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John Parris Exclusive For Sale 12 years old!

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  • #16
    Originally Posted by cally View Post
    This is a joke right....

    I totally understand why your getting up peoples noses a bit.

    You come here asking how much your cue is worth and if it's worth having it refurbed/cleaned and when people are offering decent enough amounts for the parris cue you are now trying to milk it for everything you can...

    I'm getting a new trevor white soon for a better price than you want for this dirty looking cue with not the best looking shaft in the world and ya want top dollar for it...

    And it's defo been a bit underhand how your trying to do business on here if ya ask me.

    Why couldnt ya just put the cue up at a price you was happy to take in the first place and all would have been good, instead of this pipe dream ya got...

    Like ya said you was happy to take 250 for it a few weeks ago but not now...

    Why not? it's a good price for a grubby looking parris at end of the day and ya still trying to get more for it...

    Your a joker right?....cos ya make me

    Anyways, thats my tuppence worth and that's why you aint sold it on here i reckon.

    Thanks for that, very useful.

    I wish I could have a Trevor White cue and maybe I would be as cool as you

    I didn't offer my cue for sale before, I simply asked how much it was worth to give me an idea of what reserve price I should put on ebay so I don't see where there is anything underhanded???

    I have an open offer of £320 and one of £300, I didn't ask for offers, I just started getting them so maybe it's not as grubby as you think. Another member offered me £370 for the cue until I told him it was 56.5" (even though he never asked) and he really wanted a 57", he might chime in here and tell you this is true.

    I am not going to reveal who it is as he might want me to keep it private.

    Vlad might also tell you what he offered, then you will see that I have no pipe dream.

    I use other forums alot and trader forums there have alot stricter rules about what can be said and done and what can't, obviously things are different here and people are allowed to hijack trader threads with worthless unhelpful comments.


    • #17

      You could never be as cool as me fella...........

      I agree with the stricter rules on other forums and the sooner they change the selling rules here the better.... most forums i go on won't have people putting best offer on an ad, most forums i go on you must be clear in waht you are selling and clear on what price you want or the ad gets removed.

      Anyways my comments are totally valid i feel as you said you would have took 250 for the cue a few weeks ago. but now your just trying to get the highest offer you can for it. This is what peeves me more than anything tbh. it's just not on. and you have asked for offers aint ya?... offers over £

      I could go on like but i won't....
      Last edited by cally; 13 January 2010, 03:20 AM.


      • #18
        Originally Posted by cally View Post
        you said you would have took 250 for the cue a few weeks ago. but now your just trying to get the highest offer you can for it.

        This is what peeves me more than anything tbh. it's just not on.
        I am wrong for trying to get the best price I can for something I am selling?

        And I only asked for offers on this thread, not the older ones which you were talking about before.
        Last edited by jimmyjones; 13 January 2010, 03:26 AM.


        • #19
          This forum is a bit different. It allows you to ask for offers rather than forcing you to put out a clear price, and it also allows others to comment on your price and your item for sales.

          The forum does not usually ban someone even if he is known to rip other members off, such as Keith Auld. But then others are allowed to warn potential buyers about such scam.

          Ferret who runs this forum in my opinion is doing a good job and I like the way he runs things here.

          A cue is only worth what someone is willing to pay for. No one can tell you how much you can ask for, but people do have a right to comment on whether they think it is too much or reasonable.

          Like I said, the members here are very knowledgable, and they will not buy your cue if they feel that it is too much. If you have a few offers, good for you. Perhaps you should consider accepting the highest offer and get on with it. But it is up to you.


          • #20
            Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post
            I am wrong for trying to get the best price I can for something I am selling?
            No not at all... it's just the way some folk go about it.

            My point is Why cant you just be happy with a figure and clearly state how much you want for it... you have been offered good amounts for the cue and still you are holding out for better and leaving people dangling with an offer in case you get better!!!...

            "I have been offered x amount, so and so has offered x amount.. anyone got better offer... that sort of thing. i just find that a bit................................

            like i said the sooner the rules are changed on this the better.


            • #21
              I think my point is very simple.

              I asked in a PREVIOUS thread how much my cue was worth.

              People started making me offers for the cue which I didn't expect.

              I was surprised at how much interest there was.

              So I offered the cue for sale in the 'for sale' forum hoping to generate even more interest.

              Now I am being

              I want to get a good price for something I am selling, how does that make me the bad guy?


              • #22
                Originally Posted by cally View Post
                No not at all... it's just the way some folk go about it.

                My point is Why cant you just be happy with a figure and clearly state how much you want for it
                Why can't you just be happy minding your own business?

