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Brexit, in or out.

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  • Originally Posted by vmax4steve View Post
    Hurry up and go then, but please find somewhere out in the wilds of Bulgaria with no internet access.
    Haha, that'll save him from your useless comments!
    It's the villa guys we need to keep, we need to stay in the EU to retire the junk like you abroad.
    Last edited by Big Splash!; 31 December 2016, 12:38 PM.


    • All comments on this thread are useless...

      the title of the thread is 'Brexit, in or out' The need for that debate ended on June 23rd... Saying we need to stay in the EU is a moot point. There was a referendum and there was a majority decision. To suggest that being in or out of the EU is still on the table isn't productive.

      However you feel about it, you can either roll with the punches and counter with shots of your own or you can brace for impact... Either way, the punch is on it's way.

      A more pertinent question would be 'Brexit, what happens next?'


      • Originally Posted by pottr View Post
        Saying we need to stay in the EU is a moot point. There was a referendum and there was a majority decision. To suggest that being in or out of the EU is still on the table isn't productive.'
        Well with a change of government we could end up staying in, though obviously it's massively unlikely and there'd likely be riots by people who voted to leave.


        • Originally Posted by gavpowell View Post
          Originally Posted by pottr View Post
          Saying we need to stay in the EU is a moot point. There was a referendum and there was a majority decision. To suggest that being in or out of the EU is still on the table isn't productive.'
          Well with a change of government we could end up staying in, though obviously it's massively unlikely and there'd likely be riots by people who voted to leave.
          What like the riots that were predicted after the referendum?
          Up the TSF! :snooker:


          • Of course there'd be no riots... No one really cares?

            We're a society of posers. A false digital image, a politically correct façade. Veneers of caring masking our true selfish natures.

            And the big dirty secret is there is nothing wrong with that.

            Problem is, the arguing groups are made up of individuals who don't really care about what's best for the group, they care about what's best for themselves. That's why there's never gonna be any political mass rioting... Because despite all the posing and posturing during these debates, the second the result falls everyone scrambles to work out how the result serves their own interests best.

            Simple and boring.

            Just highlights that we shouldn't have been given any type of vote. The electorate and myself amongst it, is not qualified to make decisions like this... The illusion of informed consent is strong... We're all along for the ride, so buckle up, enjoy the view and try to his as few pedestrians as possible...


            • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
              I shall be moving, unless I am unable to due to brexit bureaucratic changes, if that's the unfortunate case I'll come back to the UK and drive my motor through a kipper/britain first street march :biggrin-new:
              I think we can see who the real racist is here with that comment. Disgraceful!


              • I'm not on his side, but calling someone racist for threatening to drive a car through racists who are the same race as him is mildly confusing to say the least. I'm not even sure what race I am after typing that.


                • I'm white British, I don't think it'd be classed as racism, maybe a nicer term could be used like 'freedom fighter'


                  • Originally Posted by pottr View Post

                    A more pertinent question would be 'Brexit, what happens next?'
                    This is what is important, it is still all to play for. There's the hope left that we stay in the single market and maintain freedom to work/live abroad. The more people realise or argue for these rights the more likely the better option is going to happen, but to lay back and think its over with will make right wingers nailing the lid to the coffin of freedoms far easier.


                    • Originally Posted by weezer View Post
                      Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                      I shall be moving, unless I am unable to due to brexit bureaucratic changes, if that's the unfortunate case I'll come back to the UK and drive my motor through a kipper/britain first street march :biggrin-new:
                      I think we can see who the real racist is here with that comment. Disgraceful!
                      Are you confused? Lol


