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John Parris Exclusive For Sale 12 years old!

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  • #31
    Originally Posted by cally View Post
    Awww mate your starting to look a right t!t now...

    Jealous of a dirty/grubby old parris over a tw....lmfao....rofl.... ( you obviously think it's grubby cos you said so)

    That made me laugh. i wasnt gonna reply or bite to you but that was sooooooo funny i couldnt resist...

    Fairplay to you....
    I didn't have to refer to anyone as a t!t in any of my posts.

    I think that tells you who has the better point.

    It's worth more, you said so yourself...fact.


    • #32
      Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post
      Unlike you I am not in desperate need of friends.


      I forgot this was the "get as little as you can for your cue" forum.

      Next time maybe I will just give it away, maybe that will make you happy.
      Now we understand.
      [ as if we didn't from the moment you first logged in. ]
      Bye Jimmy!
      Don't trip over your cue on the way out...

      Good luck.



      • #33
        Originally Posted by noel View Post
        Now we understand.
        [ as if we didn't from the moment you first logged in. ]
        Bye Jimmy!
        Don't trip over your cue on the way out...

        Good luck.

        Now you understand what?

        That you think your better than me because you have 2,800 posts?


        • #34
          Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post
          I didn't have to refer to anyone as a t!t in any of my posts.

          I think that tells you who has the better point.

          It's worth more, you said so yourself...fact.
          Aww ffs... you are being a bit silly now int ya...

          Right, i'll explain it clearly cos ya dont seem to get it...

          I never said your parris is was worth more fool. ( cos it aint, FACT)

          I said i am paying less than what you want for the parris cue. big difference.

          My point being.... WHY would anyone pay so much for a grubby OLD parris Not the best looking cue in the world, not very nice splices etc...when they can get a cue made by trev for similar money and it prob will be better/nicer looking than your overpriced cue.
          Plus the cue is obviously a bit dirty and obviously hasnt been cared for over the years and you still want top dollar.
          Do you get it...

          And i didnt say how much my trev was exactly so your guessing...

          The point being simply you want too much for it...

          Your funny you...
          Last edited by cally; 13 January 2010, 04:31 AM.


          • #35
            I know it's early, but this definitely looks like a thread of the year candidate to me

            Good luck with selling the cue mate, you'll probably need it (Ebay is sounding like a great idea).


            • #36
              Originally Posted by cally View Post
              Aww ffs... you are being a bit silly now int ya...

              Right, i'll explain it clearly cos ya dont seem to get it...

              I never said your parris is was worth more fool.

              I said i am paying less than what you want for the parris cue.

              My point being.... WHY would anyone pay so much for a grubby OLD parris Not the best looking cue in the world, not very nice splices etc...when they can get a cue made by trev and it will be better/nicer looking than your overpriced cue.
              Plus the cue is obviously a bit dirty and obviously hasnt been cared for over the years and you still want top dollar.
              Do you get it...

              And i didnt say how much my trev was exactly so your guessing...

              Your funny you...
              Now I am a fool?

              Anymore insults you want to put out there?

              My cue is worth £320 at least, maybe more.

              Your cue is worth less, you said so yourself.

              It is only your opinion that it is grubby, most of the repliers to that thread thought it was in good condition and a very nice cue.

              The fact that you feel the need to tell me that you are getting a TW, especially when you were never asked just stinks of jealousy to me.

              Very childish indeed, especially when you have to throw in the personal insults too.


              • #37
                Originally Posted by explodingboy View Post
                I know it's early, but this definitely looks like a thread of the year candidate to me

                Good luck with selling the cue mate, you'll probably need it (Ebay is sounding like a great idea).
                Oh great, another person with a worthless opinion. Just what this thread needs.

                What makes you think I need luck?

                I had a dozen offers for the cue before I even listed it for sale.


                • #38
                  Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post
                  Now you understand what?

                  That you think your better than me because you have 2,800 posts?
                  Dude... not because I'm better than you at all... I'm just not here to rip people off like you.
                  And ... I'm starting to get fkd off.
                  Get a clue. Now.



                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by explodingboy View Post
                    I know it's early, but this definitely looks like a thread of the year candidate to me
                    i second that. great thread, please keep it going


                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by noel View Post
                      Dude... not because I'm better than you at all... I'm just not here to rip people off like you.
                      And ... I'm starting to get fkd off.
                      Get a clue. Now.

                      How am I ripping anyone off?

                      A couple of hours ago you said it was a good cue at a very good price.

                      Now I am ripping people off.

                      Tell me what has changed.

                      You don't like me, I understand that. But why do you have to start telling lies???


