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old / antique / collectable cue - some good players some for collectors only!

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  • eBay old / antique / collectable cue - some good players some for collectors only!

    After always moaning when someone puts a list of cues up for sale and says, "make me an offer", I thought I'd become a hypocrit and do just that. I'm doubting I even know what they're worth these days after seeing great cues given away on ebay, and not so great cues go for a fortune.

    Anyway, any interest in the cues below before I ebay this weekend send me a PM. If not I'll post the ebay links up if/when I get around to it. Thanks for looking!


    Cues left to right:

    Peall 3304 - Dark Ash shaft - Some raising/seperation of splices. Still solid but I'd say suits only a collector unless sent for a refurb.

    Joe Davis 600 - Maple shaft original lacquer butt and as good a badge as you'll see! Slightes bend downward when held badge up but definitely playable.

    Fred Davis Champion - Dark Ash shaft, slight bend up and to the right badge facing up but still usable.

    Riley Special Club Cue - Budget Ash cue slight raising of front splice near butt, but still solid, slightly more bend to the right so would need to be straightened to play.

    Riley Diamond Cue -Nice ash playable cue which sights straight (would need to be ferruled), Can see the splice join on the butt but not at all loose/cracked, small hole under butt (of no importance just mentioned for completeness.

    Riley Disc Cue - Pretty much as it left the showroom, straight and full original finish.

    Horace Lindrum Cue - Ash cue retapered for pool at some stage, bang straight and v pretty macasser or similar butt - perfect for pool player who likes an older cue.

    Horace Lindrum Cue - Snooker spec maple! Very very slightest bend to the left not a problem to anyone but the paranoid!

    Grosvenor Club Cue - Full lacquer butt, fair bend to the left so would probably best suit a collector.

    Unknown Cue - Very very whipply cue, quite a bend to the left so could do with straightening, but silky smooth finish, was previously in use as a players billiard cue. Good fun for experimenting with £15 delivered and you can have this.
    Specs: No tape measure but my comparison ~57.5" 10mm+

    Sidney Smith Cue - Tight dark ash size with one of those uber rare side on weight stamps collector only I'd say moderate bend to right.

    Riley Burwat Riley Cue - Maple cue, full refub at craftsman as a couple of the splices had lifted. Now all good and a nice hit considering the tip size slightest hint of a bend to the left but I've played with this a few times and never noticed until now.
    Specs: again no measure, so by comparison 57.5" and tip ~10mm+ stamped 17oz

    Raper & Sons - Dark maple cue, some seperation of the splices but feels solid, quite a bend downwards so could do with straighening for use as a player.

    Peall 3304 - Maple cue straight and plays great.. reluctant sale but I had 5 of these! Full lacquer butt, originally had the original reverse screw in tips but had been changed to a std ferrule.
    Last edited by perpetualboredom; 23 November 2011, 09:47 PM.
    Old cue collector --
    Cue Sales:
    (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)

  • #2
    missing the last pic:

    Old cue collector --
    Cue Sales:
    (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


    • #3
      trouble is on ebay great cues can go for nothing and poor cues for a fortune i bought a willie smith for £71 the other day!


      • #4
        Was that the smith and nelson one? There's been some shockers, then you see a broken Riley diamond respliced with whAt looks like the timber from a broom handle flying away!
        Old cue collector --
        Cue Sales:
        (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


        • #5
          Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
          Was that the smith and nelson one? There's been some shockers, then you see a broken Riley diamond respliced with whAt looks like the timber from a broom handle flying away!
          this one - - yes you can't tell any more what things will go for!


          • #6
            No , the Smith and Nelson "two piece" went for £83 and what about that one piece,untouched Donaldson in hornbeam that went for £62 + postage major league WTF or what ,worlds going crazy ???


            • #7
              its very odd 3 years ago that willie smith would have been £200 for sure.


              • #8
                Not sure about that - short, small tip and bashed up badge would never make top dollar.
                Old cue collector --
                Cue Sales:
                (yes I know they're not cheap, I didn't intend them to be!..)


                • #9
                  I am selling a Willie Smith Champion Cue


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by old school View Post
                    No , the Smith and Nelson "two piece" went for £83 and what about that one piece,untouched Donaldson in hornbeam that went for £62 + postage major league WTF or what ,worlds going crazy ???
                    had my eye on the Smith and Nelson willie smith cue, it went for £102 which wasnt bad, id bid more but there was no pics of shaft and i asked for some and no reply


                    • #11
                      Originally Posted by perpetualboredom View Post
                      Not sure about that - short, small tip and bashed up badge would never make top dollar.
                      56 ok and tip ok just - i think i might have a spare badge!