                If I want offers, I will ask for offers.

                If I wanted to ask for a fixed price, I would ask for a fixed price.

                The reason why I told people I had an offer of £320 was to save them from offering me £250 or £260 like they have been doing.

                Very simple.

                What I would like you to explain is, what has any of this got to do with you?
                Last edited by jimmyjones; 13 January 2010, 03:46 AM.


                • #23
                  Jimmy... let me be blunt with you... I don't think you're underhanded.
                  I don't think you're in any way prepared to "cheat" a smart buyer.
                  You're purposeful and avaricious and will use whatever information and help and access to potential
                  snooker buyers you can to make as much money as possible off the sale of, let's call a spade a spade, ok?,
                  a mediocre cue. That's clear.

                  I wouldn't buy it. It's too light [ except for the price ] .

                  Sell it to the guy checkSide referred to... or on eBuy.




                  • #24
                    Nowt to do with me fella.. just my opinion, like said it's an open forum and people are allowed an opinion OK....

                    You crack on and get wound up i dont really give a flying duck about your sale tbh. it just peeves me people like you always out to get that little bit more from people.

                    You would have been happy with 250 quid on ebay(plus fees) by the sound of it when you came here and people offer more than what you was first expecting and you still wont accept a good you just see dollar signs.... kerching....

                    It just shows your character off nicely...

                    Nowt else to say really it's all getting a bit silly now. but anyone with a bit of sense can see where i'm coming from i'm sure...



                    • #25
                      Originally Posted by noel View Post
                      Jimmy... let me be blunt with you... I don't think you're underhanded.
                      I don't think you're in any way prepared to "cheat" a smart buyer.
                      You're purposeful and avaricious and will use whatever information and help and access to potential
                      snooker buyers you can to make as much money as possible off the sale of, let's call a spade a spade, ok?,
                      a mediocre cue. That's clear.

                      I wouldn't buy it. It's too light [ except for the price ] .

                      Sell it to the guy checkSide referred to... or on eBuy.


                      This is what I don't get.

                      Why people think they can tell me where to sell it or who to.

                      It's disrespectful.


                      • #26
                        Originally Posted by cally View Post
                        Nowt to do with me fella.. just my opinion, like said it's an open forum and people are allowed an opinion OK....

                        You crack on and get wound up i dont really give a flying duck about your sale tbh. it just peeves me people like you always out to get that little bit more from people.

                        You would have been happy with 250 quid on ebay(plus fees) by the sound of it when you came here and people offer more than what you was first expecting and you still wont accept a good you just see dollar signs.... kerching....

                        It just shows your character off nicely...

                        Nowt else to say really it's all getting a bit silly now. but anyone with a bit of sense can see where i'm coming from i'm sure...


                        Go and get your own life instead of interfering in other peoples.

                        Just my opinion.

                        Thank you.

                        And BTW, I said I thought it was worth £250 - £350 so I don't know why you are so annoyed that I would try and get the top end of what I thought it was worth.

                        Maybe you are just jealous that it is worth more than your TW cause thats how its coming across.
                        Last edited by jimmyjones; 13 January 2010, 04:01 AM.


                        • #27
                          Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post
                          This is what I don't get.

                          Why people think they can tell me where to sell it or who to KCUF FFO OT ( did I get that backwards... SORRY! ) .
                          Come back with something to SHARE not SELL( ripoff ).

                          Jimmy... we can be your friends if you really love snooker.




                          • #28
                            Originally Posted by noel View Post
                            Come back with something to SHARE not SELL( ripoff ).

                            Jimmy... we can be your friends if you really love snooker.


                            Unlike you I am not in desperate need of friends.


                            I forgot this was the "get as little as you can for your cue" forum.

                            Next time maybe I will just give it away, maybe that will make you happy.
                            Last edited by jimmyjones; 13 January 2010, 04:09 AM.


                            • #29
                              Originally Posted by noel View Post
                              good cue at a great price.
                              I will just leave you with this before Noel contradicts himself anymore.

                              Glad you think so Noel.


                              • #30
                                Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post
                                Maybe you are just jealous that it is worth more than your TW cause thats how its coming across.


                                Jealous of a dirty/grubby old parris over a tw....lmfao....rofl.... ( you obviously think it's grubby cos you said so)

                                That made me laugh. i wasnt gonna reply or bite to you but that was sooooooo funny i couldnt resist...

                                Fairplay to you....
                                Last edited by hegeland; 13 January 2010, 09:54 AM. Reason: inappropriate language

