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Brexit, in or out.

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  • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
    Hypocrisy!. You moan about language and you've got two members using porn pictures as their avatars but have said nothing about that, nor Neil, about how that will ruin the minds of the young people using this forum (I've never seen a youth use this forum by the way Neil) but you accept some pretty bad behaviour as long as you approve of it. You've insulted me and others calling us 'stupid' on this forum, regardless of the fact that we are far more intelligent and educated to a far higher and broader degree (in many postgraduate degrees). When did you get banned for abuse eh? King Solomon - I don't think so! An apology would be nice but I won't hold my breath on you manning up.
    My post graduate degree was sending a cheque for £25, Neil might not be classically educated, but by any reasonably definition I am. - depends where you study I guess! - I have not not yet had any complaints about avatars , If i get them I will react accordingly. I actually know of at least half a dozen children who use the forum so it is not up for debate. An apology for what? show me where I have done something I should say sorry for and I will happily review my comments.


    • Dear fellow members , it's almost Christmas.

      As your fellow member, I'm begging you to close this discussion in a positive way.
      As a member of TSF, the last thing i want is someone get banned.
      I think regardless of our differences, we can respect and accept each other in this great forum.

      Everyone take a deep breath and, if necessary, a few hours break. and please take this in consideration.

      about 2 weeks and we can all wish each other a happy new year. what is wrong with that ?

      @ Mods : could you please overlook the possible mistakes made by me or sum other members this time and give us
      a second chance ? is it possible ?
      Except to you guys . It's just a request.


      • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
        Seriously fella, you reckon the world is all songbirds and butterflies around the UK don't you, let me tell you after reading some international law it isn't, things won't be the same. I'll be stuck with regulations and prohibitions just as someone from Afghanistan will have if hard brexit is the case. Just because a student can still probably travel to Aus just like before don't mean I can set up a business in Bulgaria like before.
        It'll simply go back to how it was before 1974, we'll notice no difference, there was no noticable difference when we went in, it's only the rich who benefit and trickle down economic policies are a lie.
        You have two years to sod off to Bulgaria and lord it over the dirt poor locals, the sooner the better IMO.


        • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
          It'll simply go back to how it was before 1974, we'll notice no difference, there was no noticable difference when we went in, it's only the rich who benefit and trickle down economic policies are a lie.
          You have two years to sod off to Bulgaria and lord it over the dirt poor locals, the sooner the better IMO.
          Where are you getting this 2 years figure from? It's a minimum of 2 years after the gov trigger article 50 (or 51?) and it's blindingly obvious to me and anyone with eyes that they have no intention of doing that soon.


          • Originally Posted by jonny66 View Post
            Where are you getting this 2 years figure from? It's a minimum of 2 years after the gov trigger article 50 (or 51?) and it's blindingly obvious to me and anyone with eyes that they have no intention of doing that soon.
            They are going to trigger the article and we are not ready, the civil service is in uproar, they cannot cope with the amount of admin they need to do as the staff have been cut to the bone and are not prepared for this at all. The negotiations involve a ton of work we have no competence for. The devil is in the detail, not the vote by the plebs. On top of this, remember the Canada free trade deal involved ten years (!) and was rejected due to one region in Belgium not being happy. And Canada isn't hated in Europe! They can quite clearly do without us, they'll take a hit but they know that the City, Nissan, Jaguar etc will move to the EU and long term, they'll experience a net income and jobs increase. City firms are being contacted daily by France, German and Irish officials. The dirty process of job losses has already begun.

            The last hope is that the Scottish Parliament launches a legal bid to make sure it's blessing is required, hopes are slim though. But ultimately, they could apply to the EU court and get a ruling. Scotland holding England to ransom would be fitting, given how much the onglish lied to the Scots about independence.


            • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
              My post graduate degree was sending a cheque for £25, Neil might not be classically educated, but by any reasonably definition I am. - depends where you study I guess! - I have not not yet had any complaints about avatars , If i get them I will react accordingly. I actually know of at least half a dozen children who use the forum so it is not up for debate. An apology for what? show me where I have done something I should say sorry for and I will happily review my comments.
              Haha, the usual excuses, no apology. No gent.

              Chappy5 and Ace Man both have porn avatars. There you go, a complaint, in public, not backstabbing. No, please don't give them an infraction or worse, just get them to change the avatars.


