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Brexit, in or out.

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  • Originally Posted by DeanH View Post
    Don't forget the Frisian languages which English is greatly linked

    :biggrin: Of course, if you go back far enough we are ALL related to the single family group that wandered Out Of Africa
    Yeah, we're all family BTW if you're interested in European development the Penguin History of Europe is a great start, a very easy read and is in quite a bit of detail 800 pages


    • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
      Yeah, we're all family BTW if you're interested in European development the Penguin History of Europe is a great start, a very easy read and is in quite a bit of detail 800 pages
      nope, not interested at all, thanks anyway
      Up the TSF! :snooker:


      • Originally Posted by VillaGuy
        ...They have recreational drug threads on Villatalk for gods sake
        But who wants that ?


        • Originally Posted by Hello, Mr Big Shot View Post
          How about the trolling, baiting ad hominem attack on me from a few pages back? Did you edit your post? Or are YOU allowed to act to a different set of principles to the rest of us? If you're going to throw your weight around best to get your own house in order first, eh?

          And let's be perfectly honest here - there's NO WAY this would have blown up on a non Brexit thread. You have self interest in staying in the EU, and that has clouded your judgement. Merc on the drive, Euros in the bank...what's not to like about free trade with Europe, huh?

          So don't get all high and mighty with such trivial nonsense in future, ok? And whoever sets out the policies of this site needs replacing, pronto, for he is entirely clueless on how to run a successful board. Kids need protecting from swearing?! Lol!!
          I am not really interested in discussing Brexit - I think it is suicidal - but everybody is welcome to their own opinion.

          I set the policies, and yes there needs to be rules on swearing, not just for kids, it annoys lots of people. If you don't like it then feel free to go elsewhere.

          Can people get back on subject please.


          • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
            Yeah this is an interesting post, and raises quite few points. This is certainly where nationalism comes from, a taught history that plays to peoples warmths. But the UK's history is shorter than most European nations, European civilisation started in the Eastern Med and stayed along the Med coast for many centuries. During this time people didn't have what is now called countries but they kept to polis states that adherred to self governance. This was the Hellenic way or what is known as ancient Greece. This, alongside the Levant/Middle East were the most advanced parts of the world at the time and the first places for democracy and harmony. There were no wars for thousands of years...

            Then came Rome, at the time Italy wasn't Italy as nation states hadn't really formed, but it was a part of the Ancient Greek world, people governing themselves. But Rome took a twist on this and created nostalgia, traditions and feelings to control people. It's where Romance comes from, being romantic means doing things traditionally to create a feeling. This is where nationalism comes from, all these false agendas and histories to create a sense of togetherness but also a division to others. Rome used this in a way to control most of the modern world at that time, and although the people were believing they were fighting for a Republic they were in effect fighting for a imperial system where people were divided in castes and inequality arose.

            So nationalism is only ever, and only ever will be a form of control by the elite. Voting for nationalism is basically an approval of being oppressed. There's not one gain from the brexit vote, not a single one that is tangible anyway. I really do hate flag waving and I believe that everyone is equal, everyone deserves a second chance and people should always treat others with respect. For Europe I could not see what would be wrong with pooling sovereignty as we all have shared histories, we British are Germans, we're Anglo-Saxons, our language has come from theirs, English is Germanic. Of course we're proud to be British, but lets not draw imaginary lines seperating us from our brothers over the Channel.
            Really? Skara Brae.


            • Yeah, in relation to a civilised society, elsewhere there were people of course but as people have spread from Africa the UK even then didn't have the earliest populations compared to other European regions, civilised or not. Skara Brae is 5,000 years old, Plovdiv in Bulgaria has been inhabited for 8,000 years continuously, 3,000 years older. The Greeks had purpose built communities when people elsewhere in Europe were living in mud huts/tents
              Last edited by VillaGuy; 17 December 2016, 01:42 PM.


              • Brexit, in or out.

                Nice plate Sir Ramsey


                • It's very hard to establish old societies as far as age goes. There is proof North America was settled first around 13,500 years ago and I believe there is a similar claim about Australia. As for civilization, there are many much older than the Greeks for sure.
                  Terry Davidson
                  IBSF Master Coach & Examiner


                  • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                    It's very hard to establish old societies as far as age goes. There is proof North America was settled first around 13,500 years ago and I believe there is a similar claim about Australia. As for civilization, there are many much older than the Greeks for sure.
                    I believe Lascaux is thought to be between 17 and 18 thousand years old.


                    • Originally Posted by Terry Davidson View Post
                      It's very hard to establish old societies as far as age goes. There is proof North America was settled first around 13,500 years ago and I believe there is a similar claim about Australia. As for civilization, there are many much older than the Greeks for sure.
                      Yeah there are older civilisations, but those two at their confluence ignited the Greek system which is/has still got legacies to this day. Those civilisations being Mesopotamia and the Egyptians. At the same time Crete was trading between both and was a hotspot of the Hellenic style. Because you are from Canada you might not know that this region is the Levant/Eastern Mediterranean, it was after the last ice age far cooler than today and was much lusher, it was where many crops were grown which enabled early people to flourish enough that time could be devoted to the arts, science and innovation. This region predates civilisation in the Americas or China by 1000's of years. Of course our species has been in various parts of the world for much longer, but basically living like cavemen.

                      There is academic consensus that Classical Greece is the seminal culture which provided the foundation of modern Western culture, democracy, art, theatre, philosophy and science. For this reason it is known as the cradle of Western Civilization. Along with Greece, Rome has sometimes been described as a birthplace or as the cradle of Western Civilization because of the role the city had in politics, republicanism, law, architecture, warfare and Western Christianity.


                      • Originally Posted by Big Splash! View Post
                        Haha, the usual excuses, no apology. No gent.

                        Chappy5 and Ace Man both have porn avatars. There you go, a complaint, in public, not backstabbing. No, please don't give them an infraction or worse, just get them to change the avatars.
                        My only complaint is that when first joined I thought they were proper pics of the person, especially the one with the voluptous butt.
                        10 seconds later I realised they were obviously not


                        • Originally Posted by mikeyd100 View Post
                          My only complaint is that when first joined I thought they were proper pics of the person, especially the one with the voluptous butt.
                          10 seconds later I realised they were obviously not
                          LOL, give me some duck soup anyday mate.


                          • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                            There is academic consensus that Classical Greece is the seminal culture which provided the foundation of modern Western culture, democracy, art, theatre, philosophy and science. For this reason it is known as the cradle of Western Civilization. Along with Greece, Rome has sometimes been described as a birthplace or as the cradle of Western Civilization because of the role the city had in politics, republicanism, law, architecture, warfare and Western Christianity.
                            No mention of slavery in your little penguin history book ?

                            Nothing's changed except that we now vote for our masters, except when given a straight choice like brexit, and guess what, we didn't do our masters bidding and they didn't like it.

                            A question though, who the hell are you ? 240 posts in a little over three weeks, only one other member comes to mind and he's been known to argue with himself on this forum.


                            • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post

                              A question though, who the hell are you ? 240 posts in a little over three weeks, only one other member comes to mind and he's been known to argue with himself on this forum.
                              There's my information on my profile, have a read. The vote was a vote for our masters, just the brexiteers were too stupid to realise it.


                              • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                                There's my information on my profile, have a read. The vote was a vote for our masters, just the brexiteers were too stupid to realise it.
                                I think what he means is there is only one person in the history of the internet who has done so many posts in such a short space of time on a forum so you must be him posting from a different account, it's detective work on a level Sherlock Holmes couldn't possibly comprehend.
                                It's hard to pot balls with a Chimpanzee tea party going on in your head