                      • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                        This is what is important, it is still all to play for. There's the hope left that we stay in the single market and maintain freedom to work/live abroad. The more people realise or argue for these rights the more likely the better option is going to happen, but to lay back and think its over with will make right wingers nailing the lid to the coffin of freedoms far easier.
                        Not a chance will any government agree to free movement of people as part of the leaving deal. If you are clinging on hoping for this you are wasting your time,because of this we will not get a deal to stay in the single market and we may just have to deal with Europe under WTO rules. All this may not matter once Trump pulls America out of NATO and Putin comes knocking on the door, then we will have something to worry about.
                        There isn't a party left or right that ( except lib dems and SNP) have said they would do anything about how the vote turned out, so it's not just the right that's in favour of implementing brexit ,it's also the Labour Party. Who still to this day reject the idea that immigration numbers had anything to do with how folk voted, it's just head in the sand stuff from them.
                        This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                        • Originally Posted by itsnoteasy View Post
                          Not a chance will any government agree to free movement of people as part of the leaving deal. If you are clinging on hoping for this you are wasting your time,because of this we will not get a deal to stay in the single market and we may just have to deal with Europe under WTO rules. All this may not matter once Trump pulls America out of NATO and Putin comes knocking on the door, then we will have something to worry about.
                          There isn't a party left or right that ( except lib dems and SNP) have said they would do anything about how the vote turned out, so it's not just the right that's in favour of implementing brexit ,it's also the Labour Party. Who still to this day reject the idea that immigration numbers had anything to do with how folk voted, it's just head in the sand stuff from them.
                          I disagree with this, it isn't cast into stone, freedom of movement may be complimented by the brake system or not gaining employment/social benefits until working for x amount of years, two things that could bring back some kind of control over unlimited influxes. This could be argued to be in the interests of those that voted brexit and enable the UK to keep its businesses from migrating to elsewhere. Yes a lot did vote because of immigration, but not thinking about it in a balanced way, the gutter press sold the myths, terrorism and have all the benefits whilst we wave our magic wand (the union jack). Many of those people may actually start to think outside the media box and use their own heads, realise that since the referendum we have been promised further cuts to the services and that the austerity is due to the financial catastrophe rather than net contributors. Certain headlines from the beeb saying pressures lie into the future with more workplace automation and a country which will be materially poorer if hard brexit is chosen, giving up freedoms for that mess must surely get a percentage of those loonies to consider their position.


                          • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                            I disagree with this, it isn't cast into stone, freedom of movement may be complimented by the brake system or not gaining employment/social benefits until working for x amount of years, two things that could bring back some kind of control over unlimited influxes. This could be argued to be in the interests of those that voted brexit and enable the UK to keep its businesses from migrating to elsewhere. Yes a lot did vote because of immigration, but not thinking about it in a balanced way, the gutter press sold the myths, terrorism and have all the benefits whilst we wave our magic wand (the union jack). Many of those people may actually start to think outside the media box and use their own heads, realise that since the referendum we have been promised further cuts to the services and that the austerity is due to the financial catastrophe rather than net contributors. Certain headlines from the beeb saying pressures lie into the future with more workplace automation and a country which will be materially poorer if hard brexit is chosen, giving up freedoms for that mess must surely get a percentage of those loonies to consider their position.
                            All of this existed before the referendum, didn't make a blind bit of difference. There are that many loopholes to get around these rules, like claiming to be self employed, you are entitled to social housing and all benefits immediately, you can also work for less than minimum wage( there is no wage set for self employed work) but still claim full working tax credits, what happens is they will work for six pound an hour and still get full benifits, no rent or council tax to pay, an extra couple of hundred pound a week in family or working tax credits and living umpteen to a house. My son knows a few that are doing it and sending the money home. The building trades are full of them, this is one way how they easily undercut wages.
                            This is how you play darts ,MVG two nines in the same match!


                            • That's the British law that allows this though, not the EU membership. If these loopholes are closed then the attraction to live in the UK decreases lowering the number that come over, of course these loopholes are in place for the businesses, not for the working people and it's the businesses the like of Farage, Gove and May are all about. You want to make a difference, vote for Lib Dems, but not a reduction in liberties. It's funny how there is a new denigrating term for lefties and liberal lefties, I don't think the people using these terms know what they are saying in a literal sense.

                              I think bringing an end to zero hour contracts will make many at the lower ends feel much happier, again a separate issue to EU membership.

                              BTW, you can't have umpteen to a house anymore, that rule changed years ago, anyone who lets out like this should be reported to the police.


                              • Originally Posted by VillaGuy View Post
                                That's the British law that allows this though, not the EU membership. If these loopholes are closed then the attraction to live in the UK decreases lowering the number that come over, of course these loopholes are in place for the businesses, not for the working people and it's the businesses the like of Farage, Gove and May are all about. You want to make a difference, vote for Lib Dems, but not a reduction in liberties. It's funny how there is a new denigrating term for lefties and liberal lefties, I don't think the people using these terms know what they are saying in a literal sense.

                                I think bringing an end to zero hour contracts will make many at the lower ends feel much happier, again a separate issue to EU membership.

                                BTW, you can't have umpteen to a house anymore, that rule changed years ago, anyone who lets out like this should be reported to the police.
                                You can't smoke hash anymore, it's illegal and therefore never happens.

