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Budget Cue from UT - the Thai Cuemaker

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  • #16
    Thx a mil, Freddie. Got in contact with Uncle Suvit on eml, will ask Uncle Thai to do a custom. But BTW, what is going on in Bangkok? Riots? I dun usually read the news...


    • #17
      No problem mate. Good to have Uncle back with us. Great.. remember check out other UT threads.
      They are going to have election soon, they want the goverment to turn to democracy. Almost every year around this time, they will fight. you're working or studying in Papua?


      • #18
        Going to order an Omin's "147 Maximum" like cue from Uncle


        • #19
          Democracy? Demon's Crazy.....

          I was born in China, and grew up in Papua New Guinea, now workin for myself here...


          • #20
            That's good.. I'm sure Uncle will help you with it and get you a tournament grade cue. I'm a Omin user myself.
            If I still remember, you post on a chinese thread before right ? I remember you said you're chinese. Me too..

            How's snooker in Papua ? popular ?


            • #21
              Still waitin for unclevit's bank details to tranfer the money, and then 4-6 weeks for the cue...and that feels some kinda...dunno what to say...
              Earlier this week, was in contact with willytan for his UT maple, was all set and down to payments but i changed my mind, wasnt sure bout how maple uses, guess willy's still mad at
              Snooker's been always in PNG as early as 70's as I know, but is not that popular as rugby. I started in 2000, but laid off in 2004...this year is a new coming back...
              and back on the basics... its been like a month of so now, practice break never gone byon 50, and comp break never go over 30... its tearin my heart apart........


              • #22
                No worry. uncle will get back to you soon. Waiting only weeks and not months is very good already. Most high end customs and cues by top makers takes months.
                I think bro Willy is alright, he has a lot buyers and you always your buyers right. Should be alright. Willy is a nice guy.
                Well, TSF got a lot of tips and great snooker master will guide and help you.
                Nothing's build overnight. slowly i'm sure you will improve if you're on the right basic.


                • #23
                  Originally Posted by jayleedenog View Post
                  Thx a mil, Freddie. Got in contact with Uncle Suvit on eml, will ask Uncle Thai to do a custom. But BTW, what is going on in Bangkok? Riots? I dun usually read the news...
                  It's me Unclevit here. About to go out to the platoon. Riots in Bangkok - ex Prime Minister Thanksin was sentenced to jail last year, now escaping in Middle East and Eastern Europe. Court has taken back his corrupted fund of more than 1 billion us dollars. And a different jail sentence of 2 years. So, he is quite angry at current government, and financing his red-shirt people here to come up for political protestings, mainly at Bangkok's key business intersections/areas, causing a business loss of more than 30 million us dollars daily. He is also against our King and Family, so it's a big issue here at the moment. Last riots on the night of April 10th caused some 10 soldiers killed (one chief field commander was from Royal Guards), and 30+ rioters killed. Won't stop here. Terrorists are out in Bangkok, and there are bombs every day, but only hand granades. News are that these people want to turn down democracy and wanting Thaksin to come back to rule the country. It's the power that will lead to billion and billion of dollars as key benefit. My other (more serious) part time job is to teach tactical things on counter terrorism to both police and army special forces here. Similar to SOG in 1970 vietnam
                  It's in the Shaft


                  • #24
                    Originally Posted by Freddie Ng View Post
                    No worry. uncle will get back to you soon. Waiting only weeks and not months is very good already. Most high end customs and cues by top makers takes months.
                    I think bro Willy is alright, he has a lot buyers and you always your buyers right. Should be alright. Willy is a nice guy.
                    Well, TSF got a lot of tips and great snooker master will guide and help you.
                    Nothing's build overnight. slowly i'm sure you will improve if you're on the right basic.
                    UT used to do cues for 2-3 weeks time back several years ago. But now between 4-6 weeks as I insist him on his best custom quality. Besides, when local players learn about his resignation in cue making next year, all custom orders are pouring down to him at the moment. Due to his totally handmade capacity, the best he can do is only 8-10 cues per month, but all orders will be finished within the time frame given to each customer. And I am the one who controls this, which means no mistake in delivery. Nothing can happen to your cues as long as my 870 express, and MP5, are still at the back of my car
                    It's in the Shaft


