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Spotted on eBay

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  • Rob153
    Originally Posted by Wity.
    Justf .. Betcha was pleased with my sod it I'm out of here bit eh?

    Of course you was, as I had a look at some of your posts and discovered you said you have had 20- 25 Parris cues.

    I forgot just how many folks there are on TSF who still cant get it into their heads that Parris is very good at what he does... Ensuring his orderbook is full so he can charge what he likes to muppetts.

    Carry on goading me slagging me off trolling me whatever guys. I'm staying.
    Don't think anyone is 'Goading' as you put it, people prob don't like the continued use of the word muppets, everyone is entitled to their opinion as are you. Haven't got a clue what cue you use, but would you like to be labelled a muppet for buying one? And before you ask I don't use a Parris

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  • ADR147
    Originally Posted by Wity.
    Who says I'm worried? and what possibly makes you think I have a strange outlook on life.

    I think anyone who buys any Parris cue unless they intend to sell it on at a profit. is an idiot and I find idiots like that who are swayed by bull that xxx is the best are simply funny thus I call them muppets and laugh in their face.

    Afterall this is a snooker forum and the information and discussions available therein taught me that Parris cues are nothing special at all, a fact I confirmed for myself when visiting a cuemakers and seeing 5 of them and since then on 4 or five occasions over the next 6 years actually played with Parris cues.

    Have you not seen for example the questions that members have proposed to be asked to John Parris ? One or two are serious questions, the rest are posted taking the p out of the guy. So I therefore contend that my strange outlook on life is in fact quite normal.

    Jeeze Neil what's you problem? You've been on the TSF nearly 7 years, your a moderator with what 5,300+ posts and you've learnt what?

    Of course I can guess the answer.. you own a Parris cue don't you?
    He has a TW cue - and it is splendid!

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  • justf
    I think I can see why you weren't allowed back on here for such a long time Wity.
    Having good manners and a slight sense of decorum may hold you in good stead.

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  • Neil Taperell
    Why are they a muppet ?

    You have a strange outlook on life .......there is more to worry about than what people want to spend their hard earned on .

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  • Neil Taperell
    That's the beauty of the world we live in Wity ........people can chose what they want to spend their money on.

    It's a personal thing , just because you wouldn't spend that money on a stick ........doesn't mean that someone else shouldn't .

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  • justf

    Does the shaft look like its really a JPU??
    The badge also looks off to me.
    I may be wrong but.........

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  • mikeyd100
    This is pretty cute :

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  • george31
    Originally Posted by bigandyg View Post
    Looks genuine to me.
    that's what I thought,looking at the photos first off.

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  • bigandyg
    Looks genuine to me.

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  • rdp50734
    I have a butters cue from his eBay account.

    He doesn't send them with badges anymore and I did ask him for a note saying that it was made by him but he never sent it....

    I did keep all the communications from him as evidence sort of if I come to sell it.

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  • george31
    Originally Posted by justf View Post
    But with no badge how can anyone be sure its by Butters?
    Could be a cheapy £25 cue!
    Not sure if Butters cues faked with a badge yet. I would like one to add to collection sometime.
    Photos don't give away alot,but as you say this could easily be a fake,the guy has little to no feedback too,so unless I get some more info on this cue,might swerve this one,shame as I like the spec and design.

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  • Rob153
    Originally Posted by justf View Post
    But with no badge how can anyone be sure its by Butters?
    Could be a cheapy £25 cue!
    Not sure if Butters cues faked with a badge yet. I would like one to add to collection sometime.
    My sentiments exactly! Just chuck a cheapy on Fleabay call it a 'butters' and get yourself £100

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  • justf
    But with no badge how can anyone be sure its by Butters?
    Could be a cheapy £25 cue!
    Not sure if Butters cues faked with a badge yet. I would like one to add to collection sometime.

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  • george31

    Beautiful cue,should be a good player from a reputable cue maker.Would this cue would be any members old playing cue?

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  • ADR147
    Originally Posted by Rob153 View Post
    Yeah saw that also, phew glad it's not only me that had never heard of them!
    nor me - 40 years making cues and I have yet to see one.......

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