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24 ivory snooker balls full size plus Victorian ball basket

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  • eBay 24 ivory snooker balls full size plus Victorian ball basket

    I have 24 ivory balls available for sale,

    Very old and rare.


    A complete set with 3 billiard balls.

    Plus a Victorian ball basket.

    Buyer can pay through paypal, bank transfer or

    I'm more then happy for buyer to pick up or I can deliver within reason.

    Will post photos tomorrow.

    Best offer will win it. Sensible offers please.
    Last edited by Bondy2011; 11 September 2011, 02:13 PM.

  • #3


    • #4
      Further to my post regarding this item on another thread, this is a typical collection of odd ivory balls from different sources, which is what I see most commonly from people who claim to possess an ivory snooker set. Balls of different sizes; colours which have gone, and rather than being re-dyed (which requires skill and knowledge) have been painted. I can't tell on this basis whether all the reds are ivory, but they probably are or they wouldn't have been painted in the first place. I also see a spot-white billiard ball thrown in for good measure.

      I would suggest that for someone who can use the ivory for something else, about £20 a ball on average would be a reasonable price. I shouldn't think a memorabilia collector would be interested.

      The wicker container is a Pool Basket. This was not intended to be used for storage, but was a means to randomly allocate balls for the game of Life Pool. It is difficult to date these as they were produced to essentially the same design for a long time. I would say that the last time you would have easily been able to buy one new was just before the last war. I have an advert for them in a couple of trade catalogues for 1937-38.

      You might consider selling this separately as, unlike the balls, it would be of interest to collectors. There are a number of well-known trick shots which involve the use of a Pool Basket, which keeps it in demand. Although still quite common, you might get up to £50 for it.


      • #5
        Hi while I appreciate your feedback however I think £20 a ball is well off to be honest. The very same balls sell for over £100 each on eBay on a regular basis albeit advertised as Ox bone. So thanks but I feel your pricing is so far of.


        • #6
          Would also like to add all sizes of balls are the same size.


          • #7
            I will confess it is 3 or 4 years since I have looked at prices closely. The figure I have quoted is what I could pick these up for around the trade fairs at that time. I know that old ivory balls were commonly used for bagpipe parts and dealers told me that they were the chief customers in the UK. Since then the law has been clarified to make it clear that sale of reworked old ivory is also illegal, presumably on the basis that despite being from an old source, once reworked it is indistinguishable from new.

            If the prices have quadrupled recently there must be a new source of demand for purposes I am unaware. I believe that Chinese medicine uses powdered ivory – perhaps this has boosted the market. I would be interested in the selling price you achieve if it is significantly different to the figure I suggest, so keep me informed. Best of luck.


            • #8
              Thank you appreciated.

              I have got a solid offer already of £2450 but didn't want to state this as didn't want to influence other offers.


              • #9
                I must also state that no balls have been painted as 100uper presumed.

                What you see here is a full set of snooker balls and 3 billiard balls.


                • #10
                  Just out of interest what are they like to play with ?? Or is that something you don't even try ? what weight in grams is each ball roughly, my modern ones are 141 each, just wondering how they compare, cheers


                  • #11
                    Never ever used them to play with jrc. Similar weights ranging from 120 to 140.


                    • #12
                      well i am going to sort of agree with everyone here - its not a snooker set in my opinion the colours surely vary too much that said £20 a ball is well off these days. i have sold about 10 in the last few months all in the range £72-£128. £2450 i would take that offer in a flash.


                      • #13
                        It's defiantly a full Original set. This has been in my family for 3 generations at least 100ish years. I'm still not 100% sure of the legalities of sending to china. Is this legal?


                        • #14
                          i really would appreciate if anyone can advise me if sending to China to legal etc?

                          Little bit worried about sending 2 and half grannds worth of balls to china.


                          • #15
                            call China and UK customs they should be able to tell u 100%

