I think Unclevit (Suvit) has some problems with ensuring quality control. He's a busy man with lots of business interests and his workshop tend to "do their own thing" when not closely supervised from Suvit. I bought a C-Brand (Red Badge) last year and its fantastic value for the money although I did have some problems with the SD joint and had to get it fixed in the UK at my cost.
I'm gob-smacked with the cue sent to ADR! Something has gone drastically wrong there and I'm sure Unclevit will be on to the the Forum to explain.
I'd have another one of these cues in a minute but would need some re-assurances regarding delivery dates and adherance to requested spec.
I'm gob-smacked with the cue sent to ADR! Something has gone drastically wrong there and I'm sure Unclevit will be on to the the Forum to explain.
I'd have another one of these cues in a minute but would need some re-assurances regarding delivery dates and adherance to requested spec.