                    • #25
                      Unclevit, I've never known Thailand's something dangerous like that, to my knowledge, mostly from movies, Thailand gives me a very fine Budda image with beautiful temples and all that, not to forget Thai Beauties (I mean the real girls - -).
                      To me, politics are so far away and till now still cant be interested. Papua New Guinea is famous by the poor safety to the world, but is no way nearer to the situations you've decribed in Thailand...
                      I have a CZ75 for protection...never seen a 870 express...
                      Gosh, these talks make me feel heavy...


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by jayleedenog View Post
                        Unclevit, I've never known Thailand's something dangerous like that, to my knowledge, mostly from movies, Thailand gives me a very fine Budda image with beautiful temples and all that, not to forget Thai Beauties (I mean the real girls - -).
                        To me, politics are so far away and till now still cant be interested. Papua New Guinea is famous by the poor safety to the world, but is no way nearer to the situations you've decribed in Thailand...
                        I have a CZ75 for protection...never seen a 870 express...
                        Gosh, these talks make me feel heavy...
                        Thailand will be back to normal very soon. Last time was 3 years ago, and by other political heads. A good exercise for our armies. CZ75 is a good 9mm gun for self and home protection. Also excellent for target shooting too (at 25 yards). 870 express is Remington shotgun that I always have in my car, with 3" magnum shells I wish am good at snooker games too. Perhaps practice more from UT on cuemaking for next year's replacement
                        It's in the Shaft


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by unclevit View Post
                          Thailand will be back to normal very soon. Last time was 3 years ago, and by other political heads. A good exercise for our armies. CZ75 is a good 9mm gun for self and home protection. Also excellent for target shooting too (at 25 yards). 870 express is Remington shotgun that I always have in my car, with 3" magnum shells I wish am good at snooker games too. Perhaps practice more from UT on cuemaking for next year's replacement
                          is there anything u dunno, unclevit....
                          It's all about knowledge...


                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by jayleedenog View Post
                            Still waitin for unclevit's bank details to tranfer the money, and then 4-6 weeks for the cue...and that feels some kinda...dunno what to say...
                            Earlier this week, was in contact with willytan for his UT maple, was all set and down to payments but i changed my mind, wasnt sure bout how maple uses, guess willy's still mad at
                            I m not mad of you for backing out your side of deal after confirmations but ****ed that if you are unaware of what you want, for the fact that i answer all your queries on MSN untill the wee hours in the morning. Then to wake up in the morning to see such a rude awakening that you wanna back up on the deal.

                            If you are unsure about your shaft wood selection, you should have said so in the very first instances. Worse is that i have paid extra for the alu case which you had requested from my supplier for your urgent delivery.
                            Last edited by willytan; 14 April 2010, 05:56 AM.


                            • #29
                              I too have been in the same situation as you bro willy.
                              I took the cue all the way from my hometown to my Uni place, but the buyers cancel off the deal just the second day. That person ask everything from discount till free gifts..
                              It really **** me off..


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by unclevit View Post
                                UT used to do cues for 2-3 weeks time back several years ago. But now between 4-6 weeks as I insist him on his best custom quality. Besides, when local players learn about his resignation in cue making next year, all custom orders are pouring down to him at the moment. Due to his totally handmade capacity, the best he can do is only 8-10 cues per month, but all orders will be finished within the time frame given to each customer. And I am the one who controls this, which means no mistake in delivery. Nothing can happen to your cues as long as my 870 express, and MP5, are still at the back of my car
                                With you as a personal assistant to UT, no wonder UT cues has been all over TSF lately.
                                Really great to have you around Unclevit.. Take care

