the mrs bought a jimmy choo handbag the last time we were abroad for about £20, the quality is unbelievable and stands up to the genuine jimmy choo one she paid silly money for, so it's like anything else, it's worth what ever people are prepared to pay for it.
i very vaugley remember seeing one at a pool festival a few years back, up in rhyl or maybe the worlds in bridlington? maybe part of the batch adr has said about, it was a tan colour leather with the lv designs all over it i think, it caught my eye cos i've never seen one before, or since come to think of it.
personally i think they must be 100% fake, think about it, why would a multi billion pound international fashion house make cue cases.
answer - they wouldnt.
i very vaugley remember seeing one at a pool festival a few years back, up in rhyl or maybe the worlds in bridlington? maybe part of the batch adr has said about, it was a tan colour leather with the lv designs all over it i think, it caught my eye cos i've never seen one before, or since come to think of it.
personally i think they must be 100% fake, think about it, why would a multi billion pound international fashion house make cue cases.
answer - they wouldnt.