Originally Posted by elvaago
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Your Christmas Pressie wish list 2007
What I really really want is a way to meet a girl that works in a department next to mine. She has the most amaizing hair and jaw. (don't ask)
I keep catching her eye but am too afraid to smile incase she doesn't smile back and I'll then want to throw myself off the balcony
Maybe I should just concentrate on my job!
What do I want for Christmas? Hmm...
Well, I wish all the things I have to get done before Christmas would just be done for me...but I guess Santa is too busy to do that for me.
I also want some new winter boots,but i think i'll have to take care of that as well.
Ok,what I really, really want for Christmas is time off,and at least I know I'll get that!
Oh,and another thing: I'll ask Santa to make sure Matthew Stevens wins the WCs next year, hehe
BTW: Rotty, I think you should smile to the girl. If she doesn't smile back, then it's not the end of the world
PS: Nice yellow pants,Sem XD
Last year I asked for car tyres, which I eventually changed in October.
But Santa also heard my secret wish, and brought to me what I had asked for - with all its excitement and the bad moments as well.
So I think this year I'll skip the objects and ask for exactly what I want.
I never ask, bad form as an adult!!.......... but I have all the material possessions I need and happy with them too.
So, ideally, I would like any, all, or some of:-
-genius snooker talent;
-power of invisibility;
-ability to teleport;
-to form the best band seen for a good while.
Not much to ask for,. C'mon Santa/ God/ whatever is out there..........!!
Fountain of youth pleaseYou play a long slow deadweight red to a corner pocket. As it approaches the pocket, a kamikaze woodlouse crawls out from under the cushion and makes its way across the table, conflicting with the path of the red precisely at the point the red gets there. The red, needless to say, veers off course, and the future of the woodlouse is uncertain. - The Statman