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My new trevor white cue

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  • Wanted My new trevor white cue

    My new tw cue
    1 piece
    58 " long
    19 ounce weight
    9.2mm tip
    30mm butt
    maple and thyura burr splices
    7" thyura mini butt
    14 arrows all the way through
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Great looking cue, love the shaft


    • #3
      Loverly Looking Cue m8 hope it suits your needs, Alittle heavy for me but I do like the Design.



      • #4
        Cracker mate .

        Why 7" mini butt ? Most cuemakers sell 6"
        Still trying to pot as many balls as i can !


        • #5
          why 7"
          i dont realy no i just thought that extra inch would be better


          • #6

            how did you get trevor to make you a cue dont know how to get hold of him


            • #7
              Hi Paul,
              Trevor is very Busy at Present but if I can help you out let me know as I will be Speaking to Trevor today or Tomorrow ok.



              • #8
                Thanks trevor

                My newest Trevor white cue
                9.2 tip
                18.1 ounce / 512 grams
                28mm butt
                Maple shaft - right side in picture
                Birds eye maple
                Thyura burr

                This is my 3 rd cue from Trevor , the other 1 in this post was the 1st which vanished in the post , the second is the same but better ash shaft which I still have tucked away . This cue is the best so far ,I have never used maple before always ash so was a bit nervous about the big change always had the arrows as my aim on my ash cue. This cue is amazing it took 1 day to get used to and I'm playing better , it feels like my very first north west cue which I only changed cause I wanted a fancy design and 1 piece and have never felt as good with my new cues they looked amazing but I just never had the same reaction / touch as my north west cue which I had for 10-12 years and I wish I never got rid of it ..... Well that's all changed this new cue feels great my game has started to improve 30 - 50 breaks( not great I no ) in the 3 weeks of having it I just feel more confident and am glad I chose to go with a maple cue and will never sell this one . I love the design and changed slightly to birds eye maple and made the birds eye longer I love the tiny grain in the maple which matches with the tiny grain in the thyura . I'm enjoying my snooker again having not played since march when I ordered this cue ,

                Thanks Trevor for this amazing cue
                Attached Files


                • #9
                  Thats a beauty! I am into my 35th week since ordering so hopefully will get an email from Trevor soon.


                  • #10
                    Very beautiful Thuya Burr on both them cues.

                    I know Trevor usually doesn't like doing extension using exotic woods so you must have been really insisting


                    • #11
                      I don't normally comment on pics of cues but I feel compelled to with this one.

                      I like... a lot.


                      • #12
                        Can that man make an ugly cue?! Very nice.... :snooker:
                        "You have to play the game like it means nothing, when in fact it means everything to you" Steve Davis.

