i see the mods locked the is sutcliffe a muppet thread because we where all taking the **** but the dave harold thread and selby thread is still open when basicly he was trying and sucseded in doing the exact same thing taking the **** out of those 2 players and forum members who have to put up with is constant wind ups .
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locked threads
He kinda lost it with one of his last threads and was rather rude to the ferret for giving him a couple of warnings...Personally I feel a little for him, he obviously loved snooker even if I never shared any of his opinions or method of putting them across...and he was rude to a number of people. I think he did not really have much in the way of a sense of humour...and I guess you need that on here...should not ban people like that though....they are interesting dont you think?
Its like throwing the moody one's out of big brother...it goes a bit quiet untill someone else comes along...
I beg to differ 1lawyer ... I'm 99,99% certain this guy has been here before and has been banned already. For being rude and insulting and trying to wind up people. That's what floats his boat.
And shall I add ... very insulting and very personal in PMs occasionally if it's indeed the same guy.
Originally Posted by ste bed View Posti see the mods locked the is sutcliffe a muppet thread because we where all taking the **** but the dave harold thread and selby thread is still open when basicly he was trying and sucseded in doing the exact same thing taking the **** out of those 2 players and forum members who have to put up with is constant wind ups .
The threads Sutcliffe was starting certainly appeared to be a wind up and he appeared to be CaveBadSeed, but we had no proof that he wasn't just a big Dave Harold fan, he denied he was anything else. We've actually banned very few people and we don't take it lightly. After keeping an eye on him for some time and especially after his (now deleted) rant this morning though it became as clear as it needed to be that we were dealing with the same guy, and he has now been banned.
He did liven the place up a bit but IMO the 'outlandish opinion, incredulous responses' format is a novelty that was wearing thin. I believe he was only doing it to stir up an argument and I think we can live without that kind of artificial 'debate'.