export they can replace within the EU, other than whiskey, whereas largely we can't replace what we import, we also run a deficit because we HAVE to import to feed ourselves, it is not rude of me try and make you understand what i am saying, if you want to ignore it and try threats feel free, I am pretty much immune to it but if you think we can create a multi billion pound car industry out of thin air you are dreaming, it can cost a billion just to design a modern car.


            • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
              I've read that the PM cannot trigger A50 without an act of Parliament because only an act can over-ride another act, i.e. The European Communities Act 1972. He has prerogative powers but these cannot over-ride an act in the expert opinion of three judges. I think there will be a legal crowd funding to test this in the near future. Ok, so if they're right HoP just has to pass a new act. This would have to involve a three line whip because if left to conscience, the govt. would lose the vote I suspect given half its party is in favour or Remain. But even a three-line whip may not stop a rebellion by some Tory MPs who put country before party in their opinion.

              Anyway, if a law was passed and we Brexit, guess what, we may only negotiate the exit terms. The new trade terms may not be negotiated during the two year window because there is a rule that the EU does not negotiate trade deals with its own members. We can only negotiate the new trade terms as a 3rd country, according to the expert below. This means two sets of negotiations, one to exit and a second round to gain access etc. The in between period could last many years and we'd be WTO to the EU and vice-versa, i.e. 10% tariffs on everything. We import most of our food, imagine the cost on everyone, plus cars, etc, etc. Millions unemployed.


              It's frightening what might happen.
              Correct, and if I were the French President or German Chancellor the number one rule I would set out is that the UK will under no circumstances get a better deal that it had before or I would veto it, on top of that my price as a bare bones minimum to come to the table would be £350m a week with no rebates and no investments.


              • Originally Posted by Wity.
                And if they put tariffs on our goods asap wtf is stopping us from doing likewise just as quick?

                It's brilliant what we can now achieve not in the least bit frightening.
                You just don't get that tariffs lead to less trade making both states poorer but because we are much smaller, making us relatively more poorer than the EU. Trade is economically a good thing. WTO countries trade less with the EU. That's the whole reason companies like Toyota, Honda, Nissan want to be in EU countries. If they only have WTO trade with the EU, they will set up production lines in Spain, Italy, to have access to the EU without their products attracting a 10% tax and becoming completely uncompetitive and loss making. This will lead to job losses here. And it won't just be Japanese companies leaving, British companies will cut jobs here and set up lines abroad. Banks will move to Dublin or Frankfurt. The UK economy will shrink. This ain't just about poles, pints o bonkseys and pie and mash. Wakey wakey wit.


                • Originally Posted by Wity.
                  Andrew: All and any respect I had for you went out the window last night. As from now I couldn't care less what you say and wont even bother reading it. Feel free to hit the ban button anytime you like I couldn't care less.
                  Did your feelings get hurt? It is difficult to explain things to people who can't even be bothered to read. It comes across as a little childish that don't you think? My point has been made anyway for those who are actually interested in reading it.


                  • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                    Correct, and if I were the French President or German Chancellor the number one rule I would set out is that the UK will under no circumstances get a better deal that it had before or I would veto it, on top of that my price as a bare bones minimum to come to the table would be £350m a week with no rebates and no investments.
                    To which we would, of course, tell them to GFTs.

                    What's going on here? Why are the doom merchants out in force on this one? If such bed-wettery is the predominant philosophy of the those north of the border, they can extricate themselves from the southern teat post haste, and go join their socialist wunderland and arc of prosperity brethren, the ungrateful, lily-livered ginger saddos.

                    Resist such weak, decadent gayness and fight for your country.


                    • ADR you keep saying we can't replace what we buy from Europe, well what is it, I would genuinely like to know what great technology that Europe has that ,Japan , China , USA, doesn't.
                      Very interesting article about how Gove played Boris like a puppet , it reads more like a Shakespeare play, with all the double dealings he has with the Cameron camp, traps he set , plots and back stabbing going on.
                      Has this all been set up to just make the referendum result go away, May ( firm favourite now)has already said she has no intention of triggering article 50 this year and many think she's reluctant to do it at all.
                      Last edited by itsnoteasy; 30 June 2016, 10:32 PM.
                      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                      • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                        To which we would, of course, tell them to GFTs.

                        What's going on here? Why are the doom merchants out in force on this one? If such bed-wettery is the predominant philosophy of the those north of the border, they can extricate themselves from the southern teat post haste, and go join their socialist wunderland and arc of prosperity brethren, the ungrateful, lily-livered ginger saddos.

                        Resist such weak, decadent gayness and fight for your country.
                        You just made me spray red wine all over the carpet you twat
                        It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



                        • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                          ADR you keep saying we can't replace what we buy from Europe, well what is it, I would genuinely like to know what great technology that Europe has that ,Japan , China , USA, doesn't.
                          Very interesting article about how Gove played Boris like a puppet , it reads more like a Shakespeare play, with all the double dealings he has with the Cameron camp, traps he set , plots and back stabbing going on.
                          Has this all been set up to just make the referendum result go away, May ( firm favourite now)has already said she has no intention of triggering article 50 this year and many think she's reluctant to do it at all.
                          Better stock up on weapons now then because i've a feeling we're going to need them
                          It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head



                          • That polish girl was hot


                            • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                              To which we would, of course, tell them to GFTs.

                              What's going on here? Why are the doom merchants out in force on this one? If such bed-wettery is the predominant philosophy of the those north of the border, they can extricate themselves from the southern teat post haste, and go join their socialist wunderland and arc of prosperity brethren, the ungrateful, lily-livered ginger saddos.

                              Resist such weak, decadent gayness and fight for your country.
                              Whilst I find your point interesting, I don't agree, but more importantly I am going to have to point out that the use of the word 'gayness' in the context clearly does not mean happy and is a no no, any viewpoint is valid but I can't let that go ok. Please don't make me start banning people I don't want to do that, I enjoy healthy debate but that is not on.


                              • So "ungrateful, lily-livered ginger saddos" is OK?
                                My favourite players: Walter Lindrum (AUS), Neil Robertson (AUS), Eddie Charlton (AUS), Robby Foldvari (AUS), Vinnie Calabrese (AUS), Jimmy White, Stephen Hendry, Alex Higgins, Ronnie O'Sullivan, Dominic Dale and Barry Hawkins.
                                I dream of a 147 (but would be happy with a 100)

