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Spotted on eBay

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  • DeanH
    it is not a fav of mine if truth be told

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  • qc2
    Originally Posted by narl View Post

    Really nice looking paragon, Eureka design.
    I'm put off tulipwood now as the first ever custom cue I had made used the ugliest piece imaginable as a face splice, which I later had re-spliced. Even at its best there are so many better looking alternative woods i'd prefer.

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  • narl

    Really nice looking paragon, Eureka design.

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  • narl
    Originally Posted by TooDark View Post
    How is the JP Classic off eBay playing?
    Not got it currently, over at parris getting a double face splice and a refinish.

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  • TooDark
    Originally Posted by narl View Post
    Not a chance of me bidding on it Happy with the cue i have currently.
    How is the JP Classic off eBay playing?

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  • narl
    Originally Posted by Delphiwizard View Post
    Not really interested, i think narl bidded on this one?
    Not going to steal his thunder, besides, there is no sd lock connection and no extensions.

    I would be interested in the case though if the buyer didn't need it (and if the price was acceptable).
    Not a chance of me bidding on it Happy with the cue i have currently.

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  • TooDark
    Only showing 1 bid at the moment on eBay from Clint Vanjour.

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  • Delphiwizard
    Not really interested, i think narl bidded on this one?
    Not going to steal his thunder, besides, there is no sd lock connection and no extensions.

    I would be interested in the case though if the buyer didn't need it (and if the price was acceptable).

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  • TooDark
    Originally Posted by Delphiwizard View Post
    Can't even buy this, no shipment outside UK, no details about tipsize, length, weight, woodtypes.
    Check final photo as he has a Parris screenshot from website.

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  • Delphiwizard
    Originally Posted by narl View Post
    Can't even buy this, no shipment outside UK, no details about tipsize, length, weight, woodtypes.

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  • narl

    Looks like he finally clued in.

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  • narl
    Originally Posted by Delphiwizard View Post
    Just out of curiousity, how expensive is the average ultimate in the JP shop?
    They are not listed in the collection so you have to order that with the cue builder i assume, but what would be the average price be?
    A plain ebony butt 1 piece ultimate is £1056, you pay a £120 premium for it to be 1 piece.

    A plain ebony butt 3/4 jointed at 16" ultimate is £936.

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  • anish147
    Originally Posted by Delphiwizard View Post
    Just out of curiousity, how expensive is the average ultimate in the JP shop?
    They are not listed in the collection so you have to order that with the cue builder i assume, but what would be the average price be?
    They're not available in the shop unless someone returns one from what I understand. I've seen Uniques and a Paragon when I've been but not an Ultimate

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  • Delphiwizard
    Originally Posted by narl View Post
    Not for 1 piece ultimates, if you check the parris site current waiting time for 1 piece ultimates is 60 months, and that's really just an estimate as it can take longer if you have a specific shaft grain pattern you want.

    It's honestly a ridiculous waiting period to say the least, seemingly mostly down to chinese buyers placing multiple orders, just have to see some of the snooker sales places on facebook and it's usually chinese players posting pics with multiple ultimates.
    Just out of curiousity, how expensive is the average ultimate in the JP shop?
    They are not listed in the collection so you have to order that with the cue builder i assume, but what would be the average price be?

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  • presprout
    Originally Posted by Delphiwizard View Post
    I guess the chinese players think a 'ultimate' cue is the erm ultimate thing to have, well of course i'm sure they are great cues but so are JP's other models.....
    I have a general rule. If someone has to tell you that something is a thing, then it's probably not that thing.

    I have a ten+ year old Parris Ambassador. Nice cue, nothing wrong with it. I have five better cues (for me) that cost a combined amount less than the price of the ambassador. My cue is not the representative of a foreign country, and I suspect there may be better cues than an ultimate. That's just my inbuilt cynicism.

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