I have a very old Tony Wishaw cue for sale, as far as i'm aware this cue is approximate 10 years old with 4 spliced, the badge still using the old TW style. I have emailed Tony and he kindly confirmed this is a genuine cue. Pictures were taken from home, you can see the shaft is very old honey coloured ash. (please note the cue on the right already sold)

It comes with a brand new black leatherette case with suede inside

Took it down to the club to take some pictures:

57" length
3/4 joins without SD join at the back
9.5mm tip (aurora tip)
butt is around 29mm
Shaft hits pretty responsive and feel good/live
Cue is in a pretty good condition considering its age, it has a few little dents on it but nothing major and will not affect your game at all.

It comes with a brand new black leatherette case with suede inside

Took it down to the club to take some pictures:

57" length
3/4 joins without SD join at the back
9.5mm tip (aurora tip)
butt is around 29mm
Shaft hits pretty responsive and feel good/live
Cue is in a pretty good condition considering its age, it has a few little dents on it but nothing major and will not affect your game at all.