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Two Trevor White Cues

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  • #61
    Originally Posted by alex123 View Post
    Hi Neil
    How can I get back the refund that you promised ?
    Oh dear, problem ??


    • #62
      Neil is away until monday just to let you know he prob wont have access to tinternet til he gets back...


      • #63
        Hi Neil
        Pm send to you , but did not had a response


        • #64
          Hi Neil
          Why refund to me need so many time?


          • #65
            Alex i,ve just pm,d you and will refund you the £20 on thursday .

            Good job you did,nt buy a cue off Dan Shelton .


            • #66
              Selling stuff accross continents must be a right pain in the arse!
              Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


              • #67
                Not heard of Trevor White cues until this thread. Are they in he same league as John Parris and Mike Wooldridge?


                • #68
                  Some may say better in many respects
                  If you search around you will see many opinions on who is the best of all, but everyone always lists him as up there at the top.
                  see for a collection of images. enjoy
                  Up the TSF! :snooker:


                  • #69
                    I did google him but I only got through to an asian website. Couldnt see any prices. I had a great cue but sadly it got "misplaced" and for about a year and a half I have been hinting loudly and frequently to my wife about getting me a decent one for my birthday. Just happens to be next week and she has agreed to put £100 towards it which i'm going to double and get the best i can find for £200. I'm looking on ebay everyday hoping to find a Parris or similar standard cue for that money and there are some coming up. £400 is out of my price range though but anyone reccomend a good cue for £200? I'm after............
                    3/4 Ash cue with a case (not bothered about the case quality or make, as long as it fits and wont be falling apart after a few months).
                    Tip 9mm to 9.75mm.
                    Weight 18.5oz to 20oz.
                    I could go to £250 but i need the case included and would hope to get extensions for that included. Any ideas where to go other than ebay? Any help is appreciated.


                    • #70
                      Originally Posted by 1potato2 View Post
                      Not heard of Trevor White cues until this thread. Are they in he same league as John Parris and Mike Wooldridge?
                      Based on the couple I've actually held and hit a few balls with, he's right up there amongst the best, imo.
                      When life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back. GET MAD!!


                      • #71
                        Originally Posted by 1potato2 View Post
                        I did google him but I only got through to an asian website. Couldnt see any prices. I had a great cue but sadly it got "misplaced" and for about a year and a half I have been hinting loudly and frequently to my wife about getting me a decent one for my birthday. Just happens to be next week and she has agreed to put £100 towards it which i'm going to double and get the best i can find for £200. I'm looking on ebay everyday hoping to find a Parris or similar standard cue for that money and there are some coming up. £400 is out of my price range though but anyone reccomend a good cue for £200? I'm after............
                        3/4 Ash cue with a case (not bothered about the case quality or make, as long as it fits and wont be falling apart after a few months).
                        Tip 9mm to 9.75mm.
                        Weight 18.5oz to 20oz.
                        I could go to £250 but i need the case included and would hope to get extensions for that included. Any ideas where to go other than ebay? Any help is appreciated.
                        Trevor White does not have a website as you have found out
                        Also, his lead time tends to be measured in months rather than weeks as he is a one-man-band.
                        Not entirely sure of his prices but I believe his basic (ash/ebony butt) starts around the £250 mark.
                        There is a trader on here, ADR147, who tends to have stock of some nice cues and recently started a thread about what he has on offer ( have a look and ask him what he may have for your budget and spec. (I would not go heavier than 18.5oz)
                        If you are after a cue made to your spec, it would not hurt to have a look at Mastercraft Cues ( where they do have stock cues as well custom order facility.
                        A friend of mine got one from them earlier this year and got a lovely cue with case and extensions for good value and quick time.
                        have fun
                        Up the TSF! :snooker:


                        • #72
                          Make a new thread for this sort of thing mate.

                          Although i would say you can have a custom made brand new Mastercraft for that money.

                          EDIT: SPOOKY!
                          Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                          • #73
                            Originally Posted by Deepscrew View Post
                            Make a new thread for this sort of thing mate.

                            Although i would say you can have a custom made brand new Mastercraft for that money.

                            EDIT: SPOOKY!
                            Up the TSF! :snooker:


                            • #74
                              Originally Posted by 1potato2 View Post
                              I did google him but I only got through to an asian website. Couldnt see any prices. I had a great cue but sadly it got "misplaced" and for about a year and a half I have been hinting loudly and frequently to my wife about getting me a decent one for my birthday. Just happens to be next week and she has agreed to put £100 towards it which i'm going to double and get the best i can find for £200. I'm looking on ebay everyday hoping to find a Parris or similar standard cue for that money and there are some coming up. £400 is out of my price range though but anyone reccomend a good cue for £200? I'm after............
                              3/4 Ash cue with a case (not bothered about the case quality or make, as long as it fits and wont be falling apart after a few months).
                              Tip 9mm to 9.75mm.
                              Weight 18.5oz to 20oz.
                              I could go to £250 but i need the case included and would hope to get extensions for that included. Any ideas where to go other than ebay? Any help is appreciated.
                              You'll be VERY VERY lucky to get a TW for £200. Personally, I think you'll have more chance of winnng the lottery, but good luck. For £200, try Jason Owen (Cue Guru), he might be able to work something out for you, but not sure of his prices. (you won't get a case though, I don't think). Alternatively, Craftsman cues are a good bet.
                              If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


                              • #75
                                I would also say try Jim Evans (on here) as he is producing some nice examples, not sure of his prices but wont be too far off your budget but again no case, proabably
                                Up the TSF! :snooker:

