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*** Uncle Vit - Selling 4-Arrow Shaft ***

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  • Originally Posted by unclevit View Post
    izzyfcuk : i'll ship your cue for FREE. No worry, it's my New Year gift to you. Under your given Hunt & Osborne badge, for sure Unclevit
    Does no one put the real badge on their cues anymore lol


    • It was a replica that I wanted. I bought the badge from tony glover, but couldn't wait 40 weeks!

      Also it was "Hunt Obryne" not "Hunt Osbourne"


      • H e l l o f r o m u n c l e v i t

        Hi Everybody

        Been back to rest for a few days. But did follow on my Kwan & Nong chasing orders. They are working fine for me. Don't blame them but blame me for not teaching my nieces well enough. Very sorry. I asked them to use my member and email box for correspondences to prevent misunderstanding that they are from somewhere else. My fault again, perhaps. Packages will need to have my name as sender as it's registered with the post. All packages will go out with different container, and not to mix with other usual senders.

        1. Thank You ADR for your fine comments. My fault not to ask Nong to look again on the joint. Everybody can blame me on this. The cue is with that badge (given from a customer) since it's made out from the workshop. It's in the photo when listed, so we thought you know about it. Perhaps, the photo is resized and the picture is not clear enough. My fault.
        2. To admit, our cues are playing better than they look. Someone played at our recent Sangsorm 6-Red Championship here in Bangkok last year said to me, "Suvit, it's the score that is important, not the look of the cue. Your shaft is playing good. Keep doing this". I listen to this encouraging comment, as he is somebody for that tournament". He got a "C" Brand cue back home. Yes, he paid for it. Not free. Same price as workshop quoted to everybody.
        3. Thank You for all supporters wrote to me in this thread. For those negative feedbacks (seemed like funs, but I'll listen to all comments).
        4. The price on that cue reflects workshop's retail. Custom orders from me gets cheaper quote.
        5. For those who never done their own cues, it's pain to get out and drive from one wood seller to another, in a heavy Bangkok traffic. Spending hours and hours selecting fine woods for shaft and butt woods, which I only do for orders to me. If you like cues like me, the fun is the reward side. Half of them went to our bar-b-q stove, statistics saying this. This is why each cue takes a lot of time to finish, and the most time consuming part is the shaft. I am trying to deliver all pending orders as quickly as possible. After that, who knows.

        I am not trying to further my discussion here, which seems a fun to many. I am asked to shut my mouth up talking about brands, telling more about this workshop. Likely (according to warning) not to get any outside orders anymore, which is fine for me, as I only help these cuemakers (one shop) to earn extra money besides their full time job working for somebody elses. But my hobby for cue collecting is still on.

        Again, sorry for not teaching both of my nieces - Kwan & Nong - that well. Please don't blame them, but blame me instead. They are just trying to help me when I am away on trips (sanman : my car's trunk is loaded with more....than my 870 remington now - you know that I am busy!). And again, thank you for all supports and negative feedbacks. Everybody is very sincere to me. Have to shut up now, or else my people will lose their other jobs.

        This is a long writing. Sorry for bad grammars. Thank you for your kind reading time. I am going to church now (I am catholic), and will pray for all of you, both good and negative comments.

        God Bless. Happy New Year to All of You. Wish you a happy snooker year
        (Still, Kwan and Nong will do email responses when I am away, but all of them will still be under my 'reading/guiding' first. I promise to personally trying to answer all emails myself when off from my other businesses. And to confirm, I am choosing all of your woods myself, together with the workshop, and phone them occasionally to talk about custom cues in their production stages.)
        Last edited by unclevit; 29 January 2012, 01:00 AM. Reason: grammar
        It's in the Shaft


        • Trying to discredit me ?
          There is one buyer who got a refund from me, but I did not get the cue back !!
          There gone the cost of my coffee break at The Oriental Hotel
          It's in the Shaft


          • There goes my English spelling again. Sorry, but I am just a Thai trying to write good English
            BTW, picking up your cue next 3 days. You place your order around mid September last year, and not to consider the clearing time of eCheck, waiting for the joint and the badge, it's only some 18 weeks. Most of the weeks were spent on the shaft finding.
            It's in the Shaft


            • No more answer to this thread

              Just got an email. Somebody is telling me to shut my mouth up, or else my cuemakers will lose their other cuemaking job. Sorry. Got to go. Bye and best regards. Unclevit
              It's in the Shaft


              • Don't understand, why would they lose their jobs ??


                • don't know. i just need to shut up, written the guy. anyway, it's the workshop destiny if my lots of talking will cause them to lose jobs.
                  should not be here in the first place. sorry
                  It's in the Shaft


                  • So who is emailing you, John Parris or Mike Wooldridge




                      • Originally Posted by jrc750 View Post
                        So who is emailing you, John Parris or Mike Wooldridge
                        Not them for sure !! Both of them can do much much better cues than me. Can't compare me with them, past, now, or even in the future Thanks jrc !
                        Out to church now. God Bless all readers.
                        It's in the Shaft


                        • Thanks cally. I like this one too
                          It's in the Shaft


                          • I don't know if i'm on the correct track here, but it seems to me that the following is happening.

                            The cues are made by an external company with little or no supervision from you. And now you're spilling the beans it will cut down their potential orders from other companies.

                            If this is the case You and your nieces have been selling cues on here under falsified information. Or at least that's the way it looks to me. I could be barking up the wrong tree, so just ignore me if i am. It all sounds very sketchy though.


                            • I think--but I do not have any first hand knowledge--what he might be saying is that this workshop is doing some work for another company (may be one in the UK) and this workshop does not want him to "spill the beans" as this may cause the workshop some potential trouble in terms of their relationship with this company. Just my guess.


                              • I was told that Prime cues and GBL cues are the same cues with different badges.They certainly look and feel the same. Can anyone confirm this for me?

