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Brexit, in or out.

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  • Hoping for a late swing in favour of staying in. Neither option is without its serious consequences, but I believe of the two, leaving could be potentially disastrous.


    • Originally Posted by ghost121 View Post
      Hoping for a late swing in favour of staying in. Neither option is without its serious consequences, but I believe of the two, leaving could be potentially disastrous.
      I think that's exactly what will happen, I don't think it will be close at the end 55-45 remain. Just like shy Tory voters ,a lot of folk say they will vote out but when the hand hovers over that box, it will shake and come down on the remain side, most folk are scared of the Unknown and the fear of change is enough to vote for the status quo no matter how bad they think that is.
      This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


      • Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
        very dim and unilluminating in comparison


        • Originally Posted by j6uk View Post
          this should help shed some light on the subject

          The EU's policy decisions are being unduly influenced by lobbyists? Dear God, thank God we have a Prime Minister who's done so much to combat that in our country. It's an interesting film and very well made, but like your various other links(wothout ever offering any of your own thoughts, which is a shame), it's horribly biased against the institutions of the EU - it doesn't even bother to talk to MEPs in any detail, instead making the excuse that they were all busy .But then it does claim to be a docu-thriller, not a documentary...
          Last edited by gavpowell; 20 June 2016, 09:55 PM.


          • 3 days to go ------------- its make your mind up time


            • Originally Posted by gavpowell View Post
              The EU's policy decisions are being unduly influenced by lobbyists? Dear God, thank God we have a Prime Minister who's done so much to combat that in our country. It's an interesting film and very well made, but like your various other links(wothout ever offering any of your own thoughts, which is a shame), it's horribly biased against the institutions of the EU - it doesn't even bother to talk to MEPs in any detail, instead making the excuse that they were all busy .But then it does claim to be a docu-thriller, not a documentary...
              That's a good point Gav, I remember him saying it was the next big expose after the expenses scandle and he was going to sort it out, wonder how he's getting on with that lol.
              As with everything lobbying at its routes is a good thing, if it's to keep a local hospital open etc, but of course it's big business that runs it ,as with everything and the good ideals of it get ruined by greed ,money and corruption, that's why every now and again you get those films of MPs wanting five grand to ask a question to a minister etc.
              This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


              • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                every now and again you get those films of MPs wanting five grand to ask a question to a minister etc.
                It never ceases to amaze me the way people still get caught out by those! "Hmm, some people I've never met before seem very keen to get me talking about how much I'd break the rules/law...I wonder if I should trust them?....Eh, I'm sure it's fine 'Five grand a day is my usual rate'"


                • Originally Posted by mikeyd100 View Post
                  3 days to go ------------- its make your mind up time
                  Lies! Make your mind up time is the interval between picking up the pen and putting the cross in the relevant box!


                  • Like most elections, I reckon 90% have entrenched views, it's the10% they are fighting over, and when push comes to shove, people vote for the devil they know,rather than the devil they don't, or a posh boy. We are hard wired to be subservient and think someone with a cut glass accent knows best, we just can't shake the class system mentality off in this country.
                    This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                    • Originally Posted by gavpowell View Post
                      Lies! Make your mind up time is the interval between picking up the pen and putting the cross in the relevant box!
                      Hahahaha Good one


                      • welcome voters to hotel california


                        • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                          Cut glass accent
                          Phrase of the month, love it


                          • For me the politicians have done a really poor job of explaining the positives - instead they just play on people's fears which is a shame.

                            I think the Europe is not democratic and some countries in it have already gone bust and when or if Greece defaults the counties in Europe will suffer the most. They are expansionist in philosophy and so Turkey will join eventually and immigration will be a major concern more than it is now.

                            The countries that have left have done well and I do think we would too as we import far more than we sell to Europe so we are in a very good position re trade agreements.

                            I am on the fence still but have not heard a positive argument to stay in only fear this fear that and the out concentrate on immigration fears. I am not anti immigration like lots of out voters so the emphasis on this by the out campaign is wrong - I do think we should have a points system like Australia New Zealand and Canada USA though otherwise it's in controlled as it is now. We have over 18 thousand illegal immigrants in prison awaiting deportation after committing serious crimes - if we carry on with this policy unchecked we will have many more no doubt. Business leaders don't care about the effect on society - to them it's all about the numbers - low wages.

                            For me the main concern is democracy - we have very little as it is -Europe is un democratic no one is allowed to vote for its leaders and it always strikes me as a bit new world order ish . They waste lots of money. If Britain does stay in an the economy does well we have to contribute many more billions than we already do. Thing is I don't trust our current politicians to set fair laws if we leave either.

                            I think the vote is fixed to be in anyway.

                            So still not sure - probably out ...I don't want to be blamed when it all collapses in on us. Once you give away power to Europe there is no getting it back.
                            They still need us in so will keep coming back with better and better deals until we say yes anyway. Cameron failed to get a proper deal for the uk I think - he should go.

                            I think if the vote was do you want to go into Europe or stay outside as we are in reality the vote would be stay as we are ... Funny that
                            Last edited by Byrom; 21 June 2016, 10:50 AM.


                            • Lets have United States of Europe. Cheers!


                              • Originally Posted by Byrom View Post
                                The countries that have left have done well
                                Which ones are they? Nobody has ever left the EU so far, and only Greenland has withdrawn from any of its previous incarnations, largely because they're very keen on seal hunting and the EU isn't. But Greenland is not an independent country, it's a sort of vassal state to Denmark.

                                I'd like to know what would happen if we did leave, and it'd be amazing if we did well and could stand on our own, but so far nobody in the official "out" campaign has put forward a proper plan for if we do leave, and they keep telling lies about things like £350 million. I'd prefer it if both sides were a bit more honest and said "Look, we don't know, but we think this is worth a punt."