                      • #41
                        Theres a difference between what something is worth and what someone is willing to pay for it mate...
                        If you can find someone willing to pay you 350 then fair play but with an attitude like that you will always be looking for that guy you find in the club that falls in love with it and offers you a thousand pounds...

                        One word comes to my mind... Fedia
                        sigpic A Truly Beakerific Long Pot Sir!


                        • #42

                          Here is what I am going to do.

                          I am going to be the bigger man here.

                          I am sorry for revealing that I allready had an offer, it was to save people from giving me bids that were too low, this seems to have been taken in a way that I never intended.

                          I am sorry if I took your first post the wrong way Noel.

                          I am sorry I accused cally of being jealous.

                          If anyone else is annoyed with me for missreading the tone/atmosphere/rules of the forum then I apologize to them to.

                          I hope you understand that I didn't set out to offend anyone and I certainly didn't set out to rip anyone off.

                          Peace and good luck to you all.


                          • #43
                            Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post
                            Now I am a fool?

                            Anymore insults you want to put out there?

                            My cue is worth £320 at least, maybe more.

                            Your cue is worth less, you said so yourself.

                            It is only your opinion that it is grubby, most of the repliers to that thread thought it was in good condition and a very nice cue.

                            The fact that you feel the need to tell me that you are getting a TW, especially when you were never asked just stinks of jealousy to me.

                            Very childish indeed, especially when you have to throw in the personal insults too.

                            I was just saying as an example really cos be honest if you were looking to buy a cue would you pay that much (however much you want!!) for the 12 year old parris not in the best condition, not very even splices in places by looks of pics, and not very well cared for over the years?

                            Or would you pay similar money for a NEW tw built to your own spec and design for SIMILAR money?...

                            We both know the answer to that dont we...

                            Oh and by the way, my trev is costing more than you are thinking, i was just giving a comparison to SIMILAR pricing. i wasnt being too specific ffs. how could i when i was just guessing at the offers over figures and offer prices and general vagueness of your posts.

                            I couldnt give anything more than a comparison at a guess now could i, you have been very hush hush how much you actually wanted so i was just using a similar comparison.. going on the offers OVER cos my guess is as good as anyones how much you are hoping for. it was a guesstimate/ similarity / example / could have been anything OVER 320 now couldnt it, you say 1 member offered £ you really would like over £370 wouldnt ya(at a guess cos your so secretive)... so i was just using THAT AS a SIMILARITY at a guesstimate on comparing price to the tw really,....get it now man..
                            I never said a actual price of the tw specifically anywhere, your making stuff up now...bit like you on the price of your cue really.
                            Your just guessing and looking a bit silly.

                            So my point really being was how much you probably wanted to end up getting for the cue my tw would prob cost less...hope thats clear now fella. i had to guess now didnt i. so it was just a SIMILAR comparison, a guess, roughly, I WAS GUESSING cos things aint been to clear. i was just going on the vague figures you put up really...

                            Oh and you said the parris is grubby, you came here asking about having it re-finished as it looks a bit dirty (or words to that effect) etc... so it obviously looks a bit grubby dont i was just stating what you already told us yourself..hence the cue not being very well looked after over the years. and you still wanting top dollar for it...pfft.
                            Last edited by cally; 13 January 2010, 06:01 AM.


                            • #44
                              Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post

                              Here is what I am going to do.

                              I am going to be the bigger man here.

                              I am sorry for revealing that I allready had an offer, it was to save people from giving me bids that were too low, this seems to have been taken in a way that I never intended.

                              I am sorry if I took your first post the wrong way Noel.

                              I am sorry I accused cally of being jealous.

                              If anyone else is annoyed with me for missreading the tone/atmosphere/rules of the forum then I apologize to them to.

                              I hope you understand that I didn't set out to offend anyone and I certainly didn't set out to rip anyone off.

                              Peace and good luck to you all.

                              Glad you come to realise what it was that rubbed a few up the wrong way....

                              It's a breakthrough, you will grow and learn and become a better person from realising the errors of your ways i tells ya.........:snooker:..........
                              Last edited by cally; 13 January 2010, 05:14 AM.


                              • #45
                                Originally Posted by jimmyjones View Post

                                Here is what I am going to do.

                                I am going to be the bigger man here.
                                If by that you mean to say you're going to go away. GREAT!
                                That's BIG OF YOU!
                                If you say you're going to go fkuc someone other than yourself...
                                that wouldn't be really good. NOT GOOD!
                                You should leave everyone alone. [removed]
                                Go play with your balls that are too large for your table without the cue that you (maybe) sold for more than it was worth.
                                BUT... watch out for kharma... it'll catch you out far worse than we did!

                                Why us????

                                Last edited by hegeland; 13 January 2010, 09:21 AM. Reason: inappropriate language

