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Very nice early Cue Craft cue for sale

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  • eBay Very nice early Cue Craft cue for sale

    For sale here is a mid 90's custom made one off Cue Craft cue.
    Understated elegant look to it being just plain ebony butt with a nice maple veneer and single front ebony splice. The shaft is a very nice piece of ash with very nice arrows/chevrons being 3/4 jointed just above the splices at 18 1/4" the splices themselves being 16 1/4" long. The joint is a dot to dot quick action one where you just align the 2 dots then just a fraction of a turn and its fully secured. If you don't want to use a push on extension (as i use) i have been in contact today with our resident Cue Craft supplier snookerpoolman who said he can supply an extendible extension that fits the shaft joint, similar to how my John Parris classic cue works.
    Specs are 57 1/4" / 9mm ferrule / 19.1oz / 29mm butt / balance point right at the joint at 18 1/4"
    Price £Cue Sold to include delivery.
    Payment by paypal, would prefer to sell just to UK but will ship overseas if buyer pays postage.
    Lightweight (1.25 kg) used wide aluminium case available for £20 extra
    This case takes 2 complete 3/4 cues and a mini butt, or 1 3/4 cue + both extensions and an extra shaft. Size 45" x 4" x 2"

    Last edited by jrc750; 13 March 2011, 11:06 PM. Reason: Cue Sold

  • #2
    Looks a nice cue JRC and arrows nicely placed on the shaft some of the early cue crafts were top drawer and preferred by many players, like the fact its been cut above the splices as well Mark Williams style.

    Good luck with the sale anyway mate !
    Last edited by CueAntW147; 8 March 2011, 09:44 PM.


    • #3
      Thanks mate It is a very nice cue and if it had of been 58" long i wouldn't be letting it go i tell you


      • #4
        Surprised this hasn't sold yet, bet it would of if it had a Parris badge on it tho
        Very very nice cue.....Ok open to sensible offers


        • #5
          Nice looking cue this, surprised no offers on this...

          I got a half eaten victoria sponge and a whole cheesecake i could do a deal with if interested please pm me.

          (please note, i have licked all the cream out of the sponge, but could replace with a bit of squirty cream if you did want the cream included in the deal like, the cheesecake is in very good condition though)...

          Let me know...


          • #6
            Originally Posted by cally View Post
            Nice looking cue this, surprised no offers on this...

            I got a half eaten victoria sponge and a whole cheesecake i could do a deal with if interested please pm me.

            (please note, i have licked all the cream out of the sponge, but could replace with a bit of squirty cream if you did want the cream included in the deal like, the cheesecake is in very good condition though)...

            Let me know...
            Mmmmm its almost teatime and i am hungry, so a good time to make that offer
            But i'll resist and say if you can sell them for £85 you can have it....and that includes postage you long as Wales is in the UK


            • #7
              The import duty will kill me on it coming over the pond from that there england
              though.. do you think i could get away with the duty on it bud, i may consider it then...

              85 quid delivered, bargain...:snooker:

              I'm off to put these deserts on ebay now before the date runs out on um then...


              • #8
                Roll up roll up and grab a reduced to £Cue Sold delivered
                Will be off to ebay soon if no takers
                Last edited by jrc750; 13 March 2011, 11:04 PM.


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by cally View Post
                  The import duty will kill me on it coming over the pond from that there england
                  though.. do you think i could get away with the duty on it bud, i may consider it then...

                  85 quid delivered, bargain...:snooker:

                  Nice looking cue in good condition - very similar to customised cues I've had made for customers, with the high joint above the splicing...if it don't sell on here JRC, then try ebay with a reserve just before or during World Champs...should fly out


                  • #10
                    Cheers mate
                    Actually already on ebay and altho no actual bids yet, i have had several people asking for buy it now prices, but they havn't paid yet
                    So hopeful its definitely sold

                    Edit: first bidder ye ha....keep it going
                    Last edited by jrc750; 13 March 2011, 11:05 PM. Reason: now def sold but for how much ??


                    • #11
                      Excellent. Mate re. international postage try Parcel Monkey or other freight forwarder on the net, they generally quote good rates...all you need is an email address to register when you've found the right quote - add insurance though, it's very advisable... Also pack well - e.g. as this is 3/4 cue wrap both sections separately (double on the shaft) then pack together for added strength and reduced overall size = less cost for volumetric weight - downstairs for dancing Rodders


                      • #12
                        About time you sorted your decking out fella, in dire need of a good clean and restain!

                        One day I'll make a century, I've knocked in a 51!


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by DWOT View Post
                          About time you sorted your decking out fella, in dire need of a good clean and restain!

                          Lol will get around to it one day for sure