              • Originally Posted by jonny66 View Post
                Where are you getting this 2 years figure from? It's a minimum of 2 years after the gov trigger article 50 (or 51?) and it's blindingly obvious to me and anyone with eyes that they have no intention of doing that soon.
                The EU commission said 18 months only this week. Farage says we can trigger article 50 and get out with no negotiations at all, just implement all EU law into our own and then take our time to decide what we need to keep and what can be gotten rid of through parliamentary process.


                • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                  My post graduate degree was sending a cheque for £25, Neil might not be classically educated, but by any reasonably definition I am. - depends where you study I guess! - I have not not yet had any complaints about avatars , If i get them I will react accordingly. I actually know of at least half a dozen children who use the forum so it is not up for debate. An apology for what? show me where I have done something I should say sorry for and I will happily review my comments.
                  How about the trolling, baiting ad hominem attack on me from a few pages back? Did you edit your post? Or are YOU allowed to act to a different set of principles to the rest of us? If you're going to throw your weight around best to get your own house in order first, eh?

                  And let's be perfectly honest here - there's NO WAY this would have blown up on a non Brexit thread. You have self interest in staying in the EU, and that has clouded your judgement. Merc on the drive, Euros in the bank...what's not to like about free trade with Europe, huh?

                  So don't get all high and mighty with such trivial nonsense in future, ok? And whoever sets out the policies of this site needs replacing, pronto, for he is entirely clueless on how to run a successful board. Kids need protecting from swearing?! Lol!!


                  • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
                    The EU commission said 18 months only this week. Farage says we can trigger article 50 and get out with no negotiations at all, just implement all EU law into our own and then take our time to decide what we need to keep and what can be gotten rid of through parliamentary process.
                    We can leave the eu tomorrow. There is zero political will from the government to actually do it - who volunteers for extra work, especially when it's a thankless task?


                    • Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
                      Dear fellow members , it's almost Christmas.

                      As your fellow member, I'm begging you to close this discussion in a positive way.
                      As a member of TSF, the last thing i want is someone get banned.
                      I think regardless of our differences, we can respect and accept each other in this great forum.

                      Everyone take a deep breath and, if necessary, a few hours break. and please take this in consideration.

                      about 2 weeks and we can all wish each other a happy new year. what is wrong with that ?

                      @ Mods : could you please overlook the possible mistakes made by me or sum other members this time and give us
                      a second chance ? is it possible ?
                      Except to you guys . It's just a request.
                      I don't think we should be pleading with the owners or mods mate. They should send us a Christmas hamper each for taking the time to keep this place alive, quite frankly.


                      • Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
                        My friend , I'm not UK resident and I also have nothing to do with this Brexit.

                        I just saw your statement in regards to concentration camps. I just wanted to add sumthing here which is more related to current time . hope you do'nt mind.

                        Not saying Racism does not exist of course. believe it or not people gets discriminated in every country in the world.
                        Any one from any country who claims, in my country racism does not exist, IS simply lying to you.

                        On onother note , Sometimes a sense of patriotism (national responsibility) in our society, gets confused with Racism.
                        Even in our daily life, sometimes people have rather to make a moral choice instead of a sensible one. This gets confused with discrimination (in a positive way and sometimes in a negative way).

                        you come from a country with a long history ( in case ure from Brit ). This has a huge impact and influence on how people of nation behave themself, not to mention their behave towards others as well .
                        I notice that constantly. I have a few friends from England (some of them top snooker players).
                        Any occasion I get the chance to drink with these guys or we talk, I notice a big difference compared to people from other European countries.
                        They come across as deep thinking and wise people. honestly, I believe this is partly due to their long history.
                        We also have little bit of banter, teasing each other (you know ....., i say I'm the better one and they believe their country is much better and that kind of stuff ??). which is fun.
                        I enjoy of watching how these guys take pride in their country. Nothing wrong with that.
                        Do'nt get me wrong , I'm not indicating u're sum kind of country hater or anything like that . I do'nt know you.

                        Just a general statmnt , hopefully to avoid some misunderstandings !

                        Btw, I've read sum of your posts . Very Interesting and informative.

                        Good post mate. The UK has a long tradition of producing Neville Chamberlain's, sadly.


