Originally Posted by cally
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I wish I could have a Trevor White cue and maybe I would be as cool as you

I didn't offer my cue for sale before, I simply asked how much it was worth to give me an idea of what reserve price I should put on ebay so I don't see where there is anything underhanded???
I have an open offer of £320 and one of £300, I didn't ask for offers, I just started getting them so maybe it's not as grubby as you think. Another member offered me £370 for the cue until I told him it was 56.5" (even though he never asked) and he really wanted a 57", he might chime in here and tell you this is true.
I am not going to reveal who it is as he might want me to keep it private.
Vlad might also tell you what he offered, then you will see that I have no pipe dream.
I use other forums alot and trader forums there have alot stricter rules about what can be said and done and what can't, obviously things are different here and people are allowed to hijack trader threads with worthless unhelpful comments.