May have this Cue For Sale if I dont Receive Payment by Tomorrow!
Master Cue Pb1 Plain Ebony Butt like the John Parris Classic.
Specs are.....
Length Approx: 143CM / Just Under 56 1/2 Inches
Tip Size Approx: 8.9mm
Butt: Standard Size 29.5/30mm
Weight: 17 1/2 oz
Same Cue as this Below.........

I will try and Get pictures done Tomorrow if it isn't Sold!
I am after around £100 Cash + Postage which this is a Very Cheap Cue!
Master Cue Pb1 Plain Ebony Butt like the John Parris Classic.
Specs are.....
Length Approx: 143CM / Just Under 56 1/2 Inches
Tip Size Approx: 8.9mm
Butt: Standard Size 29.5/30mm
Weight: 17 1/2 oz
Same Cue as this Below.........

I will try and Get pictures done Tomorrow if it isn't Sold!
I am after around £100 Cash + Postage which this is a Very Cheap Cue!