right i am having a bit of a clear out while i am stuck in the house with a cold
- several people have been asking me about cheaper cues so first cue on offer to forum members is this. its a brand new o'min cue, all level splices and a tight close grain one piece 57" 18.4oz and 9.5mm - this is a very very good cue. if it said trevor white of john parris on it it would be worth £500 !!
this cue is for sale for £150 in a buffalo leatherette one piece case (these are great and i will have them for sale on mass shortly for £20 on here and £25 on ebay) delivered in the UK. no offers (i am making about £10 on this!), its a steal i promise. it is IMPOSSIBLE to buy a better cue anywhere for less.

this cue is for sale for £150 in a buffalo leatherette one piece case (these are great and i will have them for sale on mass shortly for £20 on here and £25 on ebay) delivered in the UK. no offers (i am making about £10 on this!), its a steal i promise. it is IMPOSSIBLE to buy a better cue anywhere for less.
