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Timely Off-Topic USA ELECTION

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  • #31
    Moondan, You as a british citizen have every right to have positive thoughts about american politics, "war on terror", and those kind of bull****, because your country has a strategic alliance with the USA, and has benefits in terms of security and economy. The fact is that americans have brought more terror to some parts of the World (Central America, Middle East, Balkans, Southeast Asia, Caucasus) then you can imagine. And it's all driven by the urge to control the World for it's economic interests.


    • #32
      I am really happy that the change has been made, I wasn't sure the American people were up to it, but they surprised me. I think it's good for the country and the world as well. But the best thing anyway: that George W. will soon be out of business, thank god!


      • #33
        Originally Posted by matoski View Post
        Moondan, You as a british citizen have every right to have positive thoughts about american politics, "war on terror", and those kind of bull****, because your country has a strategic alliance with the USA, and has benefits in terms of security and economy. The fact is that americans have brought more terror to some parts of the World (Central America, Middle East, Balkans, Southeast Asia, Caucasus) then you can imagine. And it's all driven by the urge to control the World for it's economic interests.
        umm interesting points but i would argue the balkans created its own problems.


        • #34
          Originally Posted by ROLO View Post
          [b] I was a skinhead in '69 and a skinhead now.
          only once by design then.


          • #35
            Originally Posted by matoski View Post
            The fact is that americans have brought more terror to some parts of the World (Central America, Middle East, Balkans, Southeast Asia, Caucasus) then you can imagine.
            Terror is their business!
            They are the leading buyers and sellers of arms in the world.
            During the Bush administrations the US sold on the order of $60 billion in arms.
            This Expenditure Chart is for 2007...
            Last edited by noel; 22 March 2010, 03:48 PM.


            • #36
              Originally Posted by noel View Post
              Terror is their business!
              They are the leading buyers and sellers of arms in the world.
              During the Bush administrations the US sold on the order of $60 billion in arms.
              This Expenditure Chart is for 2007...
              So you are saying Americans are terrorists? And Bush is their leader?


              • #37
                Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                So you are saying Americans are terrorists? And Bush is their leader?
                without a doubt they facilitate it!


                • #38
                  Hey guys one and all, this is a snooker site first and our waffle on this must be secondary.
                  The world is a competitive place, competition has got us this far, it also produced a world that is a zillion miles from my parents lot, long hours of toil and endless conflicts to fight that held no benifits for them, just painful sacrifice.
                  America must carry the torch, they are more trustworthy than any other power on the planet, the fact that obama has been elected is proof of that.
                  Someone must lead, do you trust russia? China, or nations scurged with ignorance or religion?
                  It really is a no brainer.
                  America spends billions on bribes to get other nations to do what is in the best interests of all, to accuse them of self interest is just not reality.
                  If any reality exists in that statement, it is only this, it is cheaper in the long run for them to control, rather than send their sons to their deaths cleaning up the mess of others, before those nations come with their begging bowls who have dug holes they cant fill.
                  America is the worlds best friend, the hard fact is we dont deserve their loyalty, without them we would all be doomed to decades of nightmares of our own making of greed and stupidity, Surely recent history has taught us that much.
                  Im more hippy than rocker, I never understood skinheads, and if ever a group needed a bong or a joint it was them, never quite understood their usefulness, or the tolerence that was extended to them.
                  Perhaps they are different today, I dont know, but they never graced the world in my day.


                  • #39
                    i am sorry but the USA has raped the worlds resourses and is the most self orientated nation on earth.


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by moondan View Post
                      America is the worlds best friend
                      I'd go for "with friends like that one needs no enemies" then...

                      I'd never thought you'd be that naive... surely the US only acts for the greater good of the planet, no self interest there....

                      Whatever Obama will do, it can only be dissapointing for those cheering him now. Even if he himself believes what he's saying, which I doubt, he'll soon have to face reality.
                      Ein jedes Werkzeug ist ein Tand in eines tumben Toren Hand.


                      • #41
                        Rolo, I never met an intelligent skinhead, or heard an intelligent word from one, still havent.


                        • #42
                          There are all sorts of people in the US, some good some bad, just like everywhere else.
                          I do notice however, that some Americans I have met have this very narrow minded and arrogant attitude, as if they think only American product and American culture is the best, which I have found to be laughable.
                          These kind of American usually are quite ignorant about the culture/heritage from other parts of the world, and seem to lack the desire to find out.
                          On the other hand, Canada probably would not be able to provide the living standard it now provides if not for the Americans. It is sad but true.
                          I am not a supporter of Obama--I agree he is charming, and charimatic, and have done a great job marketing himself--but I do not believe he would be able to deliver what he promises, and I do not see him really having what it takes to improve the economy.
                          The most disturbing things about him to me are when he mentioned about the re-distribution of wealth and about skyrocket energy price by bankrupting coal plants. In a nut shell, I do not trust him.
                          He is not a black President, he is half black. His father is a Muslim, and his mother is white. Is Obama Muslim, I am not sure. He was a senator, with a high amount of election fund coming from obviously very powerful people. To believe he is more honest or more amazing than the next guy is simply being native.
                          Reality is now he is the US president, and there is nothing I can do about that.
                          Do I think McCain was better, not really.
                          Just my opinion.


                          • #43
                            Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
                            I am not a supporter of Obama. Do I think McCain was better, not really.
                            So from what you say I assume you mean you would support the devil you think you know rather than the devil you don't?
                            Not unusual, many people chose the status quo as a safer bet (Republican).
                            However, PJ, the system IS broke (pun intended) and someone has to fix it.
                            Did you REALLY think that the party of Bush could manage that?
                            How well did the Republican "trickle-down" economics work? Oh I know! ... trickle down my leg well!
                            Obama campaigned on "change" and "hope". Now, the voters expect that.
                            In addition to Obama's historic victory over the 225 year old white hegemony he will be scrutinized by people the world over as we have never seen before.

                            Stay tuned M8!




                            • #44
                              Originally Posted by ADR147 View Post
                              i am sorry but the USA has raped the worlds resourses and is the most self orientated nation on earth.
                              couldnt agree more totaly self orientated dont give a **** attitude about anything that isnt american a bunch of fat ignorant ******s who take what they what when they want and just use use use cant stand the ****s.


                              • #45
                                Originally Posted by noel View Post
                                So from what you say I assume you mean you would support the devil you think you know rather than the devil you don't?


                                No, that is not what I meant. I will not support the devil, period.

                                Time will tell if Obama is as amazing as some has made him out to be. You are right, let's stay tuned.

