#Hi i am selling my woods cue with invisable joint
selling for 90 plus 10 postage with a hard leather like case
spec 58 length
weight 18.5 approx
tip size 9.5 mm
please email me at ianweeks_16@hotmail.co.uk and i will send you the pictures and try and give more info woods snooker cue june 11 017.jpgpictures of both wwods and parris 018.jpg
selling for 90 plus 10 postage with a hard leather like case
spec 58 length
weight 18.5 approx
tip size 9.5 mm
please email me at ianweeks_16@hotmail.co.uk and i will send you the pictures and try and give more info woods snooker cue june 11 017.jpgpictures of both wwods and parris 018.jpg