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*** Uncle Vit - Selling 4-Arrow Shaft ***

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  • Originally Posted by trevs1 View Post
    I agree, but doubt it would happen.
    Agreed. I have heard "rumblings" from people who claim to be "in the know" or "friends with certain cue makers", who claim that several (including at least 2 "top tier") cue makers are buying in imported cues, re-finishing them, and selling them for a massive profit. These people always claim to know "where they buy from" or "who is supplying them", but I consider word of mouth without actual knowledge to be unfair in attempting to drag someone's reputation down. I don't believe either of the makers in question do this, as both would be risking what they have worked hard to build up for a quick and easy buck. I takes time to build a good reputation. It takes minutes and stupidity to destroy it.
    Even if the cue maker is doing this, if the end customer is delighted with the end product, what does it matter where it came from? If I knew for certain this was happening, whilst I wouldn't shout it from the rooftops, I wouldn't deny knowledge of it if asked.

    (*for the record Trevor, your name was NOT one of the two mentioned as one of these. I have never heard it even contemplated that you do this.)
    If you want to play the pink, but you're hampered by the red, you could always try to play the brown!


    • I think that at one point Parris was accused of buying in blank shafts from Mastercue as a favour due to a huge backlog of orders and then suddenly this rumour snowballed to the point where people believed that all his stock cues are imported and made by someone else. JP has refuted this rumour, both on here and on his own website and having seen the set up for my own eyes I can categorically say that this is not the case now, though whether it was done a few years back I cannot say for certain.

      The only thing I don't buy into this rumour that certain cue makers import shafts is down to the fact that in the far east a lot of these cue making factories have enough orders of their own. China at this present moment in time is the destination for roughly 70% of all cue orders for the majority of cue makers. Therefore with so many orders from that region, if they got wind that the cues they are buying are mostly made in that region, why would they bother ordering from the UK? It doesn't make sense, I think unless people are prepared to back up their claims of this then they really shouldn't go about spreading rumours. How would they like their own business deals to be brought into question?


      • This cue came with a finish ADR didnt expect/like, a hooky badge and rough brasswork. He said himself the splicing and the shaft were sound.

        The badge issue is a funny one, shouldnt happen but then 99.99% of people who buy wouldnt care. They sent the wrong badge to the wrong person in this case. Fake goods of any sort from Thailand isnt exactly a new thing.

        The finish on the butt i like. Doesnt effect my cueing and it looks nice and shiny. Again, ADR was expecting something different and didnt like it...fair doo's.

        Dodgy brasswork really shouldnt happen. You'd like to think it was shiny once...not great.

        I would like to see the seller do something, quite what im not sure. As we all know its not practical to send it back across to the other side of the world. Its difficult. As i put in my original review of my cue, i was sceptical about buying a cue from them but when it arrived it was as good if not better than i expected and cost me £150 all in. So personally im happy.
        Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


        • Yep Deepscrew you didn't have high expectations so therefore anything above those is going to mean a happy customer. Problem is some people have higher levels of expectation than others, and some players are better than others which naturally is going to lead to some being more critical of the cue they receive.

          I think the lesson for anyone dealing with a seller abroad is you aren't going to get the same quality as the top cue makers here, so to try and compare really is silly. If something is cheap there is usually a reason for that, not that these are exactly cheap but you know what I mean. Also you have to take into account there is going to be a lack of after care service when dealing with anyone from overseas. Any problems are going to be exacerbated because of language and time difference and the inability to make contact in person if necessary. So it really is a case of buyer beware, you pays you money you take your chances.


          • Absolutely cueman. Pays your money takes your choice thats right.
            Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


            • Originally Posted by cueman View Post
              Yep Deepscrew you didn't have high expectations so therefore anything above those is going to mean a happy customer. Problem is some people have higher levels of expectation than others, and some players are better than others which naturally is going to lead to some being more critical of the cue they receive.

              I think the lesson for anyone dealing with a seller abroad is you aren't going to get the same quality as the top cue makers here, so to try and compare really is silly. If something is cheap there is usually a reason for that, not that these are exactly cheap but you know what I mean. Also you have to take into account there is going to be a lack of after care service when dealing with anyone from overseas. Any problems are going to be exacerbated because of language and time difference and the inability to make contact in person if necessary. So it really is a case of buyer beware, you pays you money you take your chances.
              Yes but unfortunately this has proven true for me ordering cues from the UK as well.
              Tear up that manure-fed astroturf!


              • strange that to all of this unclevit hasnt replied as yet but again he is a very busy man. As he did say selling cues is more of a hobby than a business or maybe that has changed i dont really know but from all of my dealings with him he has been above board. He even fixed a crack on one of the cues that I bought free of charge even though it was my fault to begin with. I have bought 6 cues from him in the past and all of them were good. The cues that were ready made came with the laquer finish which I had to refinish myself but all of the custom cues I ordered came exactly as I ordered. the same has happened with the cue ADR ordered in that it was already made and not made to custom so all in all I guess the only complaints is the hooky badge and this is not something new with unclevit as there have been numerous cases in the past where he has advertised cues with other brand name badges. He changes them on request. In this case I dont think that request was made. The last thing is the faulty brass fitting if that being the case then there is no excuse other than bad workmanship. I am not here in defence of anyone just putting forth my my bit and exeperiences with Suvit. Best though if he himself clears all of this up.


                • Originally Posted by eaoin11 View Post
                  Yes but unfortunately this has proven true for me ordering cues from the UK as well.
                  I agree with you.
                  I have seen some from a top cuemaker that have split, play like a dog and even two that were meant to be the same spec. yet were different lengths and taper.

                  There is a risk in any purchase although if bought closer to home then aftersales is easier and less for postage.


                  • Originally Posted by sanman View Post
                    the same has happened with the cue ADR ordered in that it was already made and not made to custom so all in all I guess the only complaints is the hooky badge
                    Plus the spec is totally different than was advertised, the weight, tip size and length is everything on a cue.

                    It was advertised as 57 inches total length, Cue Tip 9.5mm, 17oz.

                    Andrew (ADR) recieved a cue that was 56.7" long 9.4mm and more than 18oz.
                    Last edited by The Stig; 25 January 2012, 02:38 PM.


                    • Standby people

                      I may be one of the victims as well, will update on my situation after i see what is delivered............


                      • Originally Posted by Izzyfcuk View Post
                        Standby people

                        I may be one of the victims as well, will update on my situation after i see what is delivered............
                        Oh no...
                        I have a thought that UncleVit, as a business move has "sold" his "cue-business" to Kwan and Nong and who-knows who else, who's standard are not at the level as was UV's, ?
                        Why has not UV come on here to explain, or even Kwan/Nong.
                        1. why wrong cues sent out?
                        2. Why the wrong badge.
                        3 Why no contact.
                        Up the TSF! :snooker:


                        • Long story short

                          1. Placed an order in Oct - Exp delivery in Dec....Floods fine

                          2. Oct - Suvit, Dec to Jan - Kwan/Nong

                          3. Paid full, gave shipping address in Oct/Dec, Now telling me sending out Feb asking me to confirm HK address, WTF, im in Singapore


                          • Sounds like i got lucky! Hope its sorted for you mate.
                            Unclevit C Brand - CueGuru Tip.


                            • izzyfcuk : i'll ship your cue for FREE. No worry, it's my New Year gift to you. Under your given Hunt & Osborne badge, for sure Unclevit
                              It's in the Shaft


                              • If that is unclevit, very out of character response... HMMM.

                                Summat smelly going on man...........................

