Replica cues are produced for people who love the look and style of an old antique cue but want the power and taylor made dimensions that only a new cue can offer.
Replica cues should not be considered as fake cues. The replicas featured on this page have been made because it is very hard to find an old cue with a shaft that is stiff enough to play the modern game of Snooker not to fool the general public into believing they are genuine.
this cue made by Tony Glover. Tony has a love for old antique cues and goes to great lengths to create a replica of a cue that is perfect in every way.
spec: 57'',9.8mm,17.9oz,29mm accessories :tulipwood minibutt
prices 390GBP + postage
If you interested pls contact me
Replica cues should not be considered as fake cues. The replicas featured on this page have been made because it is very hard to find an old cue with a shaft that is stiff enough to play the modern game of Snooker not to fool the general public into believing they are genuine.
this cue made by Tony Glover. Tony has a love for old antique cues and goes to great lengths to create a replica of a cue that is perfect in every way.
spec: 57'',9.8mm,17.9oz,29mm accessories :tulipwood minibutt
prices 390GBP + postage
If you interested pls contact me