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Aurora snooker cue oil

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  • Originally Posted by 8 ball tragic View Post
    Still in Mackay Jay_j?

    I didn't think anyone played snooker down there...

    I'm up in Townsville and the last snooker table was in the RSL here and had to make way for more poker machines...

    sad face.
    we still have a snooker table at the buffalo club and the sarina rsl the rsl one is good the other is a bit wild so we mainly play 8ball but i try when ever i can


    • Been a while and forgot to show an updated pic of the cue i was polishing with your oil, looks good now (imo lol)


      • Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
        Been a while and forgot to show an updated pic of the cue i was polishing with your oil, looks good now (imo lol)

        Thanks for the pictures, glad to see that.
        Beautiful Eureka cue you have there.:-)


        • Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
          I am working on refinishing a cue (made by another cue maker) for a customers. Here are some pictures.
          The cue was pretty messed up when it came into the shop.
          The first picture shows the cue after I have polished it down to 3000 grits, wet and dry, and sealed.

          The second picture here shows the cue after a few coats of Aurora cue oil has been applied (not completely dried).

          This was taken after the Aurora oil finish is dried and the cue has been buffed by a dry cloth.

          I will apply another coat today.
          I can post more pictures as I work on the cue to show you guys the progress.
          Thank you.
          Originally Posted by superman32 View Post
          That is my Robert Osborne cue. It's a old green plate.
          It was a very nice cue when i brought it. I want put it into my collections.
          However, it's too long for me. So i got someone from my local club to help me cut it from 58inch to 57inch and re taper the shaft.

          I thought it's a easy job and Richard is a busy man so i didn't ask him to do it.

          After few days i got the cue returned.
          I was shocked when i saw the cue.
          The guy return the cue to me with a half white half yellow shaft.
          He removed the finish on the top half shaft and the black color in the grains is gone too. he didn't put it back.
          He didn't touch the lower shaft and the splice joint part. But he also removed the finish on the lower butt to remove some dents on the butt and he also mess the badge up.

          I paid 80 dollars then i got a work like this. I am even doing better cue finishing job than him.
          You ask any of a cue makers in here, will he return a cue like this to his customers?

          It is the s**ttest work i have ever seen. The job he done should inter cue finishing hall of the shame.

          Then i called Richard to refinish the cue for me. I haven't got it back yet. But from the pictures it looks good again.
          I also asked Robert to sell me a green badge to put on the cue. Surprisingly he offer to gave me one for free.
          I will post some picture once i got the cue back.
          Originally Posted by poolqjunkie View Post
          Just a quick update:
          The cue has received a bit of Aurora cue oil and buffing and here is what the cue looks like now.

          Just want to post an update here as promised.

          Robert was very kind in sending a new badge to the owner so the butchered badge could be replaced.

          This is what the cue looked like after the damaged badge was replaced with a nice new badge from Robert.

          Here are a few pictures of the cue after about 8 coats of Aurora cue oil was applied over a course of about 7 weeks.

          Another pictures showing a few cues recently refinished with Aurora cue oil--two are green plates, and one in the middle is an Aurora--all belong to the same collector.
          Last edited by poolqjunkie; 21 October 2011, 02:46 AM.


          • Got my oil last week and have to say very impressed, can't really compare it to anything else as first attempt at finishing a cue my self, but went on easy and buffed up lovely, got the bug for it now!
            No one is listening until you make a mistake!


            • Originally Posted by culraven View Post
              Got my oil last week and have to say very impressed, can't really compare it to anything else as first attempt at finishing a cue my self, but went on easy and buffed up lovely, got the bug for it now!
              Thank you. Just work on building up the oil slowly, one thin coat at a time, you will be addicted to finishing your cue.:-)


              • Hello Airin......don't imagine you have any cue oil left, but if you do or have some coming let me know and I'll send you the payment(finally figured out how to do paypal.


                • Originally Posted by Rob Singer View Post
                  Hello Airin......don't imagine you have any cue oil left, but if you do or have some coming let me know and I'll send you the payment(finally figured out how to do paypal.
                  Hi Rob, glad you finally get a Paypal account.:-):-)
                  I just made 50 of them and thought they should last me a while!
                  I have quite a few people asking me for more oil so I will order some more bottles soon. Please give me about a week.
                  Thank you for your interest.


                  • Originally Posted by Rob Singer View Post
                    Hello Airin......don't imagine you have any cue oil left, but if you do or have some coming let me know and I'll send you the payment(finally figured out how to do paypal.
                    Hi Rob,
                    I have more oils in stock now. I have listed them on my web site.
                    Please check out
                    You can make payment in the online shop with your credit card even if you do not have a Paypal account.
                    Thank you.


                    • Hi Airin......thanks for the info. Just ordered through your online shop. Very nice website and easy to use.


                      • Originally Posted by Rob Singer View Post
                        Hi Airin......thanks for the info. Just ordered through your online shop. Very nice website and easy to use.
                        Hi Rob, thank you so much for visiting my new web site and placing your order. Your order will be shipped to you today. Thank you.


                        • What are the benfits of using this over raw linseed oil? is it just for show?


                          • You can read all about Aurora cue finish in this thread and also on my site:

                            Aurora cue finish can clean, restore, and protect your shaft/butt; it can do for your cue much more than just raw linseed oil.

                            Moreover, you can achieve a much better finish with Aurora cue finish than just applying raw linseed oil.

                            Furthermore, Pure raw linseed oil does not offer as much protection against moisture as Aurora cue finish.

                            I am not saying raw linseed oil is not a good finish, but things change and cues are being finished much better now than years ago. If you look at a Trevor White or a Mike Wooldridge cue, you can surely tell that lots of efforts have been put into sealing and finishing the wood--it is no longer just a few coats of linseed oil rubbed on anymore.

                            These are examples of cues finished with Aurora cue finish.

                            Last edited by poolqjunkie; 2 November 2011, 08:24 PM.


                            • thanks for your response pqj, i hope you do not think i was questioning your product, i was just curious as to how much more your oil would add in comparison to linseed oil if the same prep was put in before application.

                              perhaps i will purchase a bottle and find out for myself as the reviews have all been very positive.


                              • Originally Posted by Mellow Yellow View Post
                                thanks for your response pqj, i hope you do not think i was questioning your product, i was just curious as to how much more your oil would add in comparison to linseed oil if the same prep was put in before application.

                                perhaps i will purchase a bottle and find out for myself as the reviews have all been very positive.
                                Thanks for your questions. I am more than happy to answer them.

                                If all prep works are done the same, and both cues are finished with same number of coats (e.g. about 7 coats) of finish, all treated the same way, the cue finished with Aurora cue finish will have a more golden yellow finish which is harder, stronger, and glossier. I can say this because I used to use only raw linseed oil on my earlier cues.

                                You are right that the preparation is very important. If the wood on your cue is very rough then of course no matter how many coats of oil you put on, the wood will not all the sudden feel very smooth; on the other hand, even if your cue surface is very smooth, different types of cue finish can make a big difference to the end result and the amount of protection you get.

                                Aurora cue finish is what I use and what I believe in. I will not say it is the very best as there are many nice products around. You can see the result that the Aurora cue finish can achieve with different cues (not only mine) in the pictures provided and judge for yourself.:-)

                                It really is down to what you like.

                                Thank you very much for your interest.
                                Last edited by poolqjunkie; 4 November 2011, 12:28 AM.

