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new member, cue wanted

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  • Wanted new member, cue wanted

    New Member, Cue Wanted
    Hi All,
    Been lurking for a few days whilst researching cues, makers etc as I am looking to buy myself a new cue. I have a budget of a couple hundred, don't really want to spend a great deal more so English handmades are out of the equation I think. From what I have seen I'm sure I would be pretty happy with one of several, Phoenix, Craftsmen, Master, Powerglide, Perradon, GBL all seem to have nice looking cues in my budget, however, I would prefer to see and hold the cue and maybe knock a few balls before I select the actual cue that I want and I am stuggling to find anywhere in the south of England that has this facility. There appears to be a couple of places in the North (Craftsmen and Green Baize) where this is possible but I live in Petersfield (just north of Portsmouth) and given the absence of any outlets nearby-ish I am considering going to the Pompey away game to Leeds to visit the Craftsmen cue shop. Any advice will be appreciated regarding cue choice, quality, value for money, manufacturers reputation and hopefully someone might know somewhere in a hundred mile radius of Petersfield (London included) where I might be able to look at and buy a cue.
    Many Thanks Dan

  • #2
    Do you have an idea of the specs you want?


    • #3
      get in touch with jason owen it sounds if you live quite near


      • #4
        Thanks for the replies, as far as specs are concerned I am not too sure, but I will know when it looks and feels right and my wife says I have a wood fetish which is probably true and might have something to do with being an ex-carpenter. I do know I preferred my old ash cue (that I broke) to the maple I have put up with for the past 20 years. I can remember really liking the feel of some old half decent one piece cues that they had in a club I used to play in so I might get a one piece or a three quarter not sure which way to go on that one. I have not heard of Jason Owen, I will google him in a minute and see what comes up. I have another cue make in my price range to add to the list of those above and thats the Shark cues on the Mike Wooldridge site. Anyone have one, are you happy with it? Any advice on the list of makers above? Thanks Dan


        • #5
          hi, mate
          if you dont mind please check the following

          hope you like it
          Custom made never die


          • #6
            Thanks Jim and Jack,
            Jim I looked at Jason Owens website and he seems to make some very nice looking cues, I have sent him my details via his webpage, not sure that the cues are going to be anywhere near my budget as English handmade cues seem to be at least double what I can afford. My other concern is after reading some of the messages on the forum many people have had issues going down the hand made route (keith auld, dan shelton) and I can't really afford to hand over a fist full of money for something that might or might not get built in the future that I may or may not like/get on with and I certainly don't want to lose my deposit or end up waiting a year or more for a cue, thats why I was leaning towards heading up North where there are a couple of places that I can look at, try and buy decent cues. I can't believe there is nowhere in the south including London that retails decent cues from a premises where you can look at and hold the cue before you hand over your money.

            Jack, the facebook thing did not work for me but I did manage to see some of your cues on this site, do you import to English dealers? Are any in the South of the country (london included)? As I have mentioned I would prefer to see my actual cue, not a photograph of similar cues or even photographs of the actual cue, am I being weird wanting to see and hold the cue I want to own before handing over my money?

            Any dealers/shops in the south of England selling decent cues that I can look at please let me know. I never knew buying a cue could be so difficult.


            • #7
              Hi Dan, I'm having the same problem as there's little choice up here in Scotland too so I'm heading down to Green Baize later this month. I'm the same in that I don't really know what will be right for me so going somewhere with a good selection that I can try out a few is the best option.


              • #8
                Hi Dan, I have a Praram cue, beautiful ash shaft with 4 splices of black and white ebony. Very well crafted, accurate splicings. My mobile phone camera simply won't do it justice hence I did not post any pics. Communication with Jack is top notch too.

                Jack should post some sample pics of his cues here.

                Oh, did I mention the cue plays lovely too...
                When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                • #9
                  Hi Dan,

                  My advice would be take a trip up to John Parris and a look there, I know his cues might not be in your budget range but at least you get to try some cues out with different specs.......

                  And then you'll know what specs suit you....
                  Winner of 2011 Masters Fantasy game......
                  Winner of 2011 World Championship Fantasy game.......


                  • #10
                    Hi Damien and Dave,
                    Dave I can understand there might be a lack of retailers in Scotland I find it unbelievable that there is not 1 shop in London, I think I might have to start a new business. Let me know how you get on at Green Baize, are you thinking about getting one of there GBL cues? Are you not going to look at Craftsmen cues in Leeds? They seem to have a large selection.

                    Damien, were you able to see your cue before you bought it? If not what would you have done if you did not like it when it arrived? How much did it cost?
                    Regards Dan


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by DaveMadeThis View Post
                      Hi Dan, I'm having the same problem as there's little choice up here in Scotland too so I'm heading down to Green Baize later this month. I'm the same in that I don't really know what will be right for me so going somewhere with a good selection that I can try out a few is the best option.
                      there is lots of choice here!


                      • #12
                        John Parris was my first consideration when I decided I wanted a new cue and did a bit of research (had not even heard of him until I came on here) thats how little I knew 5 days ago, I am sure I could afford one of his cues I just don't know if I can justify spending so much given my lowly standard and I only play and practice for fun.
                        Anyhow, I think I would enjoy making the pilgrimage to his shop am just concerned I don't want to viewed as a bit of a time waster and I am more concerned I would be likely to make an impulse purchase on something the wife would beat me to death with when she finds out how much it cost. Do you know if there are stock cues in his shop to buy and take away? Does he stock any other makes to try and buy? I guess he probably doesn't, he should, there is a gaping hole in the market down south.
                        Regards Dan


                        • #13
                          ADR147, Are you in the south of England? Can I have a knock with the cues before I buy?
                          regards dan


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by danfire70 View Post
                            ADR147, Are you in the south of England? Can I have a knock with the cues before I buy?
                            regards dan
                            totally the opposite I afraid, see his flag may give you a clue
                            But he does seem to sell some good cues, maybe worth a punt....
                            Up the TSF! :snooker:


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by danfire70 View Post
                              New Member, Cue Wanted
                              Hi All,
                              Been lurking for a few days whilst researching cues, makers etc as I am looking to buy myself a new cue. I have a budget of a couple hundred, don't really want to spend a great deal more so English handmades are out of the equation I think. From what I have seen I'm sure I would be pretty happy with one of several, Phoenix, Craftsmen, Master, Powerglide, Perradon, GBL all seem to have nice looking cues in my budget, however, I would prefer to see and hold the cue and maybe knock a few balls before I select the actual cue that I want and I am stuggling to find anywhere in the south of England that has this facility. There appears to be a couple of places in the North (Craftsmen and Green Baize) where this is possible but I live in Petersfield (just north of Portsmouth) and given the absence of any outlets nearby-ish I am considering going to the Pompey away game to Leeds to visit the Craftsmen cue shop. Any advice will be appreciated regarding cue choice, quality, value for money, manufacturers reputation and hopefully someone might know somewhere in a hundred mile radius of Petersfield (London included) where I might be able to look at and buy a cue.
                              Many Thanks Dan
                              you think you have no choice???? try living in rural Australia over 900km to the closest cue stockest with any ok cues

