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2 days left for a fag!

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by PaulTheSoave
    BTW, My mum (in her 70's a lifelong non smoker ) rang me Friday..

    i bet your mum is one of those types who fancies the doc, and find any excuse to have a visit! haaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa

    Something tells me i'm gonna have a dream tonight about my mom running off with a 5ft 1" 7 stone when wringing wet, younger than me Pakistani doctor with me dad waving them goodbye then cheering for joy louder than he did when Bobby Moore lifted the world cup in '66.


    • #62
      The second day

      How did it go then? Anyone experienced the new setting?


      • #63
        You guys will not believe what has just happened down the snooker hall! This bold man who is constantly drunk and shouts abuse to everyone all day just lit up a fag in the middle of the pool section where they had a league match going! The players all started shouting at him to put it out! his response 'F*ck' off! This man is an absolute moron who disturbs individuals from playing snooker yet the manager doesnt barr him! I find this absolutely incredible as this same manager has barred people for far more petty things!


        • #64
          I noticed some members at Lords smoking pipes at the ODI on Sunday. Some people think they are above the new regulations and can just ignore it.

          The only thing I've noticed is that the ash-trays have been taken out of the club I play at (as you would expect).

          What happpened to this bold old guy then?


          • #65
            Well he jus stands around giving ppl abuse an thinks he owns the place! he cant work as he is in no 'fit state' to as hes drunk all day. The pool guys eventually made him put his fag out but he wasnt happy! We just usually stay out of his way but i think i will make a complaint to the manager about this( who himself is quite a fool)


            • #66
              I noticed on my way home from work walking through the centre of york, the amount of people standing outside of pubs puffing away huddled underneath these large parasols was just ridiculars.This means that the pub looks less inviting. I can't say I ever noticed that smoking was much of a problem there before. Now its attracting attention to itself.

              Also smoking in company cars is now banned too..Even if you use your own car for company business you can't ever smoke in it at all. Apparently if you have a home office which is used solely for work purposes, the smoking ban covers this as well.


              • #67
                Originally Posted by imy147
                Well he jus stands around giving ppl abuse an thinks he owns the place! he cant work as he is in no 'fit state' to as hes drunk all day. The pool guys eventually made him put his fag out but he wasnt happy! We just usually stay out of his way but i think i will make a complaint to the manager about this( who himself is quite a fool)
                Not the same thing but that reminds me of when I was at school we used to kick the crap out anyone who went running to the teacher with "please sir they are smoking in the tolets again."

                Mebbe it time for me to be a skinhead again.


                • #68
                  Originally Posted by dantuck_7
                  I noticed some members at Lords smoking pipes at the ODI on Sunday. Some people think they are above the new regulations and can just ignore it.
                  Lords is hardly an enclosed public place is it? Your quite legit to smoke in there.

                  Now the Cardiff stadium, thats anther thing as it has that retractable roof .
                  While its open to the skies smokings legit, close it and it's not. Mind they have no smoking signs up everywhere but no one, least when I went gave a monkeys, not that theres enough coppers or stewards to evict a quarter of the crowd.

                  Stage 2 of the Governments plan is to amend it to public places enclosed or not.


                  • #69
                    Originally Posted by Marc
                    Even if you use your own car for company business you can't ever smoke in it at all. Apparently if you have a home office which is used solely for work purposes, the smoking ban covers this as well.
                    I think you'll find thats only true if other employees use that vehicle or home/office and/or if a work related journey or meeting with a member of the public takes place in the home office or vehicle.


                    • #70
                      i am sure there will be plenty of places going out of business becasuse of the ban, i heard a large bingo company had closed a third of its clubs and some pub chains had also followed suit. I think if they designate an area in these places, they should probably let them smoke themselves to death...

                      Q ( A non-smoker)
                      Looking for a uk, brand new car or van?, look no further, drop me an email or pager now, I will beat any dealer on the road price ! Q


                      • #71
                        Whilst I agree with the ban, what I hate is the fact that you now have to fight your way through groups of smokers at entrances to pubs, etc. Even coming back from holiday there they all were immediately outside the doors when you're trying to get out with your luggage! Put them all in a small room with no windows, it might make some of them give up!
                        Winner of Crucible 77's 2009 World Championship Lucky Dip.


                        • #72
                          ... what I hate is the fact that you now have to fight your way through groups of smokers at entrances to pubs, etc.
                          Stage 3 of the governments plan is to introduce internment camps where all these "filthy loiterers" will be imprisoned.

                          I think if they designate an area in these places, they should probably let them smoke themselves to death.
                          Stage 4 of the party plan (note government and freedom by them will be a thing of the past) will look like an about turn in policy. For the first time the internees will actually be a cost to the nation as party members (Joe Public) with their non smoker I.D. papers will be paying tax at 50% Public opinion will call for action and the government will of course oblidge with building gas ovens in those camps.

                          Stage 5. As The fuher Gordon Brown celebrates his first year in power anniversary in his speach frm the balcony of his new house Buckingham Palace he announces a basic rate of tax of 15% stating Britain, is now the first country ever to have full employment and declares us the healthiest nation in the world He stand proudly under the new Union Swastika Jack and thanks the masses as they shout Zieg Heil.


                          • #73
                            I agree with most of the smoking ban, but not in pubs. There should be a smoking room with better quality extracter fans. We seem to forget how much tax smokers pay, they say if they stoped smoking tomorrow the goverment would have to put 9p in the pound on everyone's tax which I am sure would not go down well at all.
                            As for the cost to the NHS driking and obestity now cost the NHS more than smoking. Also you can still smoke in the House of Commons Bar, so it seems once again there is 1 law for the rich and 1 law for the poor.


                            • #74
                              You must be The BAT Director. Come on, admit it.

                              [QUOTE=Wity]Stage 3 of the governments plan is to introduce internment camps where all these "filthy loiterers" will be imprisoned.


                              • #75
                                LOL i wouldnt say no to their money but I'd sell my share at the drop of a hat the way lawyers are sueing them nowadays.

                                What you think of this one then...

                                I went fishing yesterday and before our draw we were gathered round just talking about the ban and I heard that at another place I go to the owner has put up a sign stating that from now on when he and his wife go round weighing in the catches after a contest you are not to smoke in their presence.

                                "Kin ell !!" was the general reaction from smokers and non smokers alike. Then someone said "well they own the land and the pools, s'pose it's their right."

                                Mine was: "They can own the land the pools the fish whatever but they dont own the air do they? Sod em they've just lost one customer. I hope they go bust."