                        • Originally Posted by Ramon View Post
                          My friend , I'm not UK resident and I also have nothing to do with this Brexit.

                          I just saw your statement in regards to concentration camps. I just wanted to add sumthing here which is more related to current time . hope you do'nt mind.

                          Not saying Racism does not exist of course. believe it or not people gets discriminated in every country in the world.
                          Any one from any country who claims, in my country racism does not exist, IS simply lying to you.

                          On onother note , Sometimes a sense of patriotism (national responsibility) in our society, gets confused with Racism.
                          Even in our daily life, sometimes people have rather to make a moral choice instead of a sensible one. This gets confused with discrimination (in a positive way and sometimes in a negative way).

                          you come from a country with a long history ( in case ure from Brit ). This has a huge impact and influence on how people of nation behave themself, not to mention their behave towards others as well .
                          I notice that constantly. I have a few friends from England (some of them top snooker players).
                          Any occasion I get the chance to drink with these guys or we talk, I notice a big difference compared to people from other European countries.
                          They come across as deep thinking and wise people. honestly, I believe this is partly due to their long history.
                          We also have little bit of banter, teasing each other (you know ....., i say I'm the better one and they believe their country is much better and that kind of stuff ??). which is fun.
                          I enjoy of watching how these guys take pride in their country. Nothing wrong with that.
                          Do'nt get me wrong , I'm not indicating u're sum kind of country hater or anything like that . I do'nt know you.

                          Just a general statmnt , hopefully to avoid some misunderstandings !

                          Btw, I've read sum of your posts . Very Interesting and informative.
                          Yeah this is an interesting post, and raises quite few points. This is certainly where nationalism comes from, a taught history that plays to peoples warmths. But the UK's history is shorter than most European nations, European civilisation started in the Eastern Med and stayed along the Med coast for many centuries. During this time people didn't have what is now called countries but they kept to polis states that adherred to self governance. This was the Hellenic way or what is known as ancient Greece. This, alongside the Levant/Middle East were the most advanced parts of the world at the time and the first places for democracy and harmony. There were no wars for thousands of years...

                          Then came Rome, at the time Italy wasn't Italy as nation states hadn't really formed, but it was a part of the Ancient Greek world, people governing themselves. But Rome took a twist on this and created nostalgia, traditions and feelings to control people. It's where Romance comes from, being romantic means doing things traditionally to create a feeling. This is where nationalism comes from, all these false agendas and histories to create a sense of togetherness but also a division to others. Rome used this in a way to control most of the modern world at that time, and although the people were believing they were fighting for a Republic they were in effect fighting for a imperial system where people were divided in castes and inequality arose.

                          So nationalism is only ever, and only ever will be a form of control by the elite. Voting for nationalism is basically an approval of being oppressed. There's not one gain from the brexit vote, not a single one that is tangible anyway. I really do hate flag waving and I believe that everyone is equal, everyone deserves a second chance and people should always treat others with respect. For Europe I could not see what would be wrong with pooling sovereignty as we all have shared histories, we British are Germans, we're Anglo-Saxons, our language has come from theirs, English is Germanic. Of course we're proud to be British, but lets not draw imaginary lines seperating us from our brothers over the Channel.
                          Last edited by VillaGuy; 17 December 2016, 12:03 PM.


                          • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                            I don't think we should be pleading with the owners or mods mate. They should send us a Christmas hamper each for taking the time to keep this place alive, quite frankly.
                            these owners and Mods are our fellow members as well.
                            Not to mention just as human as we are. Nobody is perfect.
                            And i do respect them as much as i do respect you and other members. if you have any disagreements with one of them then i think you should talk to him. I have no problem with that.
                            although, carry an adult discussion can do No harm .

                            Just my opinion . .


                            • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                              English is Germanic. Of course we're proud to be British, but lets not draw imaginary lines seperating us from our brothers over the Channel.
                              Don't forget the Frisian languages which English is greatly linked

                              :biggrin: Of course, if you go back far enough we are ALL related to the single family group that wandered Out Of Africa
                              Up the TSF! :snooker:


                              • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
                                Good post mate. The UK has a long tradition of producing Neville Chamberlain's, sadly.
                                not my problem.
                                But , if I were you , I would Leave it to be decided by democracy and try to respect it ( even if u're Not agree with it ). This May be help.

                                Just saying !!